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Chapter 817 Advanced Transfiguration and the Ancestral Giant


October 30th, Friday, the fifth day after the Double Ninth Festival, and also the first day that Zhang Yanhang left the Ash-End World, at 1:10 pm, the main world, Qingfeng City, suburbs.

After spending almost half an hour feeling his physical condition, Zhang Yanhang has basically determined the current growth rate of his body.

I have to say that it is indeed much better than before. Previously, it took Zhang Yanhang almost seven and a half or even eight minutes to grow one centimeter in size, but now it only takes six minutes.

This means that Zhang Yanhang's growth rate has increased from the previous eight centimeters per hour to ten centimeters per hour, which is almost an increase of two centimeters. Correspondingly, the daily growth rate has also increased from the original 192 centimeters to 200 centimeters per hour.

Forty centimeters, an increase of forty-eight centimeters.

"In other words, I used to grow almost two meters a day, but now I grow half a meter more than before...

Because of the increase in energy recovery speed, the skill effect of Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth has gradually become more powerful."

Counting the half hour just now and the previous hour, Zhang Yanhang's current body size has successfully grown from the original 202 centimeters to 215 centimeters, an increase of 13 centimeters again.

"By this time tomorrow, I should be able to grow to a size of more than three meters. However, as the size gradually increases, it will also bring about many problems. For example, by this time tomorrow, I will be taller than the ceiling.

It’s so high that I can’t even lift my head if I continue to live at home, I can only bend down.”

But fortunately, Zhang Yanhang naturally has a solution to this problem, and this solution is very simple.

Of course, this solution is not to say that Zhang Yanhang will not live in a building from now on, but to just find a piece of wild land and put a Li Ou Shelter as a house to live in. That is still a bit impractical.

His solution is undoubtedly much more reliable. When his size really grows to that extent, he thinks that he should simply use a transformation spell to shrink his body again, and then wait.

During the battle, the transformation state will be released.

Although Transformation is a fourth-level spell that is not very good at growing larger and cannot exceed its own size too much, there is absolutely no problem in becoming smaller. He can easily transform into small animals such as frogs and crows, so

, although it cannot be regarded as a completely professional counterpart when used for simple body size reduction, it is still no problem to at least prescribe the right medicine.

Moreover, after all, his current transformation technique has also been increased by level. The relevant effects have definitely been at least several times higher than before, and it will definitely not be insufficient. He estimates that even if his height grows to dozens of meters

The range should be easily reduced to a normal height of two meters.

As for how much higher it is, it's already a matter of next year. You can worry about next year's matters next year. At most, it's the transformation spell with a higher level, such as advanced transformation spell, so it's really not a big problem.

After briefly feeling the current body size growth rate, Zhang Yanhang opened the skill effect of Fa Tian Xiang Di·x and took a look.

[Fa Tian Xian Di x (Active Skill)]

[Active effect: After the skill is activated, the Lord of Destiny can freely change (get bigger) the body. The maximum transformation limit is 2000% + 1500% = 3500% [currently 75 meters (+5 meters)], and the power effect is +500%. None

Cooling time, a small amount of stamina consumption.】

[Additional attributes: Maximum deformation limit +1500%.]

"Although my current height is only 215 centimeters, the maximum deformation limit has increased from the original seventy meters to seventy-five meters after being increased by Fa Tian Xiang Di's growth rate of up to 3500%, and has increased by five meters again.

The maximum deformation limit is really good.”

Even though there are less than eleven hours left today, Zhang Yanhang estimates that it will be easy for him to increase the maximum deformation limit to one hundred meters before the end of the day.

But it is definitely impossible for Zhang Yanhang to be satisfied with a mere 100 meters. After all, it is not even as tall as the 240-meter-high ancestral giant among the giants.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is not as high as the big enemy of Diming Allen. Although Diming Allen only has a skeleton, he is not very strong. In other words, he is a weak group in front of Zhang Yanhang who has been promoted to the fourth level. It is estimated that one hit

A nuclear explosion can directly explode it, but its height alone is as high as 1,000 meters.

