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Chapter 1157 Seizing the Door

Even if the Ruger P08 artillery pistol is equipped with a silencer that will reduce part of the kinetic energy, the accuracy at a distance of 60-80 meters will not be reduced in any way.

If it were a Colt M1911 pistol, the shooting range and accuracy after installing a silencer were not guaranteed to be able to hit the mouth of the Japanese who was 20 meters away from Zhou Wen.

Therefore, not to mention that he, the client, was nervous. Even Zhang Xiaoping, whose gloves were cut by the violently tightened string and his palms became bloody, could not care about the pain in his hands at all, but his heart was in his throat.

, staring closely at Zhou Wen's figure without even daring to blink.

It wasn't until he saw his senior brother safely landing on the roof of the building and killing the two Japanese sentries in a series of dangerous situations that he breathed a sigh of relief and used the headset to convey the message of successful infiltration to Miaohua.

However, Zhou Wen calmed down on the roof of the building, then slowly dropped to the outer wall of the 4th floor by dragging the rope.

He had already observed an unlit window before, and after getting closer, he sensed that no one was in the room, so he opened the window with a crack and entered the room with a slight jump.

Zhou Wen discovered that this was a pharmacy, with shelves and partitions on the four walls and in the middle, and a strong smell mixed with various medicines.

Zhou Wen carefully walked through the tightly spaced medicine shelves and came to the closed door, listening carefully to what was going on outside.

It is already past 3 o'clock in the morning, which is the time when ordinary people are most sleepy physiologically. Even agents will be more or less mentally relaxed at this time, so now is also a good time to take action.

Zhou Wen gently turned the doorknob and opened the door to a tiny crack, allowing the light from the corridor on the fourth floor to shine through instantly.

This pharmacy was already the last room at the end of the corridor. Zhou Wen just leaned against the door and looked at the other end, and immediately saw several figures in the corridor.

Two of them were sitting on a long bench, guarding the stairs, while the other two were guarding the other side of the corridor.

Zhou Wen initially judged that Chen Qiang's ward was most likely located on the fourth floor, otherwise there would not have been two people guarding the stairs.

The other two people were guarding Chen Qiang's ward.

Zhou Wen didn't see any doctors or nurses over there. It seemed that the rescue operation on Chen Qiang had ended, and Chen Qiang was probably still in a coma after the operation.

It is not difficult for Zhou Wen to deal with these four Japanese agents. All four of them are under his gun line. It is nothing more than a matter of four shots. However, due to the distance, Zhou Wen cannot sense the situation in the ward over there. According to common sense

It was inferred that there must be Japanese agents in the ward.

Zhou Wen was not in a hurry now. He needed an opportunity to get close to the ward. So, he turned around and took a look at several large white coats hanging on the hangers.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoping and Tian Boguang who were on the big tree had already climbed down the tree and hid behind the thick trunk. After waiting for the patrol to go away again, Tian Boguang took advantage of the darkness and quickly ran to the wall of the building to tidy up a little.

He took off his Japanese navy officer's uniform, which was stained by some leaves, and then walked majestically toward the hospital door.

The two Japanese sentries at the door were attracted by Tian Boguang's irregular footsteps and saw an officer who was shaking his head and walking unsteadily from the direction of the building. He looked like he was drunk.

When the two of them saw the direction of the person coming, they thought it was a drunken officer who had been sent to the hospital to sober up before, so they didn't take it to heart.

You must know that the Japanese Navy's regulations on boarding ships are very strict. No one is allowed to drink on the warships. If found, they will be severely punished.

Therefore, whenever these naval officers have a chance to take a vacation, they always come ashore to the Navy Club to have some fun. Drinking is essential, and naturally there will be drunkards who are sent to the hospital. These Marine Corps devils have become commonplace, and there is no doubt that there are some.


Seeing the officer staggering towards the gate, the two Japanese sentries looked at each other and secretly said it was bad luck.

The Japanese army has a strict hierarchy. In the eyes of the big-headed soldiers, an officer is treated more carefully than his own father. If he is not careful at all, he will be scolded by the big-headed soldiers.

Before the officer even got close, the wind carried the smell of alcohol and a sour smell of vomit stained on his clothes, which made the two Japanese sentries feel nauseated.

"Soldier, open... open the door, I... I want to go out."

The officer staggered on his feet and gave unclear orders.

"Mr. Lieutenant, the order we received is not to open the door at night. I'm really sorry. If you could..."

But the naval officer had no patience to listen to the big-headed soldier's explanation. He reached out and grabbed his collar and said fiercely: "Asshole, didn't you hear my order? Open the door quickly."

Although the sentry was a little scared, he still did not dare to open the door against the order. He could only hope that the patrol would discover the situation here as soon as possible and come to the rescue. It would be best to get this hateful officer back to the ward.

Little did he know that Tian Boguang came here mainly to check the lock condition of the door. Fortunately, the door was not locked, but was only blocked with an iron bolt.

At that moment, I stopped talking. While holding the sentry with his left hand, his right hand had already taken out an m1911 pistol with a silencer. He directly pressed it against the sentry's chest and pulled the trigger.

"Puff!" After two sounds, he let go of the body that was as soft as mud with his left hand. The pistol in his right hand was already pointing at another sentry who was stunned by the sudden change in front of him and could not react for a moment.

"Puff!" Two more shots were fired, and the sentry, whose face was beaten to pieces, also fell down.

Tian Boguang kept moving, and immediately rushed to the door, pulled open the iron bolt, and opened the door to a gap only for one person to enter and exit. However, he saw Miaohua, who had been quietly waiting outside the door, and her team members walked in one by one.

At the same time, the Japanese patrol circled back to the big tree again. This time, Zhang Xiaoping did not hide. Instead, he waited until the six patrolling Japanese soldiers were about to pass the big tree, and suddenly emerged from behind the dark tree.

He leaned out half of his body, knelt on one knee, held a Ruger P08 artillery pistol in both hands, and fired at the six Japanese who were completely exposed to the gun line.


The muzzle of the gun with a black and thick silencer sprayed out 6 flames that were not brilliant. The sound of the gun was dull but not loud, and the shooting speed was not very fast, but the rhythm was very tight, as if every shot was fired.

The time between shots is always calculated.

All six Japanese were shot in the head. They fell to the ground in a very orderly manner, from back to front, and no one was missed.

This chapter has been completed!
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