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Chapter 107 Special Operations

Everyone was silent, thinking.

Zhou Wen continued: "Maybe you are thinking, then why do we have to retire and not directly participate in the final war of resistance in the army? Have you noticed that our fighting method is different from other armies? But our role is Not very important?

Starting from Guide Railway Station, sneak into the enemy position, go straight to the enemy headquarters to capture the brigade commander, snipe the enemy commander and machine gunners on the front line, secretly cross the river to sneak attack on the enemy artillery position, sneak into Xuchang to open the city gate for large troops, etc. These operations Has anyone else done this method? I think not. But the effect achieved is significant and huge. How much has it reduced the losses of the National Army? How much results has it helped the National Army achieve? You all know it.

I call this kind of combat method special operations, but we only have the rudiments of special operations now. In the future, I will lead my brothers to continue to fight under various conditions. When we have urban street fighting and jungle warfare, The skills and experience in river warfare, airborne warfare, etc. are what constitute the true special forces.

The nature of special operations determines that we must have capabilities that others do not have, such as martial arts, various military technologies, sophisticated equipment, battlefield experience, flexible minds, advanced tactical concepts, etc. Sometimes special operations can even determine a battle. The outcome of the war.

So, the money, manpower, material resources, and time spent on training our transport team to become special forces are difficult to estimate, not to mention the countless battlefield experiences gained at the cost of life. These huge efforts are tempered by The elite warrior is a treasure.

But besides us, who else can realize the value of special forces? Even if someone can realize it, can we guarantee that he has no selfish desires and does not regard us as a tool for his promotion and life-saving?

If the elite troops we have worked so hard to train are ordered by our superiors to hold our ground and go to the front line with thousands of troops to fight the enemy, even if we can exchange one for ten or even one for a hundred, even if all our brothers are exhausted, How many enemy troops can we consume with just a few dozen of us?

Yes, we should sacrifice for the country and the nation, but such sacrifice is not worth it and is unnecessary. Because we can play a greater role. We will kill more enemies with our special operations methods and make the enemy more vulnerable. More pain will further inspire the Chinese people's determination to fight bravely.

So I want to set up a mercenary group. What are mercenaries? Others pay to hire us to fight. We will use a few years to build up our reputation and strength so that others dare not and cannot easily annex us. This way Guaranteed our independence.

When the Anti-Japanese War comes, we can participate in the Anti-Japanese War as an independent combat unit and use our special operations model to participate in the Anti-Japanese War. Of course, we will not be able to collect money at that time, but will use the money and materials we earn to support the country. , to support the forces willing to resist Japan."

Zhou Wen told everyone about his intentions and plans in one breath. He believed that now is the time to tell everyone, because in one year, the September 18th Incident will break out. By then, Japan's wolf ambitions towards China will be clearly revealed.

Moreover, his prestige has been established now, and his words are more convincing.

Miaohua thought for a while and said: "Junior brother, I believe what you said. What I think is very simple, isn't it just to fight? I have confidence in the abilities of our brothers. Just follow you and fight. That's it. I believe other brothers think the same way.


Old Uncle Wu also said: "Yes, scholar, everyone believes in you and listens to you."

Gao Xiaoshan said: "Awen, no matter what, I will definitely support you. I just want to know how to fight this special operation? Which ones can be fought and which ones cannot be fought. You can tell us more."

Zhou Wen laughed happily. The support from his brothers made him very happy and strengthened his confidence.

He took a sip of water and continued: "Okay, let me tell you. This special operation is a combat operation carried out by specially organized, trained and equipped elite troops in special ways and means. The operations carried out have several


First, the purpose is special. What is a special purpose? It is not a general purpose, but a purpose that is obviously helpful to a war or campaign. For example, let's sneak into the enemy's position and capture the enemy's brigade commander. Capturing the brigade commander is only a general purpose, but from

His special purpose was to get information about the enemy's deployment from his mouth.

The second is careful planning, you all know this.

The third is a unique combat method, which means using methods that the enemy cannot think of. For example, lurking, camouflaging, sneak attacks, sniping enemy commanders from a distance, raiding enemy command centers, destroying enemy supplies, etc. Use mobile warfare, sparrow warfare, and psychological warfare.

Strike the enemy.

Fourth, there are various means of combat, which means that you must not only use cannons and guns, but also use all other means and tools that can attack the enemy. Such as fighting, blasting, poisoning, assassination, etc. You must also be familiar with various climate conditions.

of combat.

Of course, there are also characteristics such as concealment, suddenness, and quick victory. There is no need to explain these, you all know it.

So I want everyone to learn how to use radios and drive cars, and in the future I will also teach you how to drive motorcycles, sail boats, etc. This is to help brothers master as many special operations methods and means as possible. We will also find ways to practice them in the future.

Airborne, jumping from the sky on a plane. Let’s talk about this later.”

Zhou Wen spoke with great enthusiasm, but the three audience members opened their mouths. If you jumped from the plane, wouldn't you be smashed into a pulp?

Miaohua looked at Zhou Wen in confusion and said, "Junior brother, how come you know so much? I even doubt that you were really sent from heaven by Lord Buddha."

Zhou Wenxu said narrowly: "The Lord Buddha gave it to me in a dream, do you believe it?"

Miaohua smashed it and said, "This is the only way to explain it. Did the Buddha say in his dream that Shanxi will be safe?"

Zhou Wen said with a smile: "No, this is my analysis. Shanxi has four major mountain ranges, Taihang Mountain, Luliang Mountain, Hongtao Mountain, and Wutai Mountain. Even if the Japanese occupied Shanxi, they did not have that many troops to completely control the mountainous areas. And to the northwest of Shanxi is Inner Mongolia.

, to the west is Shaanxi, which are resource-poor and economically backward areas. Not only will there be no benefit to occupying it, but you may also have to pay for it.

Therefore, before fully occupying China, I am sure that the Japanese will not waste their troops and financial resources to attack Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi for the time being. My hometown, Lishi County, is located in the west of Shanxi, and the Luliang Mountains are next to the county seat. Where do we develop?

The space is larger. If the enemies come less, we will destroy them. If there are more enemies, we will burrow into the mountains and lead the enemies across the mountains. With the fighting power of our brothers, will the enemies chasing into the mountains survive in the end?

I always tell you two things when I go back."

This chapter has been completed!
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