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Chapter 225

Just when Oshima Yoshikura sent Takeda Kaede to the gate, Takeda Kaede said casually: "Oshima-kun, please prepare yourself. I think you will be able to return home soon." Oshima Yoshikura was instantly struck by the sudden surprise and happiness.

surrounded by…

The next night, after Zhou Wen listened to Tian Boguang's report again, he was speechless.

Originally, Zhou Wen's plan was just a tentative intention, and he didn't have much certainty. After all, robbing a bank is technically very difficult. Zhou Wen had only heard of it before, and he had no experience. Moreover, his previous thoughts were just

He grabbed a handful at the counter in the lobby and left. That's why he asked Tian Boguang to negotiate a big deal in the name of a Japanese nobleman, and he did it when the bank prepared a large amount of cash for the transaction.

But now Tian Boguang's role has been infinitely magnified, and even the guards of the treasury can be mobilized. The remaining four guards allow Zhou Wen to consider the feasibility of robbing the treasury. "Mama Pi, this is robbing the treasury, Xiao

I'm afraid we won't have enough cars, so we need to get a truck."

Looking at Tian Boguang who was respectfully obeying his orders again, Zhou Wen's confusion deepened. Is the status of a Japanese aristocrat really so fragrant?

In fact, Zhou Wen really underestimated the influence and deterrence of a real Japanese aristocratic family in the minds of ordinary Japanese civilians. In Japan, aristocracy is not a historical concept given to predecessors by later historians, but a specific concept that has existed from ancient times to the present.

Social class. With the changes in the social environment, different aristocrats have occupied the center of the political stage in different historical periods, namely the public aristocrats in the Ritsuyo era, the samurai aristocrats in the shogunate era, and the new aristocrats formed after the reorganization of the modern status system - Hua

The Takeda family and the Ito family belong to the new aristocracy.

The Japanese aristocracy basically controls all aspects of the country's politics, economy, culture, military and other aspects. In the hearts of ordinary Japanese people, the aristocracy is the object of reverence and obedience. It is an honor and luck to be loyal to a noble family, and it can also rise to the top.

The shortest way.

Of course, it is basically impossible for ordinary people to pretend to be children of aristocrats. In this era, the level of education and training that a direct descendant of a Japanese aristocrat receives from childhood is not something ordinary people can achieve, even if you are rich. Many aristocratic schools teach more than just

Knowledge and culture, as well as necessary aristocratic etiquette, hobbies consistent with status and some special slang.

More importantly, the aristocrats are at the top of the Japanese social structure and have always lived above ordinary people. They have subconsciously cultivated a condescending and commanding temperament. This temperament will be manifested in all aspects of daily life, as well as personal cultivation and habits.

It has nothing to do with it, it is a kind of temperament hidden in the bones. Just like the gaze of a lion on the grassland looking at the antelope, even if it does not want to eat, the indifferent and short gaze in its eyes will still make the antelope shudder and tremble with fear.

Therefore, only a noble can pretend to be another noble. As it happens, Tian Boguang is a genuine Japanese noble. Therefore, Zhou Wen, who does not understand Japanese noble culture very well, will naturally be puzzled and shocked by his surprising performance.

After Tian Boguang drew the internal structure of the bank in detail, a simple and violent plan was formed in Zhou Wen's mind. He asked: "Does the key to the vault belong to Da Dao?"

Tian Boguang said: "There are two keys in the vault, and two people need to turn the lock at the same time to open the vault door. One is in the safe in Oshima Yoshikura's office, and only he and Chieko know the password. According to the rules, Chieko cannot know it.

Yes, but she used to have...that kind of relationship with Oshima Yoshikura...so..."

"Oh? That Chieko told you all this?"

"Yes, so she hates Oshima Yoshikura very much, and she also hopes that I can take revenge on him through family connections."

"What about the other key?"

"The other key is on the person of the bank's security director. The vault is in the basement, but there is another door at the entrance to the basement. That door only has an internal lock and can only be opened by someone inside. After entering, there is a corridor with a guard room on both sides.

, the security director is usually in the guard room. At the end of the corridor is the vault door. During the transaction, the security director will definitely be in the basement. If there is a forced attack, he may destroy the key, which is the biggest difficulty. "

Now it was Zhou Wen's turn to have a headache. He stared at the internal layout of the bank and frowned gradually. He still underestimated the security measures of this bank vault. It was really tight. Outsiders must enter from the inside.

If someone comes to open the door, generally speaking, Oshima Yoshikura or Chieko has to go and call the door in person.

So is it okay to subdue Oshima Yoshikura and threaten him? Zhou Wen nervously weighed the pros and cons. After a while, he gave up this too risky idea. Zhou Wen's previous lessons were to entrust his own safety to others.

