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Chapter 34 Raid

At four o'clock in the afternoon the next day, on a small highland next to Jiangzhuang Village, Zhou Wendu was covered with grass. He lay on the ground and used a telescope to carefully observe the terrain of Jiangzhuang Village. On the high hill, Xu Dacheng lay beside him and used a pencil to write on paper.

Write and draw on it. This is Zhou Wen teaching on-site how to draw a topographic map.

Yesterday, Zhou Wen and the others marched nearly 100 miles overnight and arrived at Jiangzhuang Village before dawn. Now the entire company rested in the woods two miles away from the village for a whole day.

This time Zhou Wen wanted to use the night march to avoid Qi Laoliu's eyes and achieve the effect of a surprise attack.

After returning to the woods, I saw that everyone had rested well and had basically recovered their strength. So I called the leaders over to assign tasks.

He spread the drawn terrain map on the ground and said: "I plan to launch an attack at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. After the battle starts, no one will be allowed to leave the village. Pointing to the simple terrain map, he said that the village has three entrances. Brother Shanzi will lead the Niu Bao Group

Block the west entrance of the village. No matter who comes down the mountain or comes out of the village, catch them if you can, and beat them to death if you can't.

I want to make Qi Laoliu blind and deaf. Uncle Ma leads the machine gun team and Li Hu team to guard the north entrance. There is also a way up the mountain at the north entrance, which is very important. The Jiang family compound is led by me, my senior brother, Dacheng and Ti Jing and the action team.

and reconnaissance team attack.

The Ergazi group will guard the entrance. The artillery group will not be used this time. It depends on the horses and the severity."

After speaking, he pulled Gao Xiaoshan, Uncle Ma, and Miaohua aside, took out the communicator, and taught them how to use it. In the end, he did not explain how he got it. He only said that only trustworthy people can use it. Once outsiders find out, he will

will die.

Anyway, believe it or not, don’t ask or think about it, no one can reveal it.

Everyone was stunned for a while, but no one wanted to harm Zhou Wen. They would rather believe that it was true than believe that it was not true. They had no choice but to put away their gossip.

Gao Xiaoshan carefully held the intercom, turned it over and clicked his tongue: "What a treasure. It can send messages dozens of miles away. I heard that foreigners also have this phone. What's the phone called? Is it this?"

"The telephone is connected to the line, and it cannot be used once the line is disconnected. There is also a type called a telegraph, which can send messages thousands of miles away, but it is too big and requires someone who specializes in sending messages to use it. It is inconvenient in battle.

, Chairman Shi has the telegram." Zhou Wen explained.

Even Miaohua was so novel that she had to drag Uncle Ma all the way to talk to Zhou Wen...

At around 3 o'clock in the morning, Zhou Wen learned that all groups were in place, so he slowly led his people into the village.

The whole village was quiet and there were no dogs barking. It was a good time to kill people and set fires.

Everyone changed into cloth shoes, smeared their faces with ashes, and arrived outside the wall of the Jiang family courtyard.

Seeing watchtowers built at the east and west corners, everyone bent down and walked around the wall to the north corner. Miaohua took out the hook rope and threw it gently, and hooked it to the top of the high wall. After a few clicks, she was up.

The wall climbed in.

Zhou Wen asked blacksmith Wang from the village to make the hook rope according to the drawings. Except for the artillery team, basically everyone has one.

Zhou Wen pointed at the west watchtower to signal Ti Jing, and Ti Jing quietly touched it. When Miao Hua's voice came from the earphones: "Get in position on the east side." He waved his hand towards Ti Jing, and Ti Jing raised his hand and was hit by an iron bullet.

A human head showing towards the watchtower.

Yes, you read that right, it is an iron bullet, not a stone. Zhou Wen specially asked Blacksmith Wang to make it for the Body Jing using rough iron. It is the size of an egg, and the Body Jing is very easy to use, and can be used for headshots within 50 meters.

