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Chapter 1066: Teaching the Generals

The principal took the lead, and the other officers followed suit and clapped sparsely to express their congratulations, regardless of their feelings. Everyone looked at Zhou Wen in different ways, with jealousy, envy, and disdain accounting for the majority.

Zhou Wen naturally saw all this in his eyes and didn't take it seriously.

I won this honor by fighting with real swords and guns against the little devils. If you have the ability, go and kill a few devils and show me.

I thought so in my heart, but I couldn't be too exaggerated on the surface. I quickly stood up and saluted around me, then smiled and looked down at the medal on my chest, looking like I couldn't put it down.

Seeing this, the principal nodded secretly in his mind and said: "It seems that this little bandit also cares about honor. He is not as indifferent to fame and fortune as he showed before. He is still a normal person."

If Zhou Wen really showed no desire or desire in front of the principal, the principal would have some doubts about what this kid was up to.

Thinking of this, the principal's tense face relaxed slightly. He looked at Zhou Wen and nodded: "Your performance on the front line of the Great Wall is really good. I heard Song Mingyuan say that the victory of Xifengkou was only achieved with your help.

A glorious victory, and all the captured cannons were given to the friendly forces. It shows that you are not only brave in fighting, but also have the overall situation in mind, and know that working together is the only way to guarantee victory."

At this point, the principal's face turned cold, and he turned to the generals and said: "At this point, you should learn more from Xiao Zhou. Don't just stare at the things on your plate all day long and engage in mountain cliques.

When a war breaks out, everyone looks after their own affairs. Even ordinary people know that brothers working together can break gold. How can you, the elites of the party and state, not know? It’s just your own selfish desires.”

Hearing that the principal was using the topic as a way to burn the flames on himself and others, the generals sitting there all sat upright, with expressions of humility and humility.

You must know that although the current National Army is nominally under the unified leadership and command of the Military Commission, the actual situation is fragmented. Almost all military leaders regard their armies as private property, making it difficult to conduct unified command, resulting in actual combat problems.

Many negative effects.

From the current national point of view, the big factions include the principal's own direct clique of the Central Army, the Feng clique of the Northeastern Army, the Shanxi clique of Marshal Yan of Shanxi, and the Guangxi clique. There are even more small cliques, almost a province.

A series of.

Even within the Central Army, which the principal has devoted his efforts to build, it is divided into six factions, three major and three small. Each faction competes for power and conflicts with each other. Even the principal cannot come up with a solution and can only rely on his personal prestige.

Suppression and mediation treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

For these generals, these instructions from the principal are commonplace.

After many years in the army, who has no personal sophistication and close contacts with each other? As time goes by, naturally there will be old subordinates and old officers who are familiar with each other.

The battlefield is blind and dangerous. Who is willing to entrust their lives to outsiders? Of course, it is more secure for one's own people.

Who is one’s own?

They must be fellow villagers, classmates, in the same army or the same old officer, etc. They also need to get along with each other for a long time before they can be considered as one of their own. Then there are benefits. Whoever wants to be promoted to official rank must be provided with equipment.

If you take more care of anyone, you will of course favor your own people. Over time, wouldn't it become a faction?

The principal also knew that his words were in vain. Among the generals here, there were leaders from the Baoding Department and the Civil Engineering Department. However, when he thought of the few generals who had suffered defeat in the Jiangxi Civil War not long ago,

General, there was a ghost fire in his heart.

It turned out that just a few months ago, at the end of 1932, this principal launched the fourth siege and suppression of the Red Zone in Jiangxi. 400,000 elite Central Army troops besieged the Red Army of only 70,000 people, but the result was a loss.

Madame lost her troops again, three divisions were raped, and even the division commander was captured, such ridiculous things happened.

You must know that even during the most difficult period of the Great Wall War of Resistance, the principal was reluctant to send more Central Army troops to participate in the war. Three elite divisions were lost in a civil war. You can imagine the degree of heartache in his heart.

The reason for the failure was undoubtedly the result of the Red Army's superb tactics and the heroic fighting of its commanders and soldiers.

However, one division of the Central Army was surrounded, but because the commander of the division was not one of our own, other troops delayed the rescue, and the various troops passed the blame. As a result, the division was completely annihilated by the Red Army, and the division commander also became a prisoner.


The commander-in-chief in charge of this encirclement and suppression campaign was General Chen, a representative of the civil engineering department. Anyone with a discerning eye would know what role he played in this campaign.

However, the principal considered that this person was usually very talented and loyal to him, making him a rare confidant, so it was hard to criticize him too much. He could only use Zhou Wen's incident to make an insinuation.

Next, the principal did not continue to use the topic, but ordered someone to bring the map, and asked Zhou Wen to explain to these generals the history and tactics of the mercenary group's resistance at the Great Wall, and even joked that it was

Let Zhou Wen give these generals a tactical lesson.

Zhou Wen had taught cadets and some serving officers at the Central Army Officer School, but this was the first time he had taught a class to a group of generals. Naturally, he cheered up and led the mercenary group from the annihilation of the Mishan Brigade to the end of how to break away from the Japanese army.

, the process of safely withdrawing to Toronto was narrated.

Among them, the preparations and plans for launching the battle, and how to arrange the troops are explained in detail. In addition, the launching of these battles basically came from his ideas, so the explanation is naturally incisive and concise, making people immersed in the scene. Unknowingly,

, all the generals listened attentively, even the principal was no exception.

When they heard that Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin had sneaked into the vicinity of the Japanese command post alone and lurked for two days and two nights, almost everyone was shocked when they finally found a good opportunity and shot the enemy chief to death.

Everyone present, including the principal, had previously only learned about the results of the sniper killing of the Japanese division commander and brigade commander from telegrams sent from the front, but how it was implemented and how it was successful in the end was unknown.


Today, I listened to the person involved narrate the entire process. The thrilling aspects of it made my mind sway.

Although these generals are all human beings, they have many selfish desires in their hearts, and they are even more domineering and arrogant.

But it is undeniable that the little golden beans on the collar badges of these generals were earned by themselves with their own lives and with their troops. They are all veterans who have fought countless battles on the battlefield, and they are all commanding thousands of troops in battles.

A senior commander who has fought many battles and has rich battlefield experience.

This chapter has been completed!
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