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Chapter 768 Big boy

"The ammunition box at gun position A has exploded!" Sansen lamented in his heart.

He knew that there was no chance to hold the gunner of Battery A accountable. Within the range of such a powerful explosion, it was estimated that not one of the 12 artillerymen in a battery of Battery A would be able to survive, or even one could be found.

A completely intact body is also a luxury.

At this time, fierce shooting broke out from the fire support carriages in the first two carriages. The Japanese infantrymen in the last two carriages also looked like dumplings, and a large group of shit-yellow figures jumped out of the carriages.

What made Misori even more annoyed was that a Japanese man ran from the direction of the locomotive and reported to him that the first shell fell directly from the chimney, not only blowing up the boiler, but also killing all the locomotive's driver and guards.

Now Sansen knew that things had developed to the worst ending. Not only was the armored train completely destroyed, but the most important thing was that the sharpest and longest-range artillery was also destroyed. Although with the powerful firepower and solid armor of other carriages,

, I don’t care about my own safety, but it will be difficult to find and kill the attacker.

Misimori drew out his command knife angrily, pointed in the direction where the shells were flying and shouted: "Kill them!"

In fact, judging from the fact that the opponent basically destroyed the armored train's maneuverability and long-range firepower with just three cannons, he felt that the Chinese army on the opposite side was probably not an ordinary force.

The unheard-of precision artillery skills and the artillery tactics developed based on the characteristics of armored trains all show that the Chinese army on the opposite side not only has superb military technology, but also has a very keen tactical mind.

Will this kind of opponent still stay there waiting for you to destroy it?

But he still issued the attack order with a just-in-case mentality.

What if?

What if the opponent sees that the artillery bombardment is so effective, and still wants to fire a few more cannons to expand the results?

As long as the position is locked by his own men, the range of the ten heavy machine guns on the armored train can cover nearly 1 kilometer. I dare not say that all these sneak attackers will be eliminated, but killing a few of you can be regarded as an explanation, right?

At least if he can't find a scapegoat, he can report to his superiors a record of repelling and annihilating most of the enemy, and maybe he can reduce his punishment a bit.

At the same time, the Japanese observer in the guard car also discovered the high ground with a wide field of vision 900 meters away based on the direction of the artillery shell flight and through the raised periscope, and immediately instructed various machine guns on the first two cars to target the enemy.

Carry out suppressive fire on that high ground.

The firepower distribution of the Japanese armored trains is still particular. The first section behind the locomotive is a security carriage, equipped with a periscope and an artillery scope, as well as four 92-type heavy machine guns and several light machine guns. The second section

The carriage is a fire support carriage, equipped with four anti-aircraft machine guns, four heavy machine guns, and ten light machine guns. The third section is the command vehicle, which is usually equipped with a commander and an adjutant, as well as communications troops and several guards.

The fourth section is the artillery carriage, which is equipped with two 75mm field guns (the field guns are actually cannons, shooting directly.).

The fifth and sixth sections are the garrison carriages, and each carriage contains a small group of Japanese troops.

Moreover, the Japanese armored train communication facilities are very complete. There is a high-power radio station in the command car, and each carriage can be contacