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Chapter 620 Life Goals

Zhou Wen's current thinking is that the model brigade will focus on defense, while the mercenary group will be moved to the outside to focus on sneak attacks and surprise attacks.

It is easy to say one attack and one defense, but it is very particular to form an interconnected system.

The first is that the command system must be unified, the timing of coordinated operations must be precise, and the execution of subordinate combat units must be resolute and decisive. This is not a big problem at the level of senior officers such as Zhao Changshu, but the regiments and battalions under the Model Brigade must

Exactly how it will happen will have to be verified on the battlefield.

The advantage of this model is that when the Japanese army comes to attack, the model brigade will hold its position and inflict a lot of damage to the Japanese army. At the same time, the mercenary group will choose the opportunity to attack the Japanese army's logistics supply lines and artillery positions or sneak attack the Japanese army's headquarters, causing chaos to the enemy.

The Model Brigade can take the initiative according to the battlefield situation and form a double-team with the mercenary group to attack the attacking Japanese army. As long as the opportunity is grasped well, it may lead to another great victory.

Once the Japanese army suffered a lot and took precautions, they would also face a dilemma.

The mercenary group always maintained battlefield pressure on the Japanese army on the outside, so that the Japanese army had to divide its troops to protect the rear during the attack, and even sent troops to encircle and suppress the mercenary group. By then, it had entered the combat rhythm of the mercenary group, and you were less likely to come.

I will eat you directly, and if you come too many, I will take you around the mountains, thereby reducing the pressure on the frontal defense line.

The Kwantung Army has not yet tasted the power of the mercenary group. As long as it dares to send a large force to pursue it, the mercenary group's current combat effectiveness is sure to escape from the encirclement and suppression of a Japanese brigade, and it will also knock you down.


To achieve this tactical goal, there are two prerequisites.

One is that the Model Brigade can firmly hold the Lengkou Pass position and not retreat.

For the mercenary group, Lengkou Pass is not only a key support point to attract the main offensive force of the Japanese army, but also the base camp of the mercenary group. Once Lengkou Pass is lost, the mercenary group alone outside will become a source of water without a source.

Ben Zhimu, at that time it was doubtful whether he could escape safely, let alone achieve any great victory.

Second, the mercenary group's ammunition supply for external operations cannot be cut off by the Japanese army.

The tactical thinking of the mercenary regiment has always been that firepower comes first. Automatic firepower accounts for a relatively high proportion. The consumption of ammunition is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary troops. The requirements for logistics are also higher. The model brigade can guard the cold pass and pass if necessary.

That unknown trail transports ammunition to the mercenary group.

Both of these prerequisites depend on the coordination and tactical execution capabilities of the model brigade.

The top priority now is to improve the combat effectiveness of the model brigade. It does not mean that good weapons will make you more effective, especially the command capabilities of the grassroots officers. During this period, Meng Yuting and the others were practicing battalion-level coordinated operations during the day and at night.

In the officer training class, before the advent of the war, the coordination at the regiment level could not keep up, let alone the coordination at the brigade level.

However, the good news is that the top officer of this unit, Zhao Changshu, has very high command and management qualities. After all, he is a commander who has stood out in the years of war in the Chinese Civil War. He has rich experience in battlefield command, and he is courageous and capable in command.

He is decisive and does not look forward and backward. He is a rare commanding talent in the Jin army.

After Zhao Changshu became familiar with the tactical capabilities of the mercenary group for a while, he had a clear understanding of how the two forces could jointly fight. In addition, he had great military exploits and won the respect and love of his officers and soldiers. With his full cooperation, the two forces are currently

The officers and soldiers of this unit have established initial trust.

Today is another offensive and defensive coordination exercise. The first infantry company of the mercenary regiment cooperates with the first regiment and battalion of the model brigade, each attacking a hilltop from the east and west directions. They have conducted three consecutive attacks, but each time the first company of the mercenary regiment

Rushed to the top of the mountain several minutes ahead of the 1st Battalion of the Model Brigade.

You must know that this kind of tactical drill is not about competing for the endurance and speed of both sides, but about keeping the squad's offensive formation stable during the attack. The firepower team and the assault team must be good at using various obstacles and terrain to continuously attack when attacking.

We move forward in a roundabout way on the mountain top, while maintaining a certain distance from each other.

This kind of offensive tactics is much more complex than defensive tactics. It not only reflects the quality of soldiers, but also tests the tactical understanding and battlefield command level of grassroots officers.

However, the coordination of the two forces requires that the attack speed should be basically the same. If any force advances too far forward, it will be attacked by the imaginary enemy. Not only will there be no synergy effect, but it will increase casualties.

Some people may ask, can't you just slow down the attack speed of the mercenary group?

However, on the battlefield, offensive speed is developed through long-term combat and training, and the faster the speed, the smaller the loss and the shorter the time to achieve the campaign goal.

If the attack speed is deliberately slowed down in order to achieve a coordinated effect, it will not only delay the fighter's opportunity, but also mean that there will be more time to be hit by enemy firepower.

Originally, Zhou Wen did not want to promote offensive tactics in the model brigade so early. According to his opinion, the model brigade should now spend more time on how to consolidate the anti-slope defensive tactics and try to be as consistent as possible from top to bottom.

But Zhao Changshu doesn't think so. In his opinion, a unit that can't attack will definitely not be able to defend. If you know how to attack, you can naturally be targeted in defense.

Moreover, Zhao Changshu's philosophy of running the army is different from Zhou Wen's. He believes that since it is a war, there is no reason to not kill people. If you give up a combat method for fear of casualties, it is equivalent to cutting off an arm.

For this reason, Zhou Wen was often taught a lesson by Zhao Changshu as a senior. He bluntly pointed out that Zhou Wen was accustomed to commanding mercenary regiments, an elite small unit whose combat effectiveness far exceeded that of the general army.

The battle was won with zero casualties.

For an army like the Mercenary Regiment, the manpower and material resources spent on training and training are huge and cannot be replicated, causing Zhou Wen to cherish the life of every soldier extremely.

But large-scale battles are different. In order to win, it is inevitable to pay some casualties. Even in order to achieve certain tactical goals, some troops must be used as bait or blocking troops even if they know that all of them may die in battle. In order to achieve the final victory,

Victory and all sacrifices are worth it. This is the saying that kindness does not control soldiers.

Moreover, it is impossible for an army to develop an iron will and an iron-blooded military spirit without experiencing bloody battles, bitter battles, and life and death tests, and it is impossible to become a truly strong army.

Zhao Changshu, a leading general who has experienced many years of war, pointed out the weakness of Zhou Wen's character, which is that he cares too much about the casualty ratio, which limits his performance. At the same time, he also teased Zhou Wen for his lack of experience in commanding large troops and that he still needs to follow

As a senior, he studies more.

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