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Chapter 573

Taro Aso only felt a little weird. What the hell was going on with a young master who looked like a wealthy family at this time?

He glanced at the young man furtively, and was attracted by the pair of small but bright eyes on the young master's disproportionately big head.

Those eyes were like a clear lake without any impurities, and also like the brightest stars in the night sky.

He seemed familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

I remembered that it was his first murder in the training camp. That Chinese classmate, that boy from the northeastern countryside who came from a poor family but still enthusiastically brought him the wild vegetable nest cakes at home, had the same look in his eyes.

Bright and as bright as stars.

However, he killed him because it was the instructor's order and a training mission, and he also pretended that the young man slipped and fell into the water and drowned.

In fact, when she invited him to play in the river, she locked his hands with her legs, then pushed him into the water and submerged him to death.

At that time, I was only twelve years old, and that boy was only eleven years old. I had deliberately forgotten his name. I only remembered that I had never seen such crystal clear eyes again. I only remembered that I was a little nervous and a little nervous at that time.

Feeling of guilt.

However, when he watched the boy's mother, a village woman from the northeastern countryside, crying heartbreakingly by the river, he actually felt some pleasure, the pleasure of dominating other people's lives.

When he thought of this, Taro Aso secretly looked at the young master again.

Suddenly, he found that the young master was looking at him blankly, his clear eyes so bright that it was a bit dazzling.

"Bad guy, he's a bad guy." The young master's sudden shout startled Aso Taro. He was just about to pretend that nothing was wrong and looked around, but when he saw several figures, they rushed towards him quickly. Aso Taro didn't realize what was happening.

He was pinned to the ground by a few pairs of strong arms, just like he pinned the Northeastern boy in the water.

Then, Taro Aso's lower jaw was pinched by a pair of iron-like hands. The severe pain in his jaws made him open his mouth wide, and a thick ball of cloth was stuffed deeply into his mouth. He even felt

Half of his throat was filled with cloth. The foreign object in his throat was irritating his chest and abdomen, and he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and retched several times.

Before he could calm down from the discomfort in his chest and abdomen, a black cloth was put over his head, tied up in the darkness, and dragged towards an unknown destination.

All this happened so fast. When Taro Aso was dragged away, he was still wondering where his flaw was exposed. Why did the young man say that he was a bad person? What was wrong with him? He was living an honest life in Taiyuan.

In three years, you haven’t even killed a chicken, okay? (That evil bitch Zhang Jinhua did it all.)

One evening a few days later, in the open space in front of the Qinghetan training camp, a group of young and old men who had re-dressed in their original attire were getting on the bus one by one. Today was the day when they finished training and left the training ground.

Zhang Xiaoping was still sitting in the driver's seat of the truck, but this time his co-pilot was crowded with two people, the two who suffered from motion sickness last time. Zhang Xiaoping took care of them and let them sit in the front.

Uncle Wu who came out to see them off just smiled and nodded goodbye to them, without saying any polite words such as welcome again.

Soon, the truck was slowly driving towards Taiyuan City in the afterglow of autumn dusk.

Peng Feng, who was sitting in the back of the carriage, looked at the Qinghetan training ground getting further and further away, and at the old soldier who was covered with a layer of gold by the setting sun, and felt a trace of reluctance in his heart. It was not that he couldn't bear to feel comfortable here.

Training life, but reluctant to let go of this long-lost military camp life.

Xia Boyan also looked at Qinghetan, looking at the figure getting smaller and smaller, he also sighed and said: "Alas... I have been taken care of by this old brother Wu for many days. We have to say goodbye today. I don't know when we will meet again."

, I can only say a few words of thank you.”

At this time, the leader looked at the guard beside him and said, "Liu Han, are you satisfied with this shooting?"

Liu Han was that strong man. He chuckled and rubbed his right shoulder with his left hand and said: "Boss, let me tell you, since I learned how to use a gun, the bullets I can shoot together are not as high as these days."

Not only is it enjoyable, but my shooting skills have also improved greatly, so I will be more confident in protecting you in the future."

At this time, another younger man said: "It's fun to shoot guns, but I think they are still a bit stingy, so I gave Brother Liu Han a gun. It would be better if each person received a gun."

Another person echoed: "That's right, that training manual is not worth much money, and we were not allowed to take a few copies with us, so I hid one copy with me and it was taken away."

Peng Feng was unhappy when he heard this. What are you talking about? Cooperating with others is being taken advantage of, giving you is revolution, not giving is stingy? I give you free food and drink, and also teach you all kinds of knowledge and skills. If you are not satisfied yet, why not?

You want to take away all the family’s wealth, right?

He was about to scold him, but Xia Boyan held him back, looking at him and shaking his head slightly.

After hearing this, the leader's face became serious and he said solemnly: "Comrade Xiao Sun, Comrade Xiao Tang, you must not think like this. As a human being, you must learn to be content and grateful, and you can't just look at Shu. Are you used to eating other people's food?

Do you think it’s only natural for people to help us?”

At this point, the leader ignored the bumpy carriage and stood up while holding on to the side of the carriage. He raised his voice and said: "Whether it is for a meeting or training at Qinghetan this time, our dozen or so comrades are all beneficiaries.

Not only did the meeting go smoothly and successfully, but I also learned a lot of skills, especially the training booklet, which can be said to be a priceless treasure."

"By the way, everyone also exercised, and ate meat every day to supplement nutrition. I saw that some comrades' faces were rosy and their bodies were much stronger. But these are all generous donations from others, and they are not

Asking for help in return. We must have a clear understanding that this kind of help is not for you, Xiao Tang and Xiao Liu, nor for me, but for the organization. It is to enable us to invest better and more confidently.

Go to work and devote yourself to our great cause."

"At this time, we should not think about how to get more and what we have received less, but we should think about how to muster the energy to devote ourselves to work and turn ourselves into a revolutionary seed.

How can we pass on the various knowledge and skills we have learned to other comrades as soon as possible, so that everyone can become stronger and better fight the enemy to the end."

This chapter has been completed!
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