It is already very profound. Uncle Huzi and Sister-in-law Xiuqin are gone like this. If Oshima Yoshikura goes to the basement and yells, things will get out of control, and the two sides will shoot and exchange fire. You must know that there are a large number of Japanese troops stationed in the Japanese Concession.

It would be a bad thing to attract the Japanese troops, and it would be a question of whether they could escape at that time.

The original plan was to start a violent attack and injure people immediately after the transaction started. Use a pistol with a silencer or a knife to kill everyone upstairs and downstairs before they reacted, and then quietly open the door with cash.

Leave. The people in the basement will not notice it in a short time. Because according to the information Chieko revealed to Tian Boguang, the guards in the basement cannot come out easily. They have to wait for someone to take over in the evening before they can come out.

Now, how to open the basement door has become the biggest difficulty, even more difficult than opening the vault door. Attacking by force is definitely not possible. There is only one door in the basement that can enter and exit, even for Zhou Wen and Miaohua, who are masters of qi mirrors and marksmanship (

Miaohua's marksmanship is as good as a god within 100 meters), and it is impossible to break in and kill the security director and four guards in an instant. The security director will quickly destroy the vault key as soon as he finds that something is wrong.

Don't even think about opening the vault door by yourself. Although there are no high-tech locks in this era, the lock of the vault door is still very particular. The internal structure is complicated. It is said that there are multiple locks. Even for a so-called master thief like Zhao Yi

It is impossible for a master to open it. Once the key is destroyed, there is no need to think about it and you can only leave.

Now the treasury is like an old hen that has been half-cooked. If you don't eat it, you feel it's a pity. If you eat it, you're afraid it won't be able to chew... It's difficult to handle.

Miaohua and Zhang Xiaoping next to them also had sad faces. They thought hard for a long time and couldn't say a word. Only Ti Jing and the old god were closing their eyes and resting next to them. Anyway, I can do whatever my uncle tells me to do.

We won't get involved in this kind of brain-consuming stuff.

In the end, Miaohua sighed and said: "Alas... Scholar, I think it's better to forget it. Although it's a bit of a pity, the risk is too great. If we exchange fire with the guards in the basement, their gunshots will alarm the people outside.

It’s for pedestrians. Let’s stick to the original plan.”

Zhou Wen blinked and said: "It's a pity. The conditions are basically met, except for this last tremor. I still feel unwilling." After saying that, he looked down at the drawings again and started thinking.

At this time, Tian Boguang, who had been silent for a long time, said: "Sir, in 1928, the third year of the Showa era, a treasury robbery case also occurred in Kyoto, Japan. Although those people were later caught, their methods can be used as a reference.


"Oh?" Zhou Wen raised his head and looked at Tian Boguang. Miaohua and Zhang Xiaoping's eyes lit up after hearing this, and they stared at Tian Boguang closely. Even Tiijing opened his eyes and raised his ears to wait for his next words.

At this time, Tian Boguang did not dare to look directly into Zhou Wen's eyes. He lowered his head and said quietly: "They... they have internal agents..."

Zhou Wen understood what he meant instantly, and stared at him for a long time with lightning-like eyes before saying word by word with a cold face: "Are you talking about that Qian Huizi?"

Tian Boguang felt a chill rush into his heart, and cold sweat broke out on his head. He continued to lower his head and grit his teeth without making a sound.

"No, it's impossible." Zhou Wen's resolute voice was like a biting wind in the cold winter, with an irresistible will that made Tian Boguang tremble all over.

"Are you exposed? Or did you tell her the truth?" Zhou Wen's heart completely cooled down. After all, he is not his brother. If he is not of my race, his heart must be different. The ancients never deceived me. What a slut!

Believe me. At this time, Zhou Wen's mind was full of strange thoughts, and all kinds of thoughts came to him. He was already extremely irritated, his voice became colder and colder, and his murderous intention became stronger and stronger.

Tian Boguang finally couldn't withstand the pressure brought by Zhou Wen's murderous intent. He knelt on the ground with a sweat, his hands in front of him, his head on the ground and said: "My lord, this subordinate has never revealed the truth to her. It's just... it's just a subordinate.

She asked too many questions, which may have aroused her suspicion. However, Chieko did not ask her any questions. Instead, she revealed all the details she knew, including the fact that she knew the password to the safe in the manager's office.

She took the initiative to tell me, and she also took the initiative to tell me about the security situation in the basement."

"Why would she tell you this? Is it because she fell in love with you?" Zhou Wen's voice was still cold and emotionless.

"She...she is scared. Of course, she also means to love me. This subordinate can guarantee that Chieko loves me."

"Oh...since she loves you, what is she afraid of? Is she afraid that you will dump her?"

"No...it's not just the fear of losing me, but more importantly...the fear of losing her life. I feel the fear and helplessness in her heart..."

"So you fell in love with her too, right?" Zhou Wen's voice instantly rose an octave.

"Yes...yes, my subordinate is in love with Miss Chieko..."

This chapter has been completed!
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