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Chapter 509

This Japanese agent is really unlucky. Who knew that such a cute little girl could be so lethal? Not to mention the power beyond people's imagination, she also has an extremely sharp short knife hidden in her body. One of your Baga's

What's the point of a good little girl bringing a knife to school? Besides, she has martial arts skills, so I can't help but feel so miserable.

At this time, the Japanese agent endured severe pain and took out the pistol from his waist with his left hand. He gritted his teeth and was about to attack this little girl who was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

However, he was once again completely destroyed by the scene before him, which also destroyed any hope of his survival.

Although Hongxiu's face was pale and her eyes were panicked, she didn't know when she had a pistol in her hand, and one look at the way she held the gun with both hands showed that she must have practiced it.

Not only do you have a fucking knife, but you also have a gun. Are all the Chinese girls these days so violent?

"Baga!" In the midst of his curse, and in the sight of his eyes shrinking sharply due to despair, Hongxiu pulled the trigger, his hands as steady as when he was training for target shooting.

"Bang!" There was a clear gunshot, and the black hole in the muzzle of the Browning M1900 pistol with an exquisitely crafted ivory handle instantly spurted out a stream of green flames. A 7.65mm bullet flew over a short distance of two meters and rotated at high speed.

It shot into the unlucky agent's eye socket, and then spurted out from the back of his head with a pile of bone fragments and red and white liquid.

At this time, the Japanese agent who opened the door had just pulled out the pistol from his waist. The scene in front of him made him instantly confused, and his hands and feet were half a beat slower.

You must know that it was not just the unlucky guy who was destroyed by Hongxiu. This agent was also attacked. At this time, he could not care about capturing and kidnapping him alive. He raised his hand to shoot at Hongxiu.

"Bang!" Another deafening gunshot rang in his ears. Before the Japanese agent had time to pull the trigger, he was shot in the middle of the eyebrow by Zhou Wen who flew towards him, and his body fell backward under the wheel.

After Zhou Wen landed on the ground, he rolled over in front of Hongxiu and held the stunned Xiao Nizi in his arms. The cold sweat on his face, accompanied by a heartbeat as violent as a drum, fell to the ground.


At this time, Zhou Wen was really frightened. If Hongxiu's skills and reactions were just that slow, or if he was so frightened that he didn't know what to do and waited for death, the consequences would be unimaginable. You must know that Hongxiu is not yet 12 years old!

A little girl who in a normal family would still be tired of being in the arms of her parents all day long actually knew how to use her martial arts to save herself in critical moments, and how to use the weapons in her hands to destroy her enemies. It was really not in vain that I had put so much effort into letting her learn martial arts and shooting.

Zhou Wen would also like to thank his younger brother Li Qiaoer, who started killing chickens for more than a year and helped Hong Xiu gradually adapt to the smell of blood. Step by step, she cured most of Hong Xiu's haemorrhage. At least she would not faint at the sight of blood.

Of course, the most important thing is that Hongxiu is a sensible sister. Without great perseverance and strong endurance, even if there is a good doctor, it is impossible to cure the haemorrhage in a short period of time. She does not want to be a burden to her brother, and she does not want to be like him.

Just like my mother, I have no power to resist when faced with danger.

Good Hongxiu, good sister, Zhou Wen said deeply thankfully.

Hongxiu finally came to her senses at this time, hugged Zhou Wen tightly and began to cry loudly. Zhou Wen repeatedly comforted her and blocked her sight with his body, preventing her from seeing the corpse and blood stains on the ground again.

Of course he knew how normal people would react after killing someone for the first time. A fresh life was ended in his own hands and turned into a cold corpse, with blood gradually solidifying and changing color under the corpse.

There is also blood and coldness in the air, along with my own confusion and fear, as well as shadows and images that may never go away.

What's more, Hong Xiu is still an 11-year-old little girl, a little girl who is just about to start to bloom her beauty and longing to the world.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wen felt a heart-wrenching sadness. He didn't want this to happen. He didn't want Hongxiu to intervene prematurely in this bloody and violent environment, so he always insisted that Hongxiu receive formal education, so that under his protection, Hongxiu could

Grow up without any worries.

However, he knew that Hongxiu's life from now on would no longer be sunny, innocent and romantic.

Because this world of cannibalism does not allow it, because Zhou Wen's world will eventually fall into violence and killing.

Kill! Kill all those damned Japanese.

Kill! Kill all those damn enemies.

The sound of gunshots still echoed in the streets.

Zhou Wen's chest was filled with anger at this time. He turned and looked at the gunmen who were still shooting at Zhang Xiaoping and Sanwa on the street corner, and at the four cars speeding towards him from three directions.

Ti Jing and Li Zhong each drove a car diagonally. Both of them held the steering wheel with one hand and stretched the gun out of the window to shoot. This was because they were shooting from the back of the Japanese agent, although they were shooting from behind the wheel.

The accuracy was not high, but it still broke the short-lived gun battle balance on the street.

Nakata Gango saw that several people on his side had been hit by bullets in succession, but on the other side of the street, two cars drove up one behind the other. Two people in the car behind stuck their heads out to Zhang Xiaoping and San.

He shot the baby in the back, but because a car in front blocked his view, the bullets whizzed past Zhang Xiaoping and the others, startling them both.

The current situation is that Nakata Gango and several of his subordinates are caught in the middle by Zhang Xiaoping, Sanwa, Ti Jing and Li Zhong. Zhang Xiaoping and Sanwa are also surrounded by Japanese agents, and the situation becomes crisis again.

Zhou Wen shouted to Hong Xiu: "Hide in the school."

When the gunfire broke out outside, no one came out of the school. Fortunately, the gatekeeper still remembered a girl who ran out before, so the door was not completely closed, leaving a gap.

Hongxiu knew that she could not drag her brother down at this time, so she immediately got up and ran towards the door obediently.

Zhou Wen turned around and took out a Miso submachine gun from the space. He put the gun on the car next to him and pointed it at the car behind him and pulled the trigger.

He found that no one fired at the first car, and he could not distinguish friend from foe for the time being, so he let this car go and poured bullets on the second car.

"Tatata...Tata..." A shuttle swept over, and the driver of the car was hit on the spot by several 9mm Magnum bullets that passed through the windshield and directly hit his neck and face. His hands loosened and he lost control.

The car body suddenly turned sideways, and the huge inertia overturned the car body. The whole car rolled several times on the street, and almost hit the first car that had stopped suddenly for some reason.

Zhou Wen quickly pointed his gun at the first car, and heard a woman's scream coming from the car, and a man's scream also came from the car at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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