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Chapter 320 Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army of the Central Party Headquarters

In fact, there was another telegram in the principal's hand that made his head hurt a little. The Taiyuan Appeasement Office also sent a telegram calling for war that afternoon. The signature was of course Marshal Yan, whom the principal had been wary of.

The content of the telegram is very simple, that is, the 200,000 Jin troops under the command of Yan in Shanxi are on the alert and waiting for an order from the central government to leave Shanxi and rush to the Songhu Anti-Japanese Front. They must not tolerate yesterday's tragedy in the Northeast and do it again today.

Shanghai reenactment and more.

The content of the telegram implicitly condemned the principal's inaction during the September 18th Incident, which meant that if you did not resist Japan, then I would have no choice but to step forward.

How dare the principal let Marshal Yan out of Shanxi at this time of internal and external difficulties, but it would not be appropriate to refuse directly. If the newspaper reported it, it would be detrimental to his reputation.

And regardless of what the king of Shanxi said nicely, he rushed to the Songhu front line with an order from the central government. If you really agree with him to send out the army, a second telegram asking for money and military expenses will soon follow. Hum... Yan...

Is the nickname Lao Chi for nothing? I can't get that much money even if I sell my blood for the 200,000 Jin army's military expenses.

Now seeing several big guys from the Provincial Party Headquarters talking eloquently, the principal suddenly had an idea and took out his pen to add two more words to the words "Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army of the Central Party Headquarters" on the approval document of the Central Party Headquarters.

After the words became "Central Party Headquarters Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army", he then signed his name.

This move can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It not only gives face to the Central Party Committee, but also blocks the mouth of the general. Look, your Shanxi army has been agreed to go to the Songhu front line. I have given you both face and face. Why don’t you want it?

No more noise.

Therefore, around 8 pm on February 2, telegrams from the Central Party Headquarters and the Military Commission were sent to the Shanxi Provincial Party Headquarters and the Taiyuan Appeasement Office, which meant that Shanxi’s request to send troops was agreed to, and the Shanxi Provincial Party Headquarters Security Office

The "Central Party Headquarters Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army" was organized mainly by the troops under its jurisdiction, with a total number of no more than 1,300 people. It was reorganized before February 4 and set off on a special train from Taiyuan in the early morning of February 5, striving to arrive on February 10

It recently arrived at the Songhu front line and was placed under the command of the 19th Route Army General Headquarters.

Zhou Wen was overjoyed when he received the telegram. Although the name "Central Party Headquarters Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army" was a bit confusing, at least his wish came true.

The news was conveyed to the whole army, and all the officers and soldiers were in high spirits, especially those officers like Meng Yuting and others who stayed in the Soviet Union. When it finally came time to resist the war and serve the country, they all tried their best to organize, mobilize, plan, etc. in an orderly manner, basically

Zhou Wen didn't need to worry about it, it only took one day to prepare it.

It was originally decided to board the train and set off on February 4th, and the equipment and supplies had already been loaded on the train. However, an unexpected incident delayed Zhou Wen's departure for a whole day.

It turns out that the commander-in-chief of Shanxi came to fight with Zhou Wen. Why? If the commander-in-chief wants to send more troops to Zhou Wen, they must be from the Jin army. The reason is that since the volunteer army also represents Shanxi, Shanxi is also obliged to send troops. Not many, just one

There are about 500 people in the battalion, and it is also a guard battalion next to the commander. If he doesn't agree, he won't be allowed to start.

This incident made Zhou Wen dumbfounded. Of course he understood the marshal's mood. No matter what the marshal's intentions were, it was not a bad thing to be willing to send troops to the front line to fight against Japan. However, Zhou Wen was not willing to join an army he was unfamiliar with before the war.

I agree. Let’s not talk about whether others will obey management and command. Now the mercenary group has gone through many drills and has developed certain tactical routines and tacit cooperation. It is not a good thing to increase the number of troops now, but it is prone to accidents.


If you send a guard battalion, I can't explain it without using it. That means you and the Jin army are looking down on you. What if it doesn't work? What if you can kill your old guard battalion commander? The so-called tasteless thing is nothing more than this. That's resolute.

Can't have it.

But Zhou Wen's reason for refusing is also very reasonable. The Military Commission gave him an establishment of 1,300 people. All kinds of logistics supplies on the way out and on the battlefield are prepared according to the share of 1,300 people. Now I have 1,228 people. You

I can't break up my army and give up the quota.

There is another thing. Although your guard battalion is the elite of the Jin army, its combat effectiveness is still far behind that of my second detachment. People will die in war. When the time comes, hundreds of people will be handed over to me. Not a single one of them will be killed.

After returning home, there were only a few dozen people left, so it’s hard for me to explain, right? This was verified by the commander’s attitude towards Zhao Changshu, who was laughing beside him but refused to say anything.

The most important thing is, what kind of person do you think you are in the eyes of that principal? Don’t you have such a clear conscience in your heart? At this time, you still want to send troops to cause trouble, so you are not afraid that when you get to Nanjing, they will give up your entire battalion.

Buttoned down.

In this way, Zhou Wen patiently talked with the commander for a long time, and then the commander gave up angrily, and finally forced Zhou Wen to have a heavy mortar platoon.

"The old man doesn't have many troops, just a heavy mortar platoon with less than 50 people. This doesn't exceed your 1,300-man establishment, right? Anyway, there will always be a place for our Jin army on the Songhu battlefield this time."

Zhou Wen knew that the commander-in-chief had a precious heavy artillery regiment, which was all large-caliber artillery. Except for a few imported products, most of them were produced by Taiyuan Arsenal. Among them was a heavy mortar battalion, equipped with 12

Menjin manufactures 150 mm caliber mortars.

Speaking of this mortar, it is actually a 16-year-old new 150mm heavy mortar made by Taiyuan Arsenal, imitated by Shenyang Arsenal. The barrel weighs 210 kg, plus two wheels of 21 kg, and a base of 80 kg. The total

It weighed more than 300 kilograms, and the projectile weighed 19 kilograms. It was fired by a pull method. It was considered a relatively advanced heavy mortar at the time. The only drawback was that the accuracy was a little worse, and the range was shorter.

2.8 kilometers, if you add projectile charges, it can be increased to 3.5 kilometers, but the damage to the barrel is a bit large.

Zhou Wen did not refuse this heavy mortar platoon, and he did not dare to refuse anymore. Moreover, the commander gave Zhou Wen a platoon of two 150mm heavy mortars. On the one hand, he wanted to declare to all parties the existence of the Jin army on the anti-Japanese front line.

On the other hand, it also gave Zhou Wen a strong support. Zhou Wen should appreciate this kindness.

In fact, this kind of heavy artillery does not add much to the tactics of the mercenary group. It is because it is too bulky and inconvenient to move. Once the position is exposed, it is easily counterattacked by the enemy. Moreover, the range is too short, which is far inferior to that of the mountain artillery battery.

The six 75mm Schneider infantry guns are in good use.

But the 150mm caliber of this gun is enough to make other troops salivate. The 19-kilogram shell will make a big crater on the ground, not to mention the power of the explosion. Ordinary buildings cannot withstand one shot.

Yes, it can be said to be a powerful weapon in fortified battles, but the mercenary group is engaged in raids and fortified battles? You are overthinking it.

This chapter has been completed!
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