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Chapter 960 SSS Level Talent [Sky Rhythm]

At the same time, because the charm attribute has been relatively lacking recently, Zhang Yanhang also hopes that this time after the Ocean Rhythm upgrade, the charm attribute bonus can be increased.

【Merger completed.】

[You have obtained the SSS-level talent ‘Sky Rhythm’.]

"After experiencing the rhythm of the earth and the rhythm of the ocean, now the rhythm of the sky has finally evolved... Just hearing the name is much stronger than the rhythm of the earth and the rhythm of the ocean.

Moreover, before, we only pulled the earth and ocean into the rhythm range, but now we have finally included the atmosphere?"

Zhang Yanhang had already had a premonition of this before, and now he is really pleased to see that Sky Rhythm has been upgraded.

"However, since they are already Sky Rhythms, will they evolve some abilities related to the sky?"

From an emotional point of view, Zhang Yanhang definitely hopes that this kind of ability will appear, but from a rational point of view, he feels that just upgrading from SS level to SSS level should not add any new abilities.

Moreover, he felt that the flying ability that came with him after he was promoted to the fourth level was quite useful. In fact, he didn't really need any new flying ability. After all, the flying ability that came with the promotion did not involve any physical consumption or energy consumption at all.

, in fact, it is more similar to a passive ability with zero consumption, and there should be few flying abilities that can match it.

"But the specific situation, we really have to see it to know." Zhang Yanhang said as he opened the talent effect of Sky Rhythm that had just been upgraded and started to check it.

【Sky Rhythm】

[Quality: SSS(0/2187)]

[Ability 1: Bodybuilding - Charm +8 (+2).]

[Ability 2: Aerobic exercise - Movement speed +135% (+30%) when exercising in an environment with oxygen (unlimited oxygen molecule concentration). 】

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.]

[Ability Three: Outdoor Sports - When exercising in an outdoor solid environment (including but not limited to deserts, snowfields, swamps...), the negative impact (movement) is reduced by 150% (+20%), and in outdoor liquid environments (including but not limited to)

The negative impact (movement) when exercising in the ocean, oil, magma...) is reduced by 130% (+30%).】

"After being upgraded to the SSS level, the number of talents needed for Sky Rhythm to continue to upgrade has tripled again, from the original 729 D-level prehistoric behemoth talents to 2187 D-level prehistoric behemoth talents.

Behemoth talent.

This means using D-level talents to upgrade. Otherwise, if you use E-level talents such as slow decay and thin dragon veins to upgrade under normal circumstances, you will definitely need 6561 talents now.

But although the upgrade requirements for 2187 prehistoric behemoth talents are not too much, at present I really can’t complete them anymore.”

Zhang Yanhang previously had a total of 795 prehistoric behemoth talents, but he consumed 729 prehistoric behemoth talents when upgrading, so now he only has the last 66 prehistoric behemoth talents left.

"Faced with the upgrade demand of up to 2187 D-level talents, the 66 prehistoric monster talents in my hand are really a drop in the bucket. They can't even make up a fraction. Even if they are all filled in, there are still 2121 prehistoric beasts left.

Behemoth talent.”

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang feels that after this upgrade is completed, it is indeed impossible to rely on the Demonic Swamp to upgrade Sky Rhythm. After all, even if he cleans up the monsters spawned there at level 4, he will only get 100 points.

Just multiple prehistoric behemoth talents.

If he waits until he reaches level five before cleaning up, the number of dropped treasure chests will definitely become smaller due to the increase in level penalties.

"Therefore, we still have to find new relevant areas to clean up and upgrade talents."

However, Zhang Yanhang had already planned to upgrade the dragon bloodline talent in the volume first, so Sky Rhythm could only wait a little longer before upgrading it when he had time.

"After upgrading to the SSS level, Ability 1 Bodybuilding has added two points of charm attributes again, increasing the total bonus it provides from the original six points to eight points.

Before, I was still worried about how to fill the two gaps in the charm attribute after the green ten-piece suit expired. I really wanted to sleep on a pillow, but now, I don’t have to worry about the charm attribute being reduced after being promoted to a higher level."

