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Chapter 457

Moreover, during candid negotiations with the two generals, Zhou Wen also put forward a condition that they simply could not refuse, which was to be responsible for the adoption and placement of more than a thousand wounded soldiers who were disabled even after they were cured, and also proposed a series of

An effective plan.

The placement of these disabled veterans is also a major matter that the two generals have been worried about. Now Zhou Wen has taken charge of solving it.

Zhou Wen promised that all disabled veterans who are willing to go home will be given 50 yuan, and they will be sent back to their hometowns in Guangdong in the name of the Central Party Committee, and the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee will provide proper resettlement.

Those who are willing to settle down in Shanghai will also receive a settlement allowance of NT$50, and the leader of the Youth Gang, Mr. Du, will come forward to organize patriotic business people in Shanghai to arrange suitable jobs for these veterans.

If there are still veterans who cannot be arranged in the end, Zhou Wen will be responsible for taking them back to Shanxi. Zhou Wen has so many industries and bases in Shanxi, is he afraid that he will not be able to support these hundreds of veterans?

This was Zhou Wen's purpose in coming to Shanghai, which was to eliminate the worries of these thousands of wounded soldiers and attract enough soldiers to the Central Party Headquarters. This could be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, Zhou Wen still needs to pay a lot of money. The resettlement fee alone costs more than 100,000 yuan. Although Zhou Wen is nominally responsible for advancing the funds now, and the Central Party Committee will repay the money in the future, but will the Central Party Committee have the money in the future?

It's still unknown, and according to Zhou Wen's plan, the money owed to him by the Central Party Committee will only increase.

What's more, Zhou Wen really wants to properly arrange and treat these anti-Japanese heroes who have contributed to the country and the nation. Although there is no condition for them to honor their ancestors for the time being, they must have a good home. This is not sympathy, but a time travel.

the conscience and responsibility of the person.

Zhou Wen knew that the outcome of the Nineteenth Route Army was very regrettable.

Historically, after the Sino-Japanese armistice agreement was signed, the 19th Route Army withdrew from Shanghai and was transferred by the Military Commission to encircle and suppress the red base area in Fujian. General Chiang Kai-shek also served as the governor of Fujian.

The 19th Route Army fought many battles with our Red Base in Fujian but ended in failure. The morale of the entire army was low, and the generals who were once good at fighting no longer had the intention to engage in civil war.

Generals Chiang and Cai contacted the Guangxi clique, Guangdong and other forces to discuss setting up a new government to end the civil war. In November 1933, they launched the Fujian Incident, and Nanjing immediately mobilized a large army to suppress it.

Because it failed to gain support from other forces in the country and there were objections within the 19th Route Army, it ultimately failed due to the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves.

In the end, the main force of the 19th Route Army was defeated by the Central Army, and some of them surrendered to the Central Army. Only a small number of officers of the 19th Route Army went to Guangxi to join the Guangxi clique for reorganization. The remaining mid-level officers and above of the incorporated troops were all replaced, and the designation of the 19th Route Army was also changed.

got canceled.

Who could have imagined that such a rock-solid army that had become famous in the Songhu Anti-Japanese War would disappear in just one year amid the civil war and Nanjing's political conspiracy.

However, their heroic performance and bloody sacrifice in the Songhu War of Resistance have been etched in history and remembered and revered by future generations.

When Zhou Wen walked out of the headquarters of the 19th Route Army, he felt quite heavy. Although the purpose of the trip had been achieved, he felt heavy and uncomfortable thinking about the irreversible tragic ending of the 19th Route Army.

It is precisely because he knows so much history that he was cautious at the beginning of the establishment of the mercenary group, walking on thin ice, surviving in the cracks, and doing his best to create an environment for himself and the mercenary group that can control his own destiny, avoid

Like the 19th Route Army, it disappeared into the long river of history before the full-scale resistance war began.

Thinking about these questions, Zhou Wen silently got on the bridge waiting outside, rubbed his brow tiredly and said, "Let's go, Xiaoping."

The person who drove to the train station to pick him up today was Zhang Xiaoping. This was also Zhang Xiaoping, his junior brother, conveying to him the message that he had recovered.

Seeing that Zhou Wen was not very happy, Zhang Xiaoping wanted to make his senior brother happy, and said while driving: "Senior brother, what's bothering you today? Don't you notice any changes in me?"

Only then did Zhou Wen come back to his senses and force himself not to fall into such a compassionate state of mind. Although he was unable to change the direction of history, he could at least do something within his power. For example, the fate of these thousands of wounded soldiers might be better than the original history.

Is it better to go up?

Thinking of this, Zhou Wen's mood gradually improved, and he began to carefully observe Zhang Xiaoping who was driving next to him, thinking about what changes could happen after not seeing this junior brother for a while.

Are you fat?

Has grown tall?

Or should I say... say goodbye to my virginity?

It won't be that fast, right?

Zhang Xiaoping said nothing and drove the car with a smile on his face, but there was a trace of joy in his eyes that could not be concealed.

Zhou Wen looked at it and suddenly realized, no, this junior brother has changed, and the change is not small. It is also his fault that he has been thinking about how to convince the two generals after getting off the train, but he is no longer the same as before towards the people around him.

Observation and keen perception.

Now I feel carefully that Zhang Xiaoping gives people a different feeling than before. He naturally exudes an aura that is as heavy as a mountain and as elegant as the wind. It is impossible for even a martial arts master to detect it. Moreover, his breathing is long and gentle, and he exhales and breathes.

It has a unique flavor when you inhale it.

Zhou Wen's eyes lit up instantly and he blurted out: "Xiaoping, have you entered the Qi Jin state?"

Zhang Xiaoping finally put a smile on his face, nodded heavily and said: "Yes!"

"Good boy! Good junior brother! Hahaha!"

Zhou Wen laughed happily and reached out to slap Zhang Xiaoping on the shoulder. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoping was now a master of Qi Jin. Otherwise, if Zhou Wen had slapped him unscrupulously, it would be hard to say whether Zhang Xiaoping could hold the steering wheel.

"Tell me quickly, senior brother, why you suddenly broke through the bottleneck. Before, senior brother Miaohua said that you might have to train for a year before you can break through."

"There were no symptoms before. When I woke up the morning before yesterday, I felt that the inner breath was surging in my body, so I did Tai Chi on the lawn. After a few times, I felt confused and finally broke through."

Oh my god! After just one sleep, you have entered the Qi Jinjing that many martial arts masters will never seek in their lifetimes. Didn’t I tell you before that talking like this makes you want to be beaten?

Zhou Wen immediately stopped smiling and said to Zhang Xiaoping seriously: "Junior brother, just tell me this. Don't say this to Brother Shanzi, Ah Jing, Dacheng and other brothers, otherwise they will join forces to fight.

If I kill you, I will really beat you to death."

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaoping was dumbfounded.

"I've already told Dacheng, no wonder they look at me strangely these days."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

This chapter has been completed!
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