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Chapter 1139 Shirk

So Zhou Wen was very patient, waiting for Nicholas to reveal more details.

"You know, as a former noble, we brought a lot of property with us when we came to China. This is why we can live quite well in this beautiful city of Shanghai."

At this time, the reception hall was very quiet, except for Nikolai's low and slightly hoarse voice, and the sound of Nina's pen rubbing against the paper while recording.

Nikolai introduced that after his family came to Shanghai, they opened a Russian restaurant called Purple Rose in the public concession. Because Nikolai was very good at running the business, the restaurant's business has been good, and it has also brought great benefits to Nikolai's family.

A lot of income.

Nikolai also takes good care of his poor Russian compatriots. Not only are all the employees in the restaurant Russian, but they are also given high wages.

At the same time, if compatriots who are in difficulty come to ask for help, Nicholas often donates generously and constantly lends money to those families in urgent need of help to tide over the difficulties.

According to Nikolai's account, he is a very compassionate and helpful gentleman. Many families living in the Belarusian District have received help from him. He also has a good reputation in the Belarusian District and everyone calls him

Master Nicholas.

"But everything suddenly changed after I decided to take my Natasha to the United States."

"The employees in my restaurant began to ignore my instructions and even stole the restaurant tableware and ingredients. The respect and gratitude in the eyes of my neighbors when they saw me before disappeared and they became strange and cold, even

Some people still have hatred and greed in their eyes."

Speaking of this, Nicholas's voice was filled with anger.

"These compatriots seemed to have forgotten in an instant how kind and generous I was back then, and how I helped them over the years. Without me, Nicholas, I don't know how many families would have become beggars on the streets.


"Yes, I helped them, but after they knew that I was going to the United States, they all turned into white-eyed wolves. Because they are a group of despicable and shameless vampires, lazy people, and moths. When they know that they will never be able to take advantage of me again.

As he sucked blood from his body, he began to be full of hatred towards me and even began to threaten my safety."

"So, I am here today to ask for your help to protect me and my poor Natasha in the future until we are escorted onto the cruise ship to the United States."

While Nicholas was narrating, Zhou Wen listened carefully and carefully observed Nicholas's expression. He found that he was calm most of the time when he spoke, but only at the end did he start to get a little excited.


It shows that his anger comes from the heart and is not pretended.

Zhou Wen did not expect that the promotion of rice favors and the fight for rice hatred would happen in front of him.

According to Nicholas, his restaurant supported the families of his employees, and his generosity also made many families accustomed to receiving help from him. But after he decided to settle in the United States, these employees became accustomed to receiving assistance from time to time.

The neighbors who helped him were unhappy, thinking that he had abandoned them.

But Zhou Wen would not draw conclusions easily. He immediately asked a few more questions without changing his expression: "So, Mr. Nicholas, what threatening actions or words did your employees and neighbors make towards you?

Are they a few people or a group of people, are they all strong men? Do they have weapons? Of course, I mean weapons such as guns."

Nicholas raised his head, as if reminiscing, and said: "They are a group of people, including employees from my restaurant, neighbors, and some street gangsters, most of whom are men."

"They smashed the glass windows of the restaurant, stole a lot of tableware, and posted a warning note at the door of my restaurant, asking me to leave a sum of money to them, otherwise they would not let me and Natasha

Leave safely."

"My home was also attacked with rocks. My poor Natasha is so scared that she doesn't dare to go out now."

"Mr. Nicholas, you may have forgotten another question, and this question is related to the safety of you and your family and the security measures we are going to take. Do they have guns?"

Zhou Wen felt that Nicholas seemed to be evading the important points. He said that the situation was not very serious, and it was just a threat tactic commonly used by some street gangsters. But if these people had guns in their hands, it meant that the problem was somewhat serious. So he continued to ask.

Nikolai pondered for a while and said with some uncertainty: "I didn't see them holding guns with my own eyes. But, you know, most of them are descendants of Belarusian officers, and they are unlikely to have guns at home.


Zhou Wen's heart moved. He found that Nicholas seemed uncertain, but his breathing became slightly faster when he spoke. This kind of rapidity was not obvious, but it was captured by Zhou Wen's superhuman perception.

"Those people must have guns, and this White Russian nobleman must also know." Zhou Wen made a judgment instantly.

But why did he lie?

Zhou Wen's guess is that this Nikolai is very businesslike and cunning. His purpose is of course to get safe protection without paying too much remuneration.

When Zhou Wen thought of this, he actually no longer wanted to take this order, even if it was the first business order since the defense company opened.

Zhou Wen was not afraid of a few gangsters with guns, but seeing Nikolai's attitude of wanting money rather than his life, he felt that it was impossible for him to offer a satisfactory price.

To be honest, according to the situation described by Nicholas, it is impossible for Zhou Wen to ask for tens of thousands. This kind of quotation is too unfounded and somewhat unreliable, and he does not know how much Nicholas is worth.


But if the price is too low, Zhou Wen feels it is not worth it. Young Master Zhou really doesn't take it seriously for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. What's more, even for street gangsters, the bullets fired from their guns are also deadly, and

It's very possible to shoot in a dark place, which would be a bit difficult.

For such a small amount of money, Zhou Wen was not willing to let his brothers take risks, even if the risk was small.

Therefore, Zhou Wen decided to turn down this business, and his mind began to spin rapidly.

"Mr. Nicholas, why don't you go to the patrol house to seek protection? I think since you have such a good reputation and prestige in the public settlement, you should also have many friends in the patrol house, right? Maybe you can just pay a little tip.

With the help of police officers, it will also be more of a deterrent to those street gangsters."

Nicholas instantly noticed the shirk in Zhou Wen's words, his expression immediately froze, and Jean quickly showed an embarrassed wry smile and said: "I have asked the patrol room for help, but it is a pity that they are not willing to intervene in this matter.


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