Zhang Yanhang feels that his ultimate goal must be higher than that of Allen, the big enemy.

"It's just that it may not be difficult to reach 240 meters. I estimate that it will only take two or three days to catch up, but 1,000 meters is still a little difficult for me at the moment.

Therefore, if you want to fill such a big gap simply by relying on automatic body growth, you will have to wait until at least the middle of next month. Therefore, if you want to increase your body size to a thousand meters as soon as possible, you still need to cooperate with Fa Tian Xiang Di.

The skill level needs to be improved."

According to Zhang Yanhang’s past experience, as long as Fa Tian Xiang Di

Compressed from the middle of the month to the beginning of the month.

In other words, if he is lucky, he might be able to increase his height to 1,000 meters before he is promoted to the fifth level. Even if he is not so lucky, he can probably increase his body shape to 1,000 meters in the early stages of promotion to the fifth level.


"But although it can be easily accomplished if you follow the steps step by step, considering the time factor, this is indeed a long-term goal."

Zhang Yanhang can only say that he hopes to complete it before he is promoted to the fifth level.

"Time, time, what I lack most now is time, but what I lack most is also time...

The reason for the lack of time is that the promotion speed is too fast and there is not enough time for growth. The reason for the lack of time is that there is really nothing to do before the transmission channel is opened. It is really contradictory and complicated."

Because he wanted to improve the skill level of Fa Tian Xiang Di, Zhang Yanhang became more determined to find a permanent teleportation channel to clean up.

After solving the Tianxiangguo matter, Zhang Yanhang immediately began to teleport towards the outer Xing'an Mountains. It has to be said that it is quite far away, about 2,500 kilometers away.

But no matter how far it was, he was not flying after all, but teleporting, so he quickly and successfully arrived at the Waixing'an Mountains in just a few seconds.

As for where the Waixing'an Mountains are, naturally the mountains outside the Greater Khingan Mountains are called the Waixing'an Mountains.

Although it is only October, the Outer Xing'an Mountains, which is close to Siberia, or in other words, is a complete part of Siberia in the conventional sense, has already been covered with heavy snow.

A thick layer of snow that reinforces the ground.

Looking at this snowy and wild land with no signs of development at all, Zhang Yanhang didn't have much reaction.

After all, to be honest, the environment in the Outer Xing'an Mountains is pretty good, and there are still some people living there. The Greenland he went to before was really outrageous. The snow and low temperature environment there were much more exaggerated than here.

Therefore, after seeing Greenland, Zhang Yanhang just felt better when he came to the Xing'an Mountains.

Of course, I have to mention that next to the Waixing'an Mountains is the famous Ninggu Pagoda. A certain Xingzhen who likes to build gardens and does not want to reveal her name likes to send people here. This is the legendary ultimate place.

A bitter cold place.

However, the location of Waixing'an Mountains is farther outside than Ninggu Pagoda, and the environment is even worse. In ancient times, except for prisoners and garrisons, basically normal people would not choose to live here if they had no problem with their brains. This is also

As a result, even in the 21st century, there are still few people living here.

And to be honest, the area in the Outer Xing'an Mountains is quite large, covering at least hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. And if you include the surrounding areas, it is estimated to be hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. In such a big place

It is indeed very difficult to find mountains and caves with completely unknown features.

But fortunately, Zhang Yanhang has just been promoted to a higher level, and his strength has greatly increased. Now his movement speed is as high as Mach 14, and his coverage area is as high as 165 square kilometers. Therefore, although it will waste some time to scan it again,

Generally speaking, if you want to complete it, it can be accomplished.

However, a lot of time may be wasted in the specific process. Therefore, in order not to waste time, Zhang Yanhang immediately made a random choice, triggered the time pause, and prepared to scan the outer Xing'an Mountains in the time pause state.

