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Chapter 738

Lei Dahai looked at the surrounding environment and found that there was a higher hillside four to five hundred meters ahead. In fact, it was more appropriately called a mound.

He pointed at the mound and said: "If you don't want to leave, just block it on that high ground. Not here, on this unprotected flat ground. You all know the little devil's marksmanship. Even if you want to exchange your life for a life, it's impossible."


After saying that, he signaled to Xiao Qi, and the two of them took the lead and continued running forward while carrying the wounded man.

The yellow-faced man hesitated for a moment, stamped his feet fiercely, and started running.

At this time, the wounded man Lei Dahai was holding woke up and said weakly despite the severe pain: "Brother Dahai, throw me on that mound. I really can't bear the pain. Don't... don't do it anymore."

I'm dragging you down, everyone... everyone can save yourself the trouble."

Of course Lei Dahai knew that the wounded man was telling the truth. In this situation where physical strength and heat consumption have reached an extreme, dragging the wounded man to run is really not an option. Even if he can run in the end, these wounded men will probably suffer all kinds of injuries.

If they die from the pain, it is better to let their pain subside for a while before death.

"Okay! I'm sorry, brother."

Lei Dahai didn't hesitate. At this critical moment, any words about not abandoning or giving up are nonsense.

Even if the regular army encounters such a situation where the entire army is facing a desperate situation, it can only give these wounded some more bullets and grenades, so that they can pull a few more backs before they die.

In this way, more than thirty people ran staggeringly, braving the sparse snowflakes in the sky and bullets flying from time to time, and gradually approached the slope.

But at this time, the yellow-faced man hesitated. Just now he was angry at Lei Dahai for closing the door to everyone's life, so he got angry and said harsh words.

But as I ran, I seemed to have regained some of my physical strength. Although my legs were still numb and sore, I could still keep walking, right?

What he doesn't know is that the limit of human long-distance running is divided into several stages. Now that they have passed the first limit period, they feel as if they have some strength again.

However, what he faced now was no longer a physical problem, but a question of whether to stay or not.

In Lei Dahai's brigade, this yellow-faced man was still the squadron deputy. Although at its peak, his squadron only numbered about 50 people, it at least meant that he was still a prominent figure in the brigade.

Now that we are almost at the mound, how can he still have the nerve to say that he won't stay and will continue to run?

At this moment, a head emerged from behind the mound, which startled Lei Dahai and the others.

I saw this man wearing a white cloak, completely blending into the white earth. If he hadn't taken the initiative to poke his head out, even if he ran up to him, he might not have been discovered.

And it can be seen that this man is wearing a steel helmet under the hood of his cloak, and he is holding a weapon with a drum in his hand. I have never seen it before, but looking at the ferocious heat dissipation holes on the barrel, I know that it is not a good thing.


"Run forward, don't stop, lure the Japanese over and we'll fight them. Just run away."

Lei Dahai looked at the young face in front of him, those bright but sincere eyes, his heart felt hot, and he almost shed tears.

"We're saved, friendly troops are coming."

The yellow-faced man, on the other hand, was happy and surprised, and felt relieved. Finally, he no longer had to shamelessly take back his harsh words. Anyway, they told us not to stop, just run along.

For a moment, every passing volunteer soldier cast a grateful look at the young face under the mound, with a smile on his face as he had survived the disaster.

The person behind the mound was Xu Dacheng, but no one noticed Zhou Wen who was still lying on the mound. Even if he walked in and took a look, people who didn't pay attention thought it was a small piece of residual snow on the mound.

At this time, Zhou Wen was very satisfied with his disguise. He now had a ball of snow in his mouth, so he did not exhale white breath in the air. Of course, he was not afraid of being discovered by the little Japs who were seven or eight hundred meters away.

Instead, he used these anti-Japanese volunteers to test his camouflage effect.

Just half an hour ago, he and Xu Dacheng heard the sound of gunshots and followed the sound to this wilderness.

Then the two of them saw the scene where Lei Dahai and the others were being chased by the Japanese army and running away in embarrassment, and Zhou Wen instantly judged the intentions of these Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese army, which could have pursued them at a faster speed, instead drove this group of exhausted Chinese anti-Japanese warriors over long distances, just waiting for them to slowly fall to the ground after their physical strength was exhausted and their spirits collapsed.

Torture these people to death.

Of course, if the Japanese are not in a hurry, Zhou Wen will not be in a hurry either.

In particular, Zhou Wen saw that after seeing the village on the right, these volunteer soldiers only stayed for a while, seemed to discuss it for a while, and then continued running in the original direction.

As an excellent commander, Zhou Wen certainly knew what that village meant to these volunteer soldiers who had basically lost their combat effectiveness and were about to be exhausted, but they still gave up this only opportunity, and they still preferred to die on their own.

, to sacrifice, rather than let this peaceful village be massacred by the Japanese army.

"Good man! Good man!"

This was Zhou Wen and Xu Dacheng's first praise and admiration for these volunteer soldiers who had fought countless battles with the Japanese army.

This is also the first time Zhou Wen has been moved by an unknown Chinese since he came to this era.

These tough-minded heroes interpret what it means to be a "real man, do what you do and don't do anything".

It explains what it means to "slaughter dogs every time you are righteous".

Whether they are from the army, bandits, civilians, or brothers at the bottom of society, they are not social elites, do not have much culture, and have not been educated and indoctrinated with any national feelings. But it is they who rely on their unyielding and

Bloody courage holds up the sky as the backbone of China and holds up the banner that awakens the Chinese people to rise up and resist.

They are the heroes of this era and the vanguard of the entire country and nation in rising up against Japan.

"Rise up, people who don't want to be slaves, use our flesh and blood to build our new Great Wall..."

At this time, Zhou Wen's heart was surging. He was not alone in this world. There were brothers, there were troops like the 19th Route Army who dared to fire the first shot against Japan, and there were even more troops like those in front of him who were willing to fight against foreign enemies with their own bravery and without regard for their own safety.

The indignation, the backbone of the nation that drew its sword in anger.

They may be poorly equipped, and they may not have received any formal military training, but they dare to stand up in the face of the Japanese invaders' bayonets.

Sacrificing oneself and protecting the people is a sentiment and example worthy of admiration by everyone in any era.

This chapter has been completed!
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