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Chapter 504

However, there is no solution after thinking of it. Now that Lu Er has escaped, he does not have the tools to do the dirty work. There are many confidants in the Military Police Headquarters, but this is equivalent to risking his life and property.

Who dares to risk beheading? Don't let the matter out when the time comes, or you'll just shoot yourself in the foot.

Suddenly I remembered something, so I picked up the phone on the table and made a call. Not long after, Chen Dali, the staff officer of the Operations Department, walked in, stood at attention and saluted: "Virgin, are you looking for me?"

Since the conflict with Zhou Wen last time, Song Mingxuan didn't like this subordinate very much. Not only was he incompetent in doing things, but he also caused trouble. Otherwise, there would not be such a crisis situation today. If it weren't for the fact that he had a military commission behind him.

The distant uncle of the big boss has long been kicked to the grassroots army.

Song Mingxuan still asked with a straight face: "You said you met the man named Zhou on Monday. Now tell me in detail what happened at that time."

Of course, Chen Dali knew that he messed up something last time and had embarrassed his boss. He had been looking for an opportunity to show off. After hearing Song Mingxuan's question, he quickly nodded and bowed and replied: "Yes, yes, yes, I am a humble employee who went out on business on Monday."

When I was passing by the National Girls' High School, I saw a guy named Zhou driving a little girl to school. Although the girl was not very old, she was very pretty. Do you think it could be the guy named Zhou... Hehe!


Song Mingxuan ignored Chen Dali's dirty thoughts and said with disgust: "Let's get down to business and stop thinking about those messy things. Did you see clearly who it is with the surname Zhou? What kind of car is he driving?"

"That's him. I don't remember anyone else, so how could I not remember him? He drives a half-new American Ford, and the license plate looks like it belongs to the Party Central Committee."

"Which little girl looks so big?"

"I didn't dare to get close at that time. She looked about eleven or twelve years old. She was really good-looking."

Of course, Song Mingxuan would not have such dirty thoughts as Chen Dali, but since Zhou Dali drove him there in person, it meant that this little girl had a close relationship with him. She might be his relative, and he could take action in this regard if necessary.

Immediately he waved his hand and said: "Well, don't tell others about this yet. I'm just asking casually. You can go down first."

After sending Chen Dali away like a fly, Song Mingxuan began to think deeply again. Now he had one more card in his hand, but he was missing a card player.

After much thought, he couldn't think of a suitable candidate. Song Mingxuan felt anxious while sitting in the office, so he walked out of the office and went to the playground downstairs. He lit a cigarette and smoked, lowering his head and walking slowly to think.

At this time, there were military police training on the playground, and the sound of slogans and shouts could not be heard. After walking for a while, Song Mingxuan became even more irritated. He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped on it, and was about to turn back when he heard an enthusiastic voice.

into the ear.

"Song Jun, long time no see. Have you been busy recently?"

Song Mingxuan turned around and saw a short, fat middle-aged man walking towards him in the distance. This man was wearing a half-worn Japanese military uniform, but without shoulder and collar badges. He had an eager smile on his fat face.

Of course Song Mingxuan knew this person. His name was Nakano Yoshiyuki. He was a retired military police officer in Japan and a classmate of Commander Kotori when he was at the Japanese Military Academy.

When Gu Zhilun started to form the Chinese military police a few years ago, he heard that his old classmate had retired from the Japanese military police, so he specially invited him from Japan to serve as a consultant and instructor for the Chinese military police.

It can be said that the various systems and models in the early days of the establishment of the Chinese military police were basically formulated with reference to the Japanese military police, among which Nakano Yoshiyuki played the most important role and played a guiding role.

After the September 18th Incident, Sino-Japanese relations began to become confrontational. Japanese instructors in various units and institutions of the Chinese army either resigned or were directly dismissed. There are basically no Japanese instructors in the army.

But Nakano Yoshiyuki was a surprise. On the one hand, it was because Ko Naoki trusted his old classmates more, and he was the one who took the initiative to invite them from Japan. Now he wants to drive them away, and he will not be able to leave for a while. On the other hand,

However, Nakano Yoshiyuki himself seemed not to care about the form of hostility between China and Japan, and he did not take the initiative to resign.

Therefore, even though Kotori was reminded many times by the Military Commission, Nakano Yoshiyuki has stayed at the Military Police Headquarters until now.

Song Mingxuan felt a little disgusted when he saw Nakano Yoshiyuki. Who the hell dares to get involved with the Japanese now? Don't you have some sophistication yourself?

However, since Nakano Yoshiyuki was quite popular in the military police in the past and had some friendship with him, Song Mingxuan could only hold his nose and say hello to him, thinking of just a few words before sending this unsophisticated Japanese away.

"It's Mr. Nakano. I haven't seen you for a long time. Isn't Mr. Nakano busy recently?"

Nakano Yoshiyuki put on a helpless smile on his smooth and fat face and said: "Song Jun, you are just kidding me. Although I still have the title of consultant of the Military Police Headquarters, I am already Gu Er.

If you don’t ask questions anymore, what else can happen? I haven’t even seen my old classmate Commander Gu for several days.”

Song Mingxuan was afraid that others would see him chewing his tongue, so he hurriedly got away and said, "Mr. Nakano, why are you looking for me? If there is nothing urgent, I will leave. I have official business in my office that I need to deal with urgently."

Nakano Yoshiyuki said with a wry smile: "Even Mr. Song wants to avoid me. It seems that I have become a street rat in the military police headquarters. Hey, I think back then, you and I were very high-spirited and determined to build the Chinese military police into something that can compete with the military police."

The Japanese military police are comparable to each other. Looking back now, I really miss it! Who knew that Sino-Japanese relations would develop to the point where it is today? It was not what you or I wanted!"

Hearing Nakano Yoshiyuki talk about the past, Song Mingxuan also aroused some feelings. At first, he was a promising young man determined to serve the country. He also overcame obstacles on the battlefield and was a brave and fearless revolutionary officer. He was appreciated by Commander Gu, and then he was transferred to the army.

The newly established Military Police Headquarters was entrusted with important responsibilities.

Unconsciously, a few years have passed, and I have learned to behave like a fly and a dog in the officialdom. In the blink of an eye, I have become what I am now. Who can blame me?

Thinking of this, Song Mingxuan couldn't help but sigh, but he didn't know that Nakano Yoshiyuki next to him also sighed at the same time. The two of them glanced at each other and burst into laughter.

Nakano Yoshiyuki said with a smile: "Mr. Song, I sighed because I was worried about Sino-Japanese relations. Then why did you sigh? Is there something that is worrying you? Although I am a Japanese, we were once friends. I

Now you are about to leave China, and we will never see you again in the future. If you have any troubles, you may wish to tell me, so that I can fulfill my duty as a last friend."

After Song Mingxuan laughed a few times just now, he felt a little lighter and his mind became much more relaxed. Then he suddenly thought of a way to solve his crisis.

This chapter has been completed!
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