Although it is not the same place, it is the same time pause. Zhang Yanhang is also familiar with scanning in this state.

However, there is no such thing as a familiar road. Although Zhang Yanhang scanned it several times without giving up, he found no sign of any mountain peaks with caves.

"It seems that my luck is not that good. The thousand-year stalactite solution in the option really requires the option of 'making something out of nothing' to get it."

But fortunately, although the thousand-year stalactite solution was indeed not found, Zhang Yanhang had scanned hundreds of thousands of square kilometers nearby, so he still found a lot of natural and earthly treasures.

However, the situation here is similar to the situation in Qindao City before. Most of them are first- and second-level natural materials and earthly treasures, which are not very useful to him, and there are not many in terms of quantity.

The reason is that the concentration of spiritual energy in the Waixing'an Mountains is relatively low, so it is naturally unable to produce a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. As for asking, there are obviously no people here to absorb spiritual energy, but it is counterintuitive that the concentration of spiritual energy is relatively low.

That's naturally because there are no awakened ones nearby, and there is no permanent teleportation channel.

Due to some related reasons, the transmission channel has a special relationship with the awakened people. It can only be entered by the awakened people and often appears in places with a higher density of awakened people.

Qindao City is the best example. Although there are 20 million people here who are constantly absorbing spiritual energy every day, because the transmission channels and permanent transmission channels transport more spiritual energy, those who absorb cannot keep up with those who lose. Therefore,

As a result, the spiritual energy concentration continues to rise.

This is also the reason why the empire has been continuously increasing the degree of urbanization. Only by sending more awakened people from rural areas to urban areas, and allowing the transmission channels and the spiritual energy in them to form a cluster effect, can the security of remote areas be truly guaranteed.

Otherwise, if even remote areas open permanent transmission channels every day like big cities like Qindao City, then the defense forces must be dispersed. Even a powerful empire cannot support such an outrageous defense plan.

In comparison, it would be more cost-effective to promote urbanization and "concentrate efforts on big things".

Because of this, to a certain extent, the higher the density of awakened people, not only will it not lead to spiritual energy depletion like the conventional power system, but it will only cause the spiritual energy density to become higher.

The higher the density of spiritual energy, the higher the awakening probability of awakened people. The more awakened people, the more transmission channels and the more spiritual energy. Therefore, this is a complete positive cycle.

Correspondingly, in some sparsely populated remote areas, especially in the harsh cold places of Siberia like the Outer Xing'an Mountains, it is naturally very easy to understand that the natural resources and treasures are not even as abundant as in urban areas.

, after all, there really aren’t too many idle Awakened people settling around here.

Even so, after all, it still covers an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang finally found a three-digit treasure of heaven and earth in one go. Maybe it’s because there really aren’t many people around here.

, there are not even many monsters. After all, compared to the natural treasures in the wild, monsters are the most common beneficiaries in the city.

"Although I really couldn't find the thousand-year stalactite solution mentioned in the options, since there are other heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can be obtained, let's get the other heavenly materials and earthly treasures first."

Zhang Yanhang quickly eliminated multiple choices and began to continuously obtain heavenly materials and earthly treasures through teleportation based on the previously scanned locations.


October 30, Friday, the fifth day after the Double Ninth Festival, and also the first day that Zhang Yanhang left the world of Ashes, at 3:25 pm, the main world, the Outer Xing'an Mountains, the Nameless Mountains.

Because the area covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in the surrounding areas of the Outer Xing'an Mountains is indeed too large, and because it contains a relatively large number of natural materials and treasures, Zhang Yanhang finally spent more than two hours.

Only then can we finally collect all the treasures of heaven and earth.

Because it is necessary to constantly determine the direction and position and lock the coordinates and related marks of Tiancai and Dibao at the same time, the whole process can be said to be quite torture. Zhang Yanhang never thought that one day just collecting Tiancai and Dibao would become like this.


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