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Chapter 340 Offerings

Mo Dahai used an air observation scope to look at the four oncoming black spots in the distant sky, and kept reporting the parameters.

Speaking of this air observation scope, Mo Dahai proposed to buy it after Meng Yuting and the others joined the mercenary group. Otherwise, Zhou Wen would really not know what an air observation scope is.

In later generations, radars and computers could be used to quickly measure the height, speed, flight attitude, aircraft type and other parameters of an aircraft. This is not the case in this era, so the thick oak stick-like air observation scope occupies a considerable place in air defense.

Important position.

Its principle is to use the difference in visual angle between the left and right eyes of the human eye to measure the distance and altitude of the aircraft, and also the speed of the aircraft. Before the invention of radar, it was an indispensable tool for the air defense forces of various military powers in the world.

It was also Mandel who was more capable. Shortly after Zhou Wen proposed the purchase intention, he purchased two semi-new French goods through the black market. However, the price was not cheap. It cost Zhou Wen a total of three thousand US dollars, not including Mandel's.

Of course, if Zhou Wen is willing to wait for a few months, the latest Zeiss air observation scope manufactured in Germany only costs 1,200 Reichsmarks, which is about more than 300 US dollars. However, Zhou Wen cannot afford to wait, so he has to buy it from the black market at a high price.

Bought two used items for emergencies.

This kind of high-end military equipment is not something that ordinary people would use. For example, Zhou Wen would not use it. He could see targets in the distance when he picked it up, but he was confused about the parameters.

Now that this kind of observation mirror is in the hands of an expert like Mo Dahai, the various parameters of the enemy aircraft can be quickly calculated, and the various parameters of the enemy aircraft are constantly reported to Wang Zhili who is standing next to him, and Wang Zhili adjusts the machine gun.

The two men cooperated closely with each other according to the shooting parameters. The two machine gun companies below with 36 machine guns only had to follow their orders.

This is the result of Zhou Wen's training at all costs. The commander and the machine gun crews are already operating like a machine with a precise structure, each performing its own duties and cooperating seamlessly.

Two machine gun positions were deployed in the fields not far from the bridge. They were surrounded by sparse trees. Each machine gun was wrapped with straw and branches to block reflections. The shooting range of each machine gun position had already been arranged.

Make sure there are no blind spots for shooting. As long as you are within the shooting range of the machine gun, it will be a matter of time before you are shot. It depends on whether the injury is serious and whether you can run away.

You must know that the MG13 machine gun does not have any incendiary bombs. If the 7.9mm machine gun bullet misses the vital part of the aircraft or kills the pilot, a few bullets in ordinary parts will still not cause fatal damage to the aircraft, and it can still fly.

Flying, what should be exploded will still explode. This requires that the anti-aircraft machine gun must hit the target with more bullets in a short period of time before it is possible to shoot down the enemy aircraft or directly destroy it.

But the enemy plane's flying attitude next made Mo Dahai's heart drop to his stomach. He knew that these Japanese bombers in the sky were too arrogant. They formed a tight formation and began to dive and lower their altitude at the same time.

Stunned, they changed to level flight at an altitude of less than 200 meters, and then the four planes flew straight towards the air defense position composed of 36 machine guns at a speed of no more than 120 kilometers. The white underbelly of the plane was shaking.

The big belly was completely exposed to the muzzles of 36 black guns.

It was like four naked beautiful women dancing in front of 36 drunken men.

What kind of arrogance does it take for the commander of this bomber group to adopt such an unprepared attack method? It is really deceiving!

Mo Dahai's heart and body became hot at the same time.

What Mo Dahai didn't know was that Captain Qingshui Heshu in the sky above his head also unconsciously became hot after seeing the train station in the distance. He even had time to start thinking about whether to take pictures after the bombing was successful.

Take a photo as a souvenir. After all, the spectacular scene of ground ammunition being detonated is a rare sight in your life!

Then, Captain Qingshui Heshu accidentally glanced at the ground nearly 180 meters away. A sudden spark in the field flashed his eyes, and dozens of sparks followed in an instant. Qingshui Heshu's heart suddenly

It cooled down. He knew very well what those sparks meant. He didn't even need to look at them. They were not sparks, but tongues of fire spit out by dozens of demons from hell.

I saw him picking up the microphone at an unimaginable speed, and only had time to yell: "Fly dispersed, disperse..."

A few tongues of fire roared over and licked his plane without mercy. Then the tongues of fire penetrated the thin aluminum fuselage, and countless 7.9mm bullets flew in the air, screaming, with a death gaze.

, passed through his eyes, passed through his ears, and of course passed through his body...

The three planes behind simultaneously received Captain Shimizu Kazuki's roar before his death, followed by the scream of metal bullets.

There was no way, the formation of the four bombers was too tight, and it would take time to quickly turn and pull up from a straight and level flight attitude, especially to increase speed, and unlike the jet engines of later generations, the power would come as soon as you step on the accelerator.

So when the first plane was baptized by the metal storm, the following three planes also entered the center of the storm almost at the same time. The outcome was naturally already determined. No matter whether you were flying left or right, you were all attacked in just one minute.

The rain of bullets struck mercilessly.

The last plane in the Japanese aircraft formation even tried desperately to lower its fuselage and dive down. Maybe the Japanese pilot was very brave, or maybe he was stupid. Just when he lowered the nose of the plane, he was hit by a 7.9mm bullet.

It hit him in the head. Rather than saying that the bullet hit him, it would be better to say that he took the bullet with his head.

So the plane began to lose control, and then countless bullets hit the wings, belly, and the 500-kilogram bomb...

From the time when the first plane piloted by Kazuki Shimizu was attacked and exploded to the last plane that was detonated with a bomb, only one minute passed. In such a short period of time, the four planes formed a tight formation.

The Type 13 carrier-based bombers, flying at the same altitude and flown by well-trained and experienced Imperial Japanese pilots, turned into four bright fireworks in the sky.

They were all disintegrated and exploded in the air. No plane had time to drop the bomb, and no one had time to parachute.

In this way, the 3rd bomber squadron on the Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Kaga, together with 12 crew members including squadron leader Captain Shimizu Kazuki, turned into fireworks in the sky and became the first attack by the Tiger mercenary group.

Sacrifice of the Japanese war.

This chapter has been completed!
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