Zhang Yanhang immediately removed some parts of the green ten-piece suit, and then opened his attribute list and took a look.


[Agility: 100 (+3[-4])]

[Physique: 100 (+3[-16])]

[Intelligence: 100 (+3[-8])]


"After taking off the green ten-piece suit, my attribute list immediately changed a lot, from the original +5 all attributes to +3 all attributes in an instant.

Thanks to this, my intelligence attribute, which originally exceeded double digits, has now dropped to the level of only single digits. This is somewhat regrettable.

Originally, my strength attribute overflowed by nine points, just one point away from reaching double digits, but now it has dropped back to only overflowing by seven points because the green ten-piece suit was removed. It seems that the three main attributes before have overflowed.

The small dream of double digits is indeed completely unattainable.

The agility attribute is even worse. It originally only overflowed by a few six points, but now it has dropped to only four points. After excluding the three bonus points from equipment, the total is only overflowing by one point.

It’s just the agility attribute, which is a bit miserable.”

But although the three main attributes of strength, agility and intelligence are not performing well, Zhang Yanhang's physical main attribute is extremely strong due to the XXX-level talent of unlimited longevity. Even if the equipment bonus is reduced by two points, it is only just

The original overflow of 18 points has dropped to the overflow of 16 points, which is not a big problem.

After all, Zhang Yanhang's physical attribute is really high. Even if the equipment bonus is completely removed, the actual overflow physical attribute is still as high as thirteen points, which is still above double digits.

Unlike intelligence, which is a false overflow of double digits, it relies on five points of equipment bonus to force it to overflow to ten points. However, the consequences are inevitable with the failure of the green ten-piece set and it falls back to the current eight points.

"Of course, compared to the increase and decrease in the main attributes, the most important thing is the improvement of the charm attribute. Although the charm attribute has been reduced by two points due to the failure of the green ten-piece set, it can also be attributed to the upgrade of the SSS-level talent Sky Rhythm.

And gaining two new charm attributes can completely fill this gap.

Although the overall value of the charm attribute has not changed much between entering and exiting, it still remains at the original level of only overflowing a little. However, with the decrease in the proportion of equipment bonus, my charm attribute has become healthier again.


Zhang Yanhang's original charm attribute had a total of 18 points of equipment bonus, accounting for about 17.8%, but now it has been reduced by two points, leaving only 16 points of equipment bonus. Correspondingly, the equipment bonus is in the charm attribute.

The proportion of equipment has also dropped to 15.8%, which is equivalent to another 2% decrease in the proportion of equipment.

"This has already been reduced to 15.8% before being promoted to a higher level. If this level is promoted, it is estimated that it will soon be reduced to 15% or even less than 10%."

When the proportion of equipment could barely keep up with his own charm attributes, Zhang Yanhang hoped to maintain the proportion of equipment bonuses and not let them continue to decrease. But now it seems that the trend is over, so Zhang Yanhang can only directly take action.

, and instead pursue an increase in health in the opposite direction. This is a choice that cannot be said to be good or bad.

"In addition to the increase in charm attributes, this time aerobic exercise also increased the movement speed in an oxygen environment by 30% again, increasing the total movement speed bonus from the original 105% to 135%.

But it is said to be an oxygen environment, but in fact it can basically be regarded as a normal movement speed bonus.

It’s just that the 30% movement speed bonus used to be really useful to me, but for me now, the 30% movement speed bonus is not so conspicuous and can only be said to be relatively ordinary.”

There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, Zhang Yanhang was only at the second level before. The 30% movement speed bonus can naturally help him increase his movement speed by a large amount. But now he is at the peak of the fourth level and will soon be promoted to the fifth level.

That is naturally completely different, and correspondingly, the 30% movement speed bonus also seems a bit stretchy.

"But after all, it's just an SSS-level rhythm talent. According to my past experience, if you can upgrade to level X, you can increase the movement speed bonus to at least 60%, which is quite good.


But unfortunately, Zhang Yanhang will definitely not be able to continue upgrading in a short time.

