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Chapter 748 Shooting Fast

At a critical moment of life and death, a little delay in responding means that you have taken a big step towards death.

How powerful is Xu Dacheng's whirlwind kick? You only need to look at Mitani Arui's head, which completely violates human body mechanics and is turned back at 90 degrees on his neck.

One of the moves from the whirlwind kick hit the short-skinned little Japanese head straight to the point. The martial arts master in the late stage, who was constantly angry, gave a full blow. Although Mitani Arui's head was not kicked out, it did break his neck bones.

He was completely kicked to pieces and couldn't breathe for a while. It can be said that his death was not peaceful, far worse than that of his fellow villager Anxi Chong.

At this time, the posture of the Japanese superior soldier was even more miserable. The German antler-handled, high-eared butcher's bayonet almost cut off most of his neck, leaving only a trace of bloody skin that barely kept his head from rolling to the ground.


Not only did Xu Dacheng have whirlwind legs, he also had a German antler-handled, high-eared butcher bayonet in the hands of a detachment. This was collected from the warehouse of the Investigation Section of the Central Party Headquarters by the mercenary group a few years ago before they came to Shanxi. The blade has a broad back.

It also has a serrated, high-carbon alloy steel blade that is strong and sharp. It can be used for chopping or stabbing, cutting or sawing. When necessary, it can be mounted on a rifle for stabbing.

A whirlwind kick followed by a turning and horizontal slash. The moves were coherent and easy. The two Japanese soldiers who were still in a state of confusion went to meet their Amaterasu.

After Xu Dacheng killed the two sentries, he immediately walked around the village path and arrived near the threshing floor, regardless of the bloody corpses on the scene.

At this time, a woman's pitiful howl came from the courtyard of the wealthy family. The three Japanese soldiers who were guarding the war horses and the pack horses burst out laughing when they heard it.

"Xiaojiao-kun, the captain has injured his foot, but he is still interested in playing with the flower girl. Doesn't it hurt him?"

"Haha! Mr. Jianchuan, are you envious? It doesn't matter. There must be a lot of pretty girls in this village. In a while, the squadron leader will wipe out the group of Chinese. You can suggest that we rest in this village for half a day. Then we can all


Several Japanese guys were chatting and laughing, and then they gathered together and started smoking, while their envious eyes were looking straight towards the compound.

And Xu Dacheng, who knew that the little devil had started to harm the villagers, was waiting for them to get together.

After several years of study, his current Japanese proficiency is no less than that of a Japanese. Listening to what these little devils discussed made him even more murderous.

I saw that he also appeared in front of several Japanese soldiers in a flash. This time, there was no whirlwind leg butcher bayonet. He just held the Suomi submachine gun and made a sudden move.


Less than ten meters away, three unobstructed targets took only two seconds for Xu Dacheng.

The three Japs, who were still smiling lewdly, had several bloody holes popping out on each of their bodies, and they fell to the ground dead without even making a sound.

Xu Dacheng, on the other hand, headed straight for the tied maroon war horse.

The tall horse, frightened by the gunfire, snorted and looked at him warily. I don't know what Xu Dacheng did. Looking at him, he just smiled and walked forward to gently hold the horse's neck. He seemed to be saying something to him.

The war horses exchanged something for a while, then the war horses lowered their heads and buried themselves in the pockets on the ground to chew.

At this time, Xu Dacheng saw two more Japs running towards the entrance of the village in the distance. It looked like they were the Japs sentry at the south entrance of the village. Of course, he would not be polite. He raised his gun and fired a short burst.

Although Xu Dacheng is a master of artillery, his proficiency and accuracy in using guns through diligent shooting training over the past few years are not comparable to those of ordinary people.

He just fired three bursts of short bursts and knocked down one of the Japs immediately. The other Japs was so frightened by the bullets that they crouched behind a corner of an earthen wall and also raised their guns and fired in this direction.

At this time, the Japanese troops who rushed out of the compound also swarmed in from the other side, and the sound of "ba ya... ba ya..." rifles resounded through the sky.

At this time, Xu Dacheng's goal of attracting the Japanese had been achieved. He turned around and rode on the bay red horse. He also took the reins of another relatively docile big gray horse, clamped his legs, and said "Drive!"

The bay-red horse was indeed majestic. With just one exertion of strength, it jumped several meters away. The two horses, one behind the other, ran towards the entrance of the village.

At this time, the Japanese man hiding in the corner became Xu Dacheng's only obstacle, but he had no chance to aim and shoot, because Xu Dacheng held the reins of the big gray horse with his left hand, and controlled the maroon horse under his crotch completely with his legs, and with his right hand. He was carrying a Suomi submachine gun and firing towards the corner. As soon as the little devil showed his head, he would be shot.

But what he didn't expect was that this little devil was not afraid of death. He rushed out from the corner with a loud voice, and stopped him in front of the horse with his gun horizontally, as if Xu Dacheng had robbed his mother.

Xu Dacheng didn't know that robbing the bay-red horse was even more serious than robbing the enemy's wife, because this horse was the sweetheart of Captain Yin Dongzhenyi, the captain of the squadron, and was even more refined than the squadron leader's own wife. expensive.

If this Chinese man steals the horse in front of his eyes, his ending will be even more miserable than if his mother died.

So in desperation, the little devil actually asked the mantis to block the car, and he didn't dare to shoot for fear of accidentally injuring the horse.

His overestimating move almost made Xu Dacheng laugh, so he stopped shooting and galloped towards him.

This bay-red horse is nearly 180 centimeters tall, which is rare even among Oriental horses. Its weight is close to 600 kilograms. With Xu Dacheng riding on the horse, how powerful will it be when it sprints?

There is no need to guess the outcome, just look at the fate of the little devil who was hit and flew up.

This dwarf devil, less than 150 centimeters tall, was like a tattered rag blown into the sky by the wind. It had a weird shape and was directly attached to an earthen wall on the side, and then fell from the wall like mud.

Looking at the degree of twisting of his various joints on the ground like a yoga master, it is estimated that half of the 206 bones in his body were broken or at least broken.

At this time, Xu Dacheng had no time to appreciate the spectacle of his joint reversal. Instead, he deliberately slowed down his horse, pretending that his mount was out of control, and occasionally turned around to fire a few shots.

But the strange thing is that since he started running on horseback, the gunshots of the little devils behind him stopped, and only their angry shouts were heard: "Yours, come back. If I don't kill you, the gold bars will be loud."

No matter how slow Xu Dacheng was, through the series of weird actions of these little devils, he finally understood that this horse was probably not simple. These little devils did not dare to shoot because they were afraid of hurting the horse. Now it would be even more fun.

This chapter has been completed!
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