"Plop!" The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came. The body turned around with a face covered with charcoal ash, looking at Zhou Wen with a proud smile. "Like a big bear." Zhou Wen sneered. At this time, Miaohua also came from the watchtower in the east.


Everyone came to the entrance of the north courtyard. When Miaohua opened the door from the inside, they sneaked in one after another. Zhou Wen ordered Xu Dacheng: "Take three people outside and guard one at each corner to prevent anyone from climbing over the wall and escaping."

Snoring came from a room next to the door. Zhou Wen and Miaohua opened the door gently and went in. They saw two people sleeping on a large bunk with their backs stretched out. There was a long gun beside them. It seemed that there were two

Nursing home.

Signing to each other, each person went up and knocked out the nurse. After gagging his mouth, Zhou Wen woke up one of the nurses.

The person who woke up saw the bright knife scratching his throat, and he wet his pants in fear. A cold voice came from his ears: "Report the truth about the situation in the courtyard, and it will be a knife in one sentence."

"He nodded hurriedly.

Only then did Zhou Wen learn that the Jiang family courtyard was divided into a front hall, a backyard and left and right side courtyards. In the backyard lived Jiang Jintong and a long attendant and bodyguard. In the left courtyard were the women and children, and in the right courtyard were Qi Laoliu's bandit cavalry.

, usually there are seventeen or eight people, all with guns.

After Zhou Wen and Miaohua came out, they took their own actions. Zhou Wen took Sun Dazhu to the backyard, and Miaohua took the others to the right courtyard. Zhou Wen squatted at the door of the main house in the backyard without moving, and Sun Dazhu guarded the door of the side room.

After a while, the quietness of the village was broken by the sound of gunshots, which were the special gunshots of Miaohua, and then the flower machine also rang.

Zhou Wen and Sun Dazhu kicked the door open at the same time and rushed in with guns in hand. Zhou Wen had good eyesight and saw someone on a big bed about to get up. When he got up, he kicked him down. He saw a gun handle exposed under the pillow of the person and took it out.

At first glance, he actually had his eyes wide open.

Zhou Wen saw that the man on the bed had been kicked unconscious, so he tied him up, gagged him and dragged him out. Sun Dazhu from the side room also came out carrying a man who was tied up like a rice dumpling.

At this time, the entire compound began to become noisy, and the cries of women and children came from the left yard.

Zhou Wen walked out and fired two shots into the sky, and said loudly: "Those in the yard on the left don't come out, and we won't go in either. Don't make any noise. Shut up now." The cry suddenly disappeared, and it was estimated that even

The child's mouth was covered.

There also began to be movement in the village, dogs began to bark, and some people's windows began to light up.

Ti Jing stood in the middle of the village and shot a shuttle with a flower trap in the sky, shouting at the top of his voice: "We are only looking for the Jiang family compound, and other families are not involved. Don't go out. If you go out, shoot them to death."

"After that, there was another shuttle.

Suddenly every house became quiet, the lights were turned off, and even the dogs did not dare to bark.

The courtyard was also quiet, and Miaohua came out and said: "There are 17 people here, 7 of them who resisted were killed, and the others were tied up. The courtyard is all clean. Junior brother, you did the right thing, women and children

We won’t go into the left courtyard where we live, and we’ll leave it to him to deal with it when the group leader and others arrive.”

After saying that, he lamented: "Senior brother, I killed someone again."

Zhou Wen said with a smile: "Senior brother, they are all damned bandits. Just think of it as saving them for the Lord Buddha and that's it."

The person Zhou Wen captured in the main house was Jiang Jintong, the owner of the compound. He was scared to death long ago. Without Zhou Wen using any means, he sold all his brothers one by one. Including the number of bandits, firepower, and terrain conditions, everything was clearly explained.


Xu Dacheng was actually caught outside the wall by him. As soon as he climbed over the wall, he was kicked unconscious by Xu Dacheng. He was also a bandit.