"Fortunately, although ability two does only increase the movement speed bonus by 30%, it may be that ability three outdoor sports also increases part of the movement speed bonus. Originally, ability three outdoor sports could only reduce the movement speed bonus by 130% in a solid environment.

The negative impact has now increased by 20% again, bringing the total negative impact to 150%.

A reduction of more than 100% of the negative impact will be directly converted into a speed bonus. Therefore, this time is actually equivalent to a total increase of 50% in movement speed bonus."

Although a 30% movement speed bonus is nothing to Zhang Yanhang now, a 50% movement speed bonus is still quite good and should be able to help him increase his movement speed a lot.

“Furthermore, in addition to the negative impact when moving in a fixed environment being reduced to 150%, the negative impact of ability three when moving in a liquid environment has also been directly reduced from the original 100% to 130%, which is a 30% increase.


Zhang Yanhang originally thought that the increase in negative impact in the solid environment and the liquid environment should be the same, but he did not expect that after this upgrade, he discovered that the original negative impact in the liquid environment increased even more, which was higher than that in the solid environment.


Zhang Yanhang is quite happy about this matter. After all, this is equivalent to giving the liquid environment a chance to catch up, so that it will not always lag behind the solid environment. It is estimated that as long as it is upgraded by one or two levels, it may be able to directly tie it.

"Now that the talent effects have been checked, it is true that there are still no new abilities. Although I rationally thought that there should be none, I didn't expect that the gray world really followed rationality. Can you be more humane for me?

It's obviously the rhythm of the sky, so why can't you just give me the ability to ignore negative effects in a gaseous environment? Now the three states of solid, liquid and gas are short of the last gaseous state..."

Although Zhang Yanhang said before that he didn't want new flying abilities, he was just talking about it. In fact, he still wanted it in his heart. After all, he had more skills than he needed.

Moreover, the flight ability that comes with the fourth level cannot be used without the gravity of the planet. Therefore, he naturally wants to obtain a more advanced flight ability, but unfortunately, the gray world does not give him this face at all.

"Forget it, let's test the movement speed first."

After checking the effects of using SSS-level talents, Zhang Yanhang immediately found an uninhabited desert island overseas and teleported there to test his movement speed, and then teleported back to the bedroom again.

Finally, according to the test results, Zhang Yanhang’s current moving speed has increased from the original 8438 meters per second to 8923 meters per second after the 50% bonus, which is equivalent to the moving speed per second.

It has grown by 485 meters, which is quite a lot.

If converted into the speed of sound, Zhang Yanhang's current moving speed has increased from the original Mach 24.8 to Mach 26.2, which is equivalent to an increase of Mach 1.4.

Before Zhang Yanhang was promoted to a higher level, that is, when he was at the peak of the third level, his fastest speed was only Mach 2.8, but now his movement speed has almost increased by 0.5 times that of the third level, and the increase is still relatively rapid.

"Before, I thought that I might still need to rely on movement speed coins to increase my movement speed to above Mach 25, but I didn't expect that I could directly achieve this small goal with the suddenly upgraded SSS-level talent Sky Rhythm...

But although the small goal of Mach 25 is easy to achieve, the small goal of Mach 30 is more difficult to achieve. After all, I have nothing else on my body that can increase my movement speed..."

At present, Zhang Yanhang is still 3.8 Mach away from the small target of Mach 30 under normal conditions. It is still difficult to improve. Zhang Yanhang feels that there is basically no hope before promotion.

"In other words, if the 3.5% movement speed bonus on the green ten-piece suit is still in effect, I should be able to increase my movement speed a little more now, but I have taken off the green ten-piece suit on my own initiative."

Therefore, theoretically speaking, Zhang Yanhang's movement speed did not increase by 50% this time, but in fact it only increased by 46.5%.

But to be honest, for him now, the difference between 3.5% more or 3.5% less is not very big. At most, it can only increase the movement speed by dozens of meters, but if he wants to make the current

It is definitely impossible for the moving speed to directly increase from 8923 meters to over 9000 meters.

This chapter has been completed!
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