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Chapter 203 Tian Boguang

This Japanese man's name was Takeda Kaede. He not only exposed Shizufumi Ito's evil deeds on the spot, but also exposed and reported crimes such as rape, humiliation, and oppression committed by other Japanese against trafficked women in garment factories. Time and place

He actually remembered all the victims in a small book so clearly that other Japanese criminals could not defend themselves. And the criminal records in his small book were finally proved by the murdered women or their companions.

What Zhou Wen and the others didn't expect was that he also took the initiative to find Ito Shizuka's money and account books hidden in the secret room. Several thick stacks of account books clearly recorded various incidents of abduction and trafficking of Chinese women since the establishment of Ito Clothing Company many years ago.

Statistics and lists. There are even transportation channels and transfer locations.

These ledgers exposed all channels and personnel hidden in the entire line and were destroyed and arrested. Hundreds of Chinese traitors were discovered.

It can be said that this operation achieved such great results and caused such a huge repercussions. Even Kobayashi's transfer stations in Tianjin and Shanghai were completely exposed and were ordered to be destroyed by Nanjing. As a result, Kobayashi had to temporarily stop his operations in China.

In various activities, Takeda Kaede played a big role in them and made great contributions.

This is one of the reasons why Zhou Wen shot so many Japanese criminals but let him alone.

Another reason is that Zhou Wen did not find that Takeda Kaede had any evil deeds. Even after asking all the women and girls who were rescued, no one came out to report or identify his evil deeds. On the contrary, some little girls said that he

He often helped them secretly, and even had a few quarrels with Shizuka Ito in order to stop his bestial behavior.

This is really a weird Japanese. This was Zhou Wen's first impression after learning about these situations.

He had no crime and had made great achievements, so he couldn't be killed, but he couldn't be let go either. Zhou Wen didn't know how to deal with this weird Japanese. When Zhou Wen hesitated whether to hand him over to Nanjing for processing,

Takeda Kaede asked to see Zhou Wen.

That was the second time Zhou Wen met Takeda Kaede. The first time was on the night of the raid on the garment factory. It was late at night, and Zhou Wen was so angry that he was busy collecting evidence, arresting criminals, comforting the rescued women, etc.

Although Takeda Kaede has been actively cooperating, Zhou Wen basically didn't notice his appearance.

Looking at the Japanese kneeling on the ground and swearing allegiance to him, Zhou Wen found that he was actually very handsome. He had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a very straight nose. He looked very much like a Japanese male movie star named Miura in his previous life.

He is not too short, and his body looks very tall even when he is kneeling.

"I have another very ugly face, and I can compete with my senior brother Miaohua. Why the hell do they all look more like the protagonist than me." Zhou Wen cursed with envy and hatred.

The life experience of Takeda Kaede is even more bizarre. He is actually a direct relative of the Takeda family, a prestigious aristocratic family in the Kansai region of Japan. He was also the heir to the head of the family.

Takeda Kaede's father is Takeda Yoshio. He is the eldest son of Takeda Takeda, the head of the Takeda family, and the heir to the next head of the family. He has been erudite since he was a child, and has certain attainments in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. In particular, he is a national player in Go.

He studied under Zhang Yiqing, a Go master who moved from China to Japan. Later, he excelled in the game and defeated all the opponents in Kansai. Zhang Yiqing also favored this disciple and betrothed his only daughter, Zhang Fengzhi, to him.

Takeda had great respect for Chinese culture, and Zhang Yiqing had a high reputation in both China and Japan. The two families had close contacts, so they naturally had no objection. So Takeda Yoshio and Zhang Fengzhi, who had long been in love, were able to get married.

They got married. Their married life was also harmonious. They gave birth to a son a year after they got married. For some reason, they never gave birth to a child. It was not until ten years later that they had another daughter. The son was naturally Takeda Kaede, who was ten years younger than him.

My sister's name is Takeda Masako.

Unlike his father, Takeda Kaede was educated in Japanese militarism since childhood. After graduating from middle school, he was admitted to the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School. After graduation, with his noble status, he was assigned to the Japanese First Division as a second lieutenant staff officer. According to his

As long as you don't make big mistakes and practice at the grassroots level for a few years, your future military career will be smooth.

Takeda Kaede had just turned 22 years old at that time, and it was a time when he was in high spirits. However, bad luck soon followed. First, his grandfather Takeda Takeda died of illness. Before the whole family recovered from the grief, his father Takeda Yoshio kept his mourning period.

When he was about to take office as the new head of the family, he was hit and killed by a drunk driver of a Japanese military vehicle on his way back from a day trip.

Then, the position of head of the family that was supposed to be taken by Takeda Kaede was somehow replaced by other members of the family and retainers, citing his youth, and recommended his uncle, Takeda Takeda's second son, Takeda, who already holds the rank of Colonel in the military.

Yoshio sat on the throne of the Takeda family.

Until then, Takeda Kaede had not realized that a greater crisis was coming. When one of his father's personal guards found him covered in blood, he realized that all this was a conspiracy planned by his uncle Takeda Yoshio for many years. And Takeda

Yoshio has established relations with the military and is about to kill him.

After all, Takeda Kaede was also a direct descendant of the aristocracy. Relying on the relationship between his father and grandfather, he quickly escaped from the army and did not dare to go home. In desperation, he had no choice but to turn to the Ito family, who was a family friend of the Takeda family. Although the Ito family

He is also a Japanese nobleman, but it is difficult to intervene in other people's family fights. He can only save Takeda Kaede's life because of his good relationship with Takeda Yoshio in the past.

So Takeda Kaede was secretly sent out of Japan by the Ito family and came to China to avoid trouble.

At that time, Zhou Wen looked at the grief-stricken Takeda Kaede. Through superhuman perception and two lifetimes of experience, he thought that he was not telling lies. He was just a little confused as to why he proposed to be his retainer. He asked: "You want to do it?"

My retainer, what about your relatives in Japan? What about your country?"

"I no longer have any family members. My mother was insulted by that beast Yoshio Takeda and committed suicide that day. My lovely sister Masako...she...was also...wuwuwu..."

Seeing Takeda Kaede lying on the ground sobbing and crying, Zhou Wen instantly understood why he was so indignant and dissatisfied with Ito Shizuka's atrocities and why he took the initiative to help those Chinese girls who were trafficked.

Takeda Kaede wiped away her tears, stood up and said loudly: "This country that I once swore allegiance to can't protect my parents and sister, and can't punish the murderers who killed my relatives, then don't do it. I still have half of China.

Because of my bloodline, please treat me as a Chinese. From now on, there will be no Japanese Takeda Kaede in this world, only your Chinese vassal. Please give me your name." After saying this, he got up.

Zhou Wen blurted out without thinking: "Then you will be called Tian Boguang from now on."

This chapter has been completed!
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