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Chapter 144 German Friends

After some explanations from the German man named Mandel, Zhou Wen found out that he was the Chinese agent of a famous German arms broker. This company was called Brother Company, and it had just established its Shanghai branch in Shanghai a month ago. In fact, this period was

In the honeymoon period of the relationship between Germany and China, China needs Germany's help in training the Central Army and replacing German equipment. Germany needs China's various mineral resources.

A large number of German companies took notice of this and set up branches in China one after another, hoping to take advantage of this momentum to get a share of the Chinese market. It was against this background that the German Shanghai Brothers Company was established. With the help of the brother companies and the German government

Due to the relationship, Mandel got his first order soon after setting up the company.

Delman got off to a good start and naturally felt relaxed. He took his wife Catherine on a sightseeing trip to Taiyuan, Shanxi Province to visit a German friend of his. Unexpectedly, they almost lost their lives in this rugged mountain.

, in the beautiful Taihang Mountains.

While Mandel was grateful to Zhou Wen, he also secretly vowed that he would never travel long distances by car again. The security environment in China is really scary.

After listening to Mandel's introduction, Zhou Wen's heart moved, German arms dealer? You really come up with whatever you want. This foreigner should have a good relationship. I am afraid that a lot of equipment from the mercenary group will land on this Mandel in the future.

After Mandel finished his introduction, Zhou Wen smiled and said in English: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Mandel, and you, the beautiful Lady Catherine." After that, he stepped forward and shook hands with them one by one.

After that, Zhou Wen introduced his official identity, and then said: "I deeply sympathize with you for your unfortunate experience. Fortunately, it is not too late for us to arrive. Regarding the viciousness of these bandits, on behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to express my condolences to you."

You apologize, but please believe us, evil people will be punished, and these bandits will receive the punishment they deserve."

The Mandels were very fond of this young colonel, but he behaved well and was calm and confident. Despite the difficulty, their excitement gradually calmed down under the influence of the young colonel's polite conversation and spring-like smile.

, actually felt close to him, as if he had been a friend for many years.

Mandel blurted out: "Mr. Colonel, I take the liberty of asking for your friendship. If you agree, we will use you to refer to each other in the future. Just call me Mandel, and my wife will be called Catherine."

Zhou Wen readily agreed, shook hands with the two of them again, and said: "Mandel, Catherine, you just call me Zhou."

Although he didn't understand what they were talking about, he made a German friend in just a few words. Miaohua next to him began to admire Zhou Wen again. This junior brother is a person who can't afford early benefits. He must have deliberately made friends with this German.

The intention is that under the influence of Buddhism, if he wants to win the favor of others, he should not be too easy. But how can he speak foreign languages? Lord Buddha does not understand this!

Zhou Wen continued: "Mandel, Catherine, you can rest here for a while. I will send someone to protect you. The lair of these bandits is not far from here. I will take people to uproot them and completely eliminate this group of scourges.


After saying that, Zhou Wen motioned for them to do as they pleased, leaving Miaohua and a few people to guard the mules and horses and protect the hostages. He and the others pressed the prisoners and continued to move forward...

Mandel ate and drank with the water bottle and dry food handed over by the team members. He looked at Zhou Wen and the others' retreating figures and suddenly came back to his senses. There were not many people in this group. He was so shocked that he didn't have time to think about it. He only realized it now.

. There were less than thirty people, and in just a few minutes, they defeated more than a hundred bandits with loaded guns and ammunition, and they were completely unscathed. Even the German army that I knew well did not necessarily do better than them.

Let’s look at their equipment. Delman is an arms dealer. What equipment don’t he recognize? A Colt M1911 pistol with a pistol, a 100-round drum magazine Thompson M1921 submachine gun, a Soviet DP-28 light machine gun, a British

The 77 rifle, the German Mauser standard rifle, and the French 81mm Brandt MLE 27 mortar are all the best small arms in the world.

Unexpectedly, everyone was strapped to their legs with a German deer-antler-handled, high-eared butcher's bayonet produced in Germany. This equipment was only provided to a very small number of elite troops in Germany.

This equipment, this quality, this combat effectiveness, is this still the Chinese army? Delman feels that his old concept of Chinese soldiers is about to change. What is poor equipment, low combat effectiveness, what is the sick man of East Asia? It is nonsense when applied to this team.


Besides, after Zhou Wen and the others left, Peng Feng saw his comrade Xiao Zhao being carried into the ambulance. The fat doctor was treating him, and he felt a stone fall in his heart. Then came a fat official wearing glasses that he had seen before.

, came over and gave a word of comfort to the robbed people. Only then did they find out that this official was actually the special commissioner sent to Shanxi by the Kuomintang Central Committee.

The enemy, his comrade was actually being treated by the doctor of the enemy. It can only be said that things are unpredictable. Peng Feng touched his bandaged head and found that there was no bleeding and his head was not dizzy anymore. Now he started to feel fine.

Think carefully about the origins of that young officer and this elite unit and the purpose of entering Shanxi. Such an elite unit cannot be the bodyguard of some special party commissioner, so what is their purpose? There are no red armed forces in Shanxi now.

Moreover, this unit does not have the arrogance and bossiness of other Kuomintang troops. Instead, it is very simple and friendly. Just like the red troops that I am familiar with, it treats the wounded, delivers water and dry food, and constantly uses actions and words to

To appease everyone.

The young lieutenant colonel officer who smiled and showed a row of small white teeth communicated with me for a long time in a friendly manner. Perhaps because he saw his scholarly appearance, it was easier for him to communicate, so he asked a lot in detail about the process of the bandits' robbery and what happened.

The situation of the robbed property. Finally he said with a smile: "Don't worry, sir, your cousin will definitely be rescued. Don't worry about the gifts and property that were robbed. There are no bandits that cannot be beaten by the team led by our director."

, can all be taken back. You can rest assured and just speak when you are thirsty or hungry."

Peng Feng also wanted to take the opportunity to ask them about their origins, but the lieutenant colonel smiled and said nothing. After a few words of comfort to the others around him, he turned and left.

"Director? What director? You are very tight-lipped, and he is getting more and more mysterious." Peng Feng was thinking about it, and his body became tired. He had been anxious for several hours, but now that Xiao Zhao was saved, he felt relaxed.

He leaned against the tree and gradually fell asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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