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Chapter 666

Therefore, these generals and commanders naturally began to face up to this problem, and they made up their minds that they would never disobey this young master's orders. Moreover, they all knew more or less about Zhou Wen's deeds, despite the young commander Zhou Wen.

He is young, but he is a smiling tiger. Countless enemies and foes have died in his hands. Don't fall into his hands if you commit trouble. He will kill you like a chicken, without blinking an eye.

"This is our Jin Army's first expedition for the country. You are fighting the Japanese at the front. Old man, I will not be idle at home. You don't have to worry about the logistics and ammunition supplies. The old man will take care of it for you personally. We have nothing else.

If we have enough bullets, artillery shells, flour, and cans, we will definitely not leave the frontline soldiers without food or ammunition."

With Marshal Yan's assurance, a stone fell from Zhou Wen's heart.

The Great Wall Anti-Japanese War was different from the Songhu Anti-Japanese War. First of all, the composition of the army was much more complicated than that of the Songhu Anti-Japanese War. There were Northeastern Army, Northwest Army, Jin Army and Central Army, and the weapons used by each army were different.

Taking rifles as an example, the Northeastern Army mainly uses 7.92mm caliber Liao-13 rifles, while the Central Army uses rifles made in Hanyang. Although the Hanyang-made rifles are also 7.92mm in caliber, the bullets they use are round-nose bullets.

The Jin Army mainly uses Jin-made rifles with a caliber of 6.5 mm. The Northwest Army is the poorest, so their equipment is more chaotic. They use Shuilianzhu, Yingqiqi, Hanyang-made and old sleeves.


Not to mention the various mountain artillery and field artillery equipped by these armies. Although the number is not large, they still need artillery shells, right?

Normally, these warlord armies raised their own logistics and supplies, and Nanjing did not have the extra money and food to support them. However, now that they are all unified under the banner of the Military Commission to fight against the Japanese invaders, the logistics must be coordinated and arranged by the Military Commission.

This has brought about big problems. Not to mention the difficulties in logistical supplies brought about by the variety and variety of weapons of various calibers. Even with these supplies, with the consistent style of these warlords and bureaucrats during the Republic of China, there is still a sequence.

There is a difference between closeness and distance. It is impossible to make a bowl of water even and cover all aspects.

The mercenary regiment has always adhered to the tactical thinking of combining firepower first with precision strike. The model brigade training under their guidance naturally carries out tactical drills and operations around this idea, and has higher requirements for the supply of logistical ammunition, and

These two troops are equipped with more automatic firearms and consume more ammunition.

Another hidden worry is that during the Songhu War of Resistance, with the support of Cai and Chiang, two enlightened generals who were determined to serve the country, and the command of an old superior like Chief Zhang who was very familiar with the special tactics of the mercenary group, Zhou Wen did not need to

Worried about logistical supply issues.

But now, Zhou Wen has no familiar officers in the Peking Branch of the Military Commission, and General He, nicknamed Granny He, who commanded the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War, does not have a good reputation in history. This person is not so much a soldier.

It would be more appropriate to say he is a politician.

Throughout his military career, there was basically nothing outstanding about him. He was just average. However, he had political vision and political wisdom that were rare in this era. As a result, he basically held a prominent position in the country throughout his life, and some people called him

He was a tumbler in the political arena of the Republic of China.

Since he is a politician, he will not think about problems with pure military thinking in many cases, but with his own political interests as the core. In order to win over these warlords in the north, what is the way to balance, eliminate dissidents, and win people's hearts?

There are bound to be endless means of waiting.

And the most important thing is that this person graduated from the Japanese Military Academy. Influenced by the success of some Japanese reform policies since the Meiji Restoration, he did not have enough understanding of the Japanese ambitions to invade China. Instead, he believed that China’s future must rely on Japan’s help and must be comprehensive.

Learn from Japan.

This resulted in this person lacking the determination to resist Japan and the belief in victory. He always placed his hope in the Sino-Japanese peace talks and the intervention of the international community. In order to achieve this goal, he repeatedly tolerated Japan's aggressiveness. Later, he also represented the National Government and Japan.

The "Lugu Agreement", "Ho-Mei Agreement" and other agreements were signed to sell national sovereignty.

As the supreme commander of the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War, Zhou Wen's biggest worry is that his logistics supplies will be misappropriated or intercepted by this person. After all, he has this right. When the time comes, he will use a righteous name that considers the overall situation. Zhou Wen

But there are difficulties to speak of.

Moreover, the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army are now so poor that they are almost unable to take the blame. Seeing the excellent weapons and equipment and sufficient ammunition supplies of the Model Brigade, it is hard to say whether someone will be jealous and have their brains twisted.

You must know that the Chinese army in the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War had 5 regiment-level organizations, as well as countless corps and division-level units. No matter how sophisticated and powerful the model brigade's equipment and combat capabilities are, it is only a brigade-level organization, with the highest

The commander's military rank is only that of a major general. As the saying goes, people are undervalued. If there is no strong support behind them, let alone win the battle, it will be a matter of doubt whether the coveted weapons and equipment in their hands can be saved.

But it’s different now that the Marshal personally comes out to provide logistics for everyone. No matter how you say it, the Marshal is one of the top warlords in the north. After Marshal Zhang’s reputation was ruined due to the loss of the Northeast, the Marshal’s influence and prestige in the north are even more unparalleled.

Can reach beyond his reach.

With such a strong person backing him up, even General He who wanted to take charge of the logistics of the Model Brigade had to consider beforehand whether it was worth offending the King of Shanxi for such a small gain.

Moreover, the commander-in-chief is well-known in the entire political arena of the Republic of China for being a trickster. If you touch his things, it is equivalent to killing him. Naturally, he will use countless desperate measures on you.

Seeing Zhou Wen's relieved expression, the commander-in-chief felt a little proud. Of course he knew what Zhou Wen would be worried about. Don't look at you, a little bastard who usually gets wind and rain, but on such a large-scale battlefield,

Without someone like this old man to support you, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well.

The commander continued: "This time when we go to Hebei, although the 32nd Army has separated from our Jin Army, the friendship between the two armies is still there. In order to create conditions for you to fight independently, the old man must also show his gratitude and give some to General Shang Zheng.

You can bring the weapons and ammunition with you when the time comes."

Since the expedition of the model brigade needed to be kept secret for the time being, the commander-in-chief did not mobilize the entire army when he came to the Yangqu camp, but only held an officer meeting. Moreover, before the meeting, the commander-in-chief had already communicated with Zhou Wen, Zhao Changshu and other senior officers in advance.

This basically determined the composition of the wartime command system.

This chapter has been completed!
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