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Chapter 472 Leak

Kengo Yoshitake didn't remember how far he had walked or where he had gone. He just felt that the young man supporting him was very nice and polite. He had been patiently listening to his complaints about the current situation and venting his anger towards the Chinese.

Contempt and hatred, as if what happened to me today was caused by these Chinese people.

It was already late at night, and Kengo Yoshitake suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing over him, bringing with it a little moisture. He raised his groggy head with difficulty again and took a look. It turned out that he had arrived at the Suzhou River. He was about to say

The place where he lived was not in this direction, so he felt nauseated again, lowered his head and began to retch.

The young man complained: "Jiwu Jun, don't vomit on the ground. You make me want to vomit. Take two steps forward and vomit into the river."

After saying that, he took Kengo Yoshitake to the river, patted him on the back, and made him vomit. At the same time, he looked around casually with a pair of alert eyes.

The place where they were at this time was between two street lights. It happened to be a dark place. People from a little further away could not see clearly. What's more, it was late at night and there was no one on the street except a few drunkards in the distance.


Kengo Yoshitake was lying on the bank of the river and was vomiting to death when he suddenly felt his body being pushed by a strong force. Before he understood what was going on, his body had already left the river bank and fell into the faintly flowing river.


The sound of falling water broke the silence of the night, but no one noticed that someone had fallen into the water.

At this time, the young man's stern eyes were staring at the situation on the river. He had done this kind of thing not once or twice. He knew what a drunk person would do if he fell into the flowing river.

and ending.

Sure enough, Yoshitake Kengo, who fell into the river, had no power to struggle at all. He wanted to shout for help, but river water poured into his mouth one after another, choking him so much that he could not speak at all, and it became increasingly difficult to breathe.

My dizzy mind was even more confused, and my hands and legs gradually lost control. I just popped my head out, struggled for a few splashes of water, and then disappeared into the dark Suzhou River in the middle of the night.

After the young man stood on the river bank for about 10 minutes, he turned around and strode forward along the street along the river. Not long after, he got into a black sedan parked on the roadside. There was a big man sitting in the driver's seat of the car.

The boy-like young man is none other than Zhang Xiaoping.

He looked at the young man in a suit who sat in and nodded, then started the car and drove into the dark night in the distance.

And that young man in a suit is naturally the number one killer of the mercenary group, Zhao Yi.

Why Zhao Yi must kill Kengo Yoshitake, an insignificant Japanese, is related to Zhou Wen's current situation in Nanjing.

After the conflict between Zhou Wen and Yoshitake Kengo, Ti Jing in Nanjing naturally informed Miao Hua in Shanghai of the situation on the radio.

This was also the emergency precautionary measure formulated by Zhou Wen at the time, because the mercenary regiments are now stationed in three places. As long as they involve disputes, contradictions and conflicts with other forces, they must communicate with each other in a timely manner to make countermeasures.

After Miaohua learned about this situation, she knew that Zhou Wen's situation in Nanjing was not very good. Since the brothers in Shanghai could not go to Nanjing for the time being, it was necessary to make some arrangements.

How to respond? The brothers in the mercenary group are not good at intrigues and intrigues, so they should do what they do best, which is to kill people to establish their authority as a response.

Miaohua believes that the reputation of the mercenary group is already very loud, but that is in terms of combat, in the category of war, but it is not loud enough in other aspects.

I'm afraid some people in Nanjing still don't know about the killing of bandits, the annihilation of Shi Shouxin's family, and the massacre of all enemies in Lishi County, or maybe they didn't take it seriously after a long time.

Then we have to let those who are interested have a long memory and weigh it themselves.

So, Miaohua decided to attack Yoshitake Kengo. Firstly, he had a public conflict with Zhou Wen in Nanjing, and even wanted to kill Zhou Wen. This was the way to die. Secondly, he was a Japanese.

It is also a way to die, and if the news of his death is spread back to Nanjing, it will have greater influence and deterrence.

To have a deterrent effect, the craftsmanship must not be rough. If you want to kill people, you must do it so that no one can catch it. Creating an accidental death with no loopholes is the best choice.

Let those who are interested guess and rack their brains to guess, was it an accidental death? Or was it man-made murder?

If it was an accident, it would be too much of a coincidence, right? I just had a conflict with you in Nanjing and exposed my murderous intention. He died within a few days of arriving in Shanghai. Who are you trying to bluff?

But if it is really man-made, then there are many more things behind it. Not only the assassination skills are high, but the key is that the style of revenge is a bit scary. It only took a few days, and the person was gone without saying anything. It was completely revenge.

No overnight rhythm.

After some discussions with Zhang Xiaoping, Miaohua sent a message to Zhou Wen that night.

There is no reason why Zhou Wen disagrees. In Nanjing, it is not easy to blatantly kill you. But in Shanghai, and it is still a Japanese concession, you can do it freely.

Moreover, Zhou Wen was gratified that Miaohua and Zhang Xiaoping from Shanghai finally learned to make decisions and considered issues more comprehensively.

Of course, the person who can take the specific action can only be Zhao Yi. It is simple for other brothers to do this kind of work, but it is difficult to do it without any trace or trace.

But Zhao Yike is an expert in this field. He can take action and the brothers can cooperate.

When several Japanese instructors got off the train, they were stared at by the brothers. Especially after seeing Kengo Yoshitake venting his anger on the Chinese rickshaw driver, Zhao Yi sentenced him to death a hundred times in his heart.


How did Kengo Yoshitake know that all his whereabouts after arriving in Shanghai were completely in the eyes of others, including his failure to find a job and his daily drinking to relieve his sorrows?

A scene happened.

When Kengo Yoshitake's floating body was discovered the next day, it was already several kilometers away from the place where he fell into the water. This was because the body was caught on a dead branch by the river, otherwise it would have floated overnight.

Exited the Japanese Concession.

After the Japanese patrol room discovered that the body was Japanese, they immediately felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. You must know that China and Japan have just ceased war in Shanghai and the situation is still not stable. If it is found to be man-made murder, it may be the Chinese.

Then there was quite a fuss.

However, even if they invited a British forensic doctor to help with the identification, the body was almost dissected and there were no human traces. In the end, they could only conclude that he accidentally fell into the water and drowned while drunk.

Of course, since Kengo Yoshitake was an instructor who had just been dismissed from the Central Army Military Academy, the news of his death naturally spread back to Nanjing.

This chapter has been completed!
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