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Chapter 1092 Bloody Means

However, for some reason today, Mr. Kong Da doesn't feel very at ease. In addition, he has been worried about Zhou Wen's claim for compensation these days, and his wife has been nagging in his ears all day long, so he feels a little tired and in a trance.

Especially, after suddenly hearing the news today that the Liu family hosted a banquet for Zhou Wen and his party at home, I felt a little inexplicably panicked.

The three families who worked closely together and were united in the past, when the Kong family needed help the most, the Song family ignored them, while the Liu family just chatted and laughed with their opponents in the banquet. What does this mean?

This shows that the principal's attitude has been very clear, which is to ask the Kong family to give up their wealth and avoid disaster.

In fact, with Mr. Kong Da's intelligence and political acumen, he had long realized that it would be impossible for the Kong family not to lose some money this time. However, his wife was so domineering that he could not twist his thigh with his own arm, so he could only obey his wife's wishes.

Drag this matter out.

However, the Liu family, which has always been suppressed by the Kong family, has openly stated that it is on Zhou Wen's side. In addition to the relationship between the Liu family's legitimate daughter and Zhou Wen, it is very interesting to see whether there are also hints and instructions from the principal.

, Mr. Kong Da could not help but pay attention to it.

Moreover, according to various rumors about Zhou, he is also a ruthless and decisive person. One cannot help but worry whether he will be impatient with the Kong family's dilly-dallying and resort to some extraordinary measures.

At this time, Mr. Kong Da felt that he lacked a confidant as caring and capable as Zhang Yongfu to make suggestions, and he was looking forward to the return of Manager Zhang as soon as possible.

Mr. Kong Da knew that tonight was destined to be another sleepless night, and everything could only wait until tomorrow. Maybe Zhang Yongfu would call early tomorrow morning.

During the recent period, since both the Kong family were not sleeping well and slept in separate rooms at night, Mr. Kong Da naturally had no choice but to sleep in the small bedroom.

Unexpectedly, although Mr. Kong Da was still tossing and turning in the first half of the night, he actually slept very deeply in the second half of the night, so deep that he seemed to have not even dreamed, but could vaguely smell a strange fragrance.

The early morning sunlight cast a light curtain on the bedroom curtains that was not dazzling, and Mr. Kong Da slowly woke up from his deep sleep.

However, his head felt a little groggy, as if he was still awake, and his body felt a little weak, as if he was ill.

At the same time, I also smelled a fishy smell in my nose.

Mr. Kong Da turned over and sat up, lifted up the silk quilt, and felt sticky and wet on the quilt. He seemed not to be fully awake at this time, so he reached for the glasses he put on the bedside table and put them on.

The bedside lamp is turned on.

Then he looked in the direction of the smell.

And then... Behind Mr. Kong Da's gold-rimmed glasses, his small eyes, which are usually not big and somewhat gloomy, are now as wide as bells, and they are full of fear and horror.



Screams that almost penetrated the roof and shot straight into the sky rose in the small western-style building called Kong Mansion...

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged maid heard the sound and opened the bedroom door. The bright light coming from outside the room immediately revealed Mr. Kong Da's frightened expression and the mess on the bed.


The middle-aged maid screamed an octave higher than Mr. Kong Da, but it woke Mr. Kong Da out of his panic.

With agility and speed that was not suitable for his age, he jumped out of bed in one fell swoop, raised his hand and slapped the maid who was already lying on the ground to swallow her screams.

"Don't bark, don't make any noise, don't let your wife come in." Mr. Kong Da scolded him sternly.

But he didn't know that his glasses were stained with red at this time, and a drop of purple-red liquid was dripping from the edge of the frame onto the bridge of his nose, giving his already pale face a somewhat ferocious look.

He actually fainted the maid who was already scared to death.

Mr. Kong Da was panting heavily, and he was frightened and sweated in large drops from his forehead.

He slowly turned his head and looked towards the bed where he had been sleeping.

I saw that the silk quilt of the quilt that I had covered myself with all night was covered with bloodstains that had turned purple and black, and at the end of the quilt, where my feet were when I slept, there was a slanted figure with tight eyes.

He closed his mouth, but his mouth was wide open, and his face showed pain and ferocity.

Yes, you read that right, it’s just a bodyless, bloody head.

He could recognize it at a glance. This was Zhang Yongfu, his general manager of the outer courtyard, a confidant who had been with him for decades and helped him and the Kong family do countless conspiracies.

When he pulled back the quilt and took his glasses, his hands and glasses were stained with black blood, but he couldn't care less about it at this time.

He just stared blankly at Zhang Yongfu's head, which was neatly severed from the neck. His eyes showed fear, anger, sorrow, helplessness, confusion and other complex expressions, indicating the various emotions rising in his heart at this moment.


He had already predicted that if he delayed in expressing his position, this person named Zhou would definitely take action.

But he never expected that this action would be so bloody, so violent, and so overwhelming.

Of course he knew that this was what the person named Zhou did. It was the person named Zhou who issued a very serious warning to himself and the Kong family, full of cruelty and violence.

Mr. Kong Da seemed to hear the silent reminder from the young officer named Zhou from Zhang Yongfu's open mouth: "I don't want to wait any longer. Today I am just one of your trusted subordinates. Next time I may be..."

Arrogant, cruel, ruthless, tyrannical, unruly, and will be punished.

Mr. Kong Da now finally has an intuitive and comprehensive understanding of Zhou Wen's temperament and methods.

This man is really a murderous bandit. He is really a maniac with evil intentions as rumored.

Although Mr. Kong Da has seen and experienced countless wars in his life, in most cases, due to the Kong family's family background and reputation, he was protected by a firewall and almost never faced bloody scenes.

There was only one exception, which was the time when he encountered the Boxer Rebellion when he was young.

He was only 16 years old at that time. At that time, he once watched the thugs use long knives, wooden sticks, and bamboo spears to hit his cousin who was standing behind him.

He could hear the sound of flesh and blood being ripped open, and could hear every painful scream from his cousin.

At that time, he felt anger, fear, and panic in his heart, but mostly he felt helpless and hesitant.

He wanted to do something, but he couldn't do anything.

And today, right now, this distant and profound feeling, as if it had been separated by countless centuries, appears again.

This chapter has been completed!
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