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Chapter 394

Zhou Wen pointed to the small blue flag on the map representing the Japanese 24th Brigade and said, "Is Chief Zhang considering this part of the Japanese army?"

On the map, the entire defense line of the Chinese army is basically in a straight line, but only the Japanese troops of the Huncheng 24th Brigade here in Jinjiazhai stand out like an arrow.

Chief Zhang nodded and said: "Yes, but the people who came in are not deep enough. It won't be easy to start talking for a while."

Zhou Wen and Meng Yuting looked at each other, and Zhou Wen continued: "I have studied it several times with my officers, and I have an idea, but it is a bit risky."

Chief Zhang said: "You mean to bring in the Japanese troops?"

Zhou Wen secretly admired it. It seemed that Chief Zhang had already thought of this trick.

"Yes, compared with the Japanese offensive in the past few days, I found that their attack momentum today has begun to weaken. The Japanese troops on the north bank of Yunzaobang and Jiangwan have been completely blocked by our army on their positions yesterday evening. Today,

So far, there has been no progress. Now that the Japanese army does not have an offensive weapon like tanks, the Japanese army in these directions is at the end of its tether."

"And our army still has a strong reserve force. If the Japanese army is mixed into the 24th Brigade and gradually brought in, as long as we persist until the evening, after the Japanese plane returns, our army's troops on the front line of the temple suddenly launch a counterattack, and we

The volunteers advanced forward along the Yunzaobang River bank, ignoring the positions occupied by the Japanese army, and attacked directly to the Zhaojiaqiao line, then went around behind the Jin family residence to completely block the Japanese army's retreat."

Zhou Wen drew an arc on the map with his hand, pointing directly to the back of Jin's house.

Commander Zhang immediately continued what he said: "Move a part of the 87th Division on the north bank of Yunzaobang to cross the river to attack the enemy's right wing. At the same time, ask Commander-in-Chief Chiang Kai-shek to send a part of the 19th Route Army to attack the enemy's left wing from the direction of Jiangwan, plus your

By encircling and intercepting the enemy, the Japanese troops can be combined into 24 brigades to completely surround them, and take advantage of the opportunity when Japanese aircraft cannot be dispatched after dark to devour the enemy in one bite."

After finishing speaking, Chief Zhang laughed and said: "Haha, Xiao Zhou, isn't this appetite a little too big?"

"It's not that big, sir. The Japanese 24th Brigade has been attacked many times by our army in the past few battles. This attack has shrunk by nearly one-third, even with the addition of a new engineer regiment and two

The artillery brigade has no more than 5,000 people at most, and in the past two days, more than a thousand people have been consumed by the brothers of the 88th Division in the battle. The remaining front-line combatants are less than 2,000. The others are technical units with no combat effectiveness.

Not strong."

"And our army has an entire brigade in reserve. From now on until evening, they can continue to consume their combat personnel. By evening, how many people do you think they have left? How much combat effectiveness do they still have?"

Chief Zhang thought for a while and then said to Zhou Wen: "Xiao Zhou, you go back first, and I will think about it. At the same time, I also seek the opinions of Commander-in-Chief Jiang of the 19th Route Army. After all, such a war cannot be fought without their cooperation.


After Zhou Wen said goodbye, Meng Yuting couldn't wait to ask: "Scholar, do you think Chief Zhang will agree to this plan?"

Zhou Bra replied confidently: "Yes, let's start mobilizing when we get back. Then we will refine the plan carefully and see where it is best to intercept."

Of course he was confident that Chief Zhang would agree, because the historical victory at Temple Walk was the masterpiece of his command and was fought in this way. The only regret was that there were no troops to block the Japanese army's retreat and allowed part of the Japanese army to escape. Historically,

According to Chinese statistics, more than 3,000 enemy soldiers were killed, while Japanese reports put the number of casualties at more than 1,000.

But now Zhou Wen no matter who reports it, he wants to keep all the remaining 4,000 Japanese soldiers and let them stay on the land of China to make fertilizer. He is confident that as long as he can successfully penetrate into the rear of the Japanese army, he will not let anyone

A Japanese soldier slipped away from his eyes.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Commander Zhang to call. The 19th Route Army headquarters also agreed to Commander Zhang's plan, so he ordered Zhou Wen to make preparations for the war.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yongbin reported a situation that forced Zhou Wen to consider adjusting his plan.

It turned out that Zhou Yongbin had been using radio monitoring equipment to detect Japanese military radio signals. In the afternoon, a strong signal was suddenly captured by him. A strong signal means that a high-power radio station is working, and the Japanese military's high-power radio stations are generally impossible to detect.

Attached to units below the brigade level.

Moreover, there are also some radio stations with different signal strengths operating near this high-power radio station.

What does this mean? It means that several radio stations are sending and receiving messages at the same time. Which units of the Japanese army have radio stations with different powers working? It can only be the headquarters of the Japanese army, and it is also a brigade-level headquarters. Zhou Yongbin caught a big fish.


Zhou Wen immediately went to the headquarters to report the situation to Commander Zhang.

Originally, the discovery of the Japanese command headquarters was not a big deal to the Chinese army. In fact, even if it was discovered, it would be of no use. There were no aircraft and no large-caliber artillery. It was obvious that it could not be fired.

But now the situation is different. One is that the Japanese army headquarters is relatively close. According to Zhou Yongbin's judgment, it is within ten kilometers, and the location is near the first line of defense of the Chinese army. The other is that Zhou Wen's volunteer army was originally there at night.

If you want to penetrate behind enemy lines, if you can hunt down rabbits and capture the Japanese headquarters, it will be much more beneficial to the encirclement and annihilation campaign that follows.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Due to the plan of luring the enemy deeper, the Fifth Army's defense line at Jinjiazhai had given up and retreated at noon. Now the 256th Brigade of the 88th Division was resisting at Maijiazhai, the last line of defense in front of the temple.

Japanese attack.

Time was running out. In order to determine the exact location of the Japanese command headquarters as soon as possible, Chief Zhang and Zhou Wen quickly studied the map.

Zhou Wen looked at the map carefully, frowned and said: "Sir Zhang, this kind of thing cannot be 100% certain. I think so, since our army does not have artillery with a range of more than ten kilometers, then from a convenient point of view, the Japanese command headquarters

It won't be set up in the wild, we have to find any villages and towns in this area that have not been completely destroyed by the war, and it may be the location of the Japanese army's headquarters."

So Commander Zhang called several officers of the 88th Division who had fought on the front line in Yunzaobang for detailed consultation.

Sure enough, a staff officer of the 256th Brigade pointed to a place on the map and said: "It may be Pengjiazhai. I noticed it the day before yesterday when we were on the front line of defense. After more than a month of fighting, the villages and towns in this area have basically been destroyed.

It was destroyed, but some of the houses in the Peng family residence were intact. At that time, I suggested to the brigade commander where to locate the brigade headquarters, but considering the Japanese plane bombing, the brigade commander did not agree."

This chapter has been completed!
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