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Chapter 596 Massacre

Wan Laifu was a familiar person, but he didn't know that Ogura Guixiu was already on the verge of going berserk at this time. The next words he said made Ogura Guixiu completely go berserk.

"Hey brother, I heard that the little Japanese over there in Jinzhou don't regard us Chinese as human beings. Let me tell you, does it mean that the little Japanese over there don't do anything human?"

"Baga! You Chinese pig." The furious Ogura Guixiu heard that this despicable Chinese dared to slander the Empire of Japan. He cursed angrily and at the same time, he beat Wan Laifu staggering with a blow from his right hand.

Although Ogura Guihide could understand some Chinese, he couldn't speak it fluently. He was completely annoyed by this damn old Chinese farmer, and he blurted out Japanese curses without realizing it.

Although Wan Laifu is from the countryside, he is no stranger to the word "Baga" as he often hangs out in Jianchang Camp. He has heard many people who fled the Northeast say that these two words are Japanese curse words.

At that time, he happily said "Baga Baga" and followed it by learning a few sentences.

Although he was a little dazed by Ogura Guihide's beating, he quickly realized what Ogura Guihide was talking about and shouted loudly: "You little Japanese, you came to our territory and ran wild.


After saying that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Ogura Guixiu's collar. Ogura Guixiu also regretted a little after the slap. It was not that he regretted hitting this damn old country farmer, but now was not the time to slap him.

If we were to stay in the Northeast, let alone attack a single Chinese, we would kill them several times.

So just when he was feeling uneasy, Wan Laifu grabbed him by the collar with one hand and punched him with the other.

At this time, none of the villagers, including Wan Qiangui, knew the seriousness of the matter. None of them could have imagined that these people were not only Japanese, but also Japanese soldiers who killed people without blinking an eye.

Both Wan Qiangui and Lai Youmao knew something was wrong, so they hurried forward to try to separate the two people who were entangled.

However, a Japanese officer who had completely lost control of his emotions and was accustomed to being arrogant in the Northeast was beyond their control.

Thinking about how he, Ogura Guihide, could be quarreling with a country pariah in his eyes, he relied on his youth and strength to push Wan Laifu away, and with his right hand, he pulled out a pistol from his waist.

If a knowledgeable person sees it, they will recognize it as Japan's famous Southern Type 14 pistol. Its reputation is not because of its excellent performance, but because it is too bad. In later generations, it was rated as the worst pistol during World War II.

Although Ogura Guihide took out his pistol, he was still a little sober at this moment. There was a voice in his heart warning him that if he killed this untouchable who did not regret his death, the possibility of being led by someone else would be very low.

, so he pointed his gun at Wan Laifu's forehead, which was frightened, but he hesitated and did not shoot.

At this time, everyone present was a little confused. Dozens of villagers were stunned on the spot, not knowing whether to step forward to help or turn around and run away. However, several caravan guys approached slowly and cautiously.

Two carriages were uncovered and the oilcloth was not lifted.

Lai Youmao knew that he couldn't let this Japanese officer who suddenly became crazy after taking the wrong medicine fire his gun. As long as no one was killed, there was still room for change. Even if the identity of the Japanese was exposed, he didn't believe it.

What kind of national consciousness do these scumbag country people have? As long as they have enough money, there will still be people willing to lead the way.

But if you kill someone, you won't be kind. The villagers in these small villages in the mountains are either related to each other or have old friends. Maybe all the villagers are relatives. Then even if you want to be kind, others will still fight you.

This time, Lai Youmao brought this small Japanese reconnaissance team to conduct reconnaissance along the Great Wall. Along the way, he was worried that these arrogant Japanese soldiers would do something stupid, especially the bossy Lieutenant Ogura, who was like an ancestor.

Everything he looked at was displeasing, as if all the Chinese he saw had a grudge against him. He had a stone face all day long. Lai Youmao even thought it was strange that there were no Japanese soldiers left, or that they had to send such a weirdo.

come out.

What he didn't expect was that among the grassroots officers of the Japanese artillery force, Ogura Guihide had a professional level that far exceeded that of his colleagues. Whether it was estimating various parameters or mapping artillery trajectories, he was at a very high level. At such a young age, he

After receiving the appreciation of the division commander, he was directly transferred to the division headquarters as artillery staff officer, otherwise he would not be so arrogant.

It can be said that their reconnaissance along the Great Wall has been mostly successful. Their team is responsible for the reconnaissance mission from Xifengkou to Lengkou. Where can artillery positions be set up by Ogura Guixiu? Where can the firing range be the widest?

Possible artillery positions that can better support the infantry and even the defenders are marked on the map.

Originally, they had just entered the pass for another inspection, and this reconnaissance mission was considered to be successfully completed.

But on the way, I accidentally heard a mountain man say that there was a small road that could bypass the pass and lead directly to the Jianchang Camp area. Ogura Guixiu was moved. He served at the division headquarters, and what he saw and heard was naturally better than that of ordinary grassroots officers.

Duo Duoduo, under the influence of generals, colonels and other officers, developed a certain outlook on the overall situation.

He thought at that time that if the situation on this road could be clearly investigated, when the imperial army reached the Great Wall defense line, a large force would attack from the front, and then the elite troops would bypass the pass from the path and deliver a fatal blow to the defenders from the side and behind.

, which natural barrier of the Great Wall that the Chinese army relies on is not easily captured with one blow?

Therefore, the caravan did not enter the pass directly from the main road, but took a detour to the village outside Lengkou, because after asking around, they learned that only two brothers from the Wan family had walked this small road nearby.

It must be said here that the Japanese army is indeed powerful, with tactics and strategies. The headquarters has not yet determined the specific plan for the attack on Jehol, but it has taken precautions and sent a professional reconnaissance team to inspect the next operational deployment along the Great Wall. This is the way to go.

The tactical vision of seeing two steps in one step.

At this time, the Chinese army was still hoping for intervention from the League of Nations, and the Northeastern Army had no intention of fighting.

What is even more bizarre is that Tang Yulin, the military and political leader of Rehe Province and Chairman of Rehe Province, sent representatives to participate in the Puppet Manchukuo National Founding Conference without any moral integrity. However, he was afraid of the indignation of the people across the country and did not dare to openly surrender to the enemy.

With a mentality of being at both ends of the spectrum, one can imagine the combat readiness of his troops.

However, Lai Youmao said that he had already greeted all the female relatives of Ogura Guihide's family countless times, but he was not slow and finally pushed away the gun pointed at Wan Laifu's forehead before he fired.

However, before Lai Youmao could rejoice that he arrived in time, the Southern Type 14 pistol that had been pushed away and redirected rang out when everyone felt relieved.

"Bang!" There was a sound, a flash of muzzle flash, and a bullet shot out of the barrel.

This chapter has been completed!
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