After daybreak, people continued to control the entrances of each village, cooked hot meals in the kitchen of the Jiang family compound, and sent them to the brothers in various places. Zhou Wen took the time to draw the topographic map of the bandit village in Fangcheng Mountain according to Jiang Jintong's dictation.

In the afternoon, Wang Huzi, who was on the road with a battalion, received the summons and rushed there with more than 30 men on horseback and took control of the village.

After Zhou Wen hurriedly handed over to Wang Huzi, he led the guard company directly into the mountain. You must hurry up. It will not be fun if you surprise the bandits on the mountain.

Qi Laoliu's village was built on a mountain called Yixiantian. There is another peak called Chuanyun Peak 200 meters next to the top of the mountain. He arranged for dozens of people and a machine gun to guard the top of the mountain.

The road up the mountain is sandwiched between two mountains, so it is called a line of sky. Wang Huzi and the others used to attack hard. They were hit by the cross firepower of the two mountains. How could they possibly conquer it? No wonder Qi Laoliu has been able to run rampant for so many years.

This terrain is really easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Zhou Wen's plan was to capture Chuanyun Peak in a sneak attack first, and then use mortars to blow up the bandits and let them attack.

At 5 o'clock in the morning, it is when people sleep the deepest. Zhou Wen and Miaohua crawled slowly and approached two secret sentries halfway up Chuanyun Peak. Both of them had fallen asleep leaning against the trees. After all, no one had come here in two years.

After the attack, my vigilance was gone. In my sleep, I only felt a pain in my neck, and I didn't know anything else.

Zhou Wen said softly: "Follow me." After a while, Gao Xiaoshan and Ti Jing followed, followed by the action team.

Zhou Wen led the team slowly towards the top of the peak. When they were more than 10 meters away from the peak, he asked everyone to stop and used his night vision ability to move up slowly. The top of the peak was piled with sandbags, and there was only one entrance.

A bandit sentry was leaning on a sandbag with a gun in his hand, sleeping soundly.

Zhou Wen slowly went up, covering his mouth with his left hand, and thrust the bayonet of his right hand upwards from under his ribs. With a "pop" sound, the bandit was killed instantly. After wiping the bayonet clean, he carefully inspected the situation at the top of the peak.

The area of ​​the peak is not large, only about 500 square meters. It is surrounded by simple bunkers made of sandbags. It seems that Qi Laoliu knows some military skills. There are three wooden houses in the middle of the open space. After carefully observing the surroundings, Zhou Wen determined that the outside

There was no one left, and they were probably all sleeping in the cabin. Zhou Wen used the headset to notify everyone to come up.

After everyone came up, Zhou Wen pointed to the three rooms and said softly: "Brother Shan Zi will lead the team to clean up from the left. They all use bayonets and try not to make any noise and not to survive."

Then he turned to Miao Hua and Ti Jing and told Miao Hua and Ti Jing: "Senior brother and Ah Jing will guard the door of one room. If anyone in the room is awakened, shoot and throw grenades in." After saying this, he made a gesture of action.

In fact, it can be said that Chuanyun Peak has been taken down at this time. It doesn't matter whether they shoot or not, but Zhou Wen wants to take this opportunity to exercise their courage and hands-on ability. After all, the feeling of killing with a gun and killing with a knife is completely different.

I watched Gao Xiaoshan quietly sneaking into the house with a few people. After a while, a series of "puff" sounds of knives piercing the body and the muffled sounds of people covering their mouths came out. It went smoothly. Then a series of black shadows

Walked out again and entered another room...

The entire peak was shrouded in a thick smell of blood. There were 23 bandits in total, and the blood seeped out from the house. Gao Xiaoshan vomited again, and even Miaohua and Tijing were vomiting. The scene was too bloody.

The action team members vomited and carried the corpses. But they knew that this was something they had to experience and adapt to, because their elders and relatives had shed more blood here.

This chapter has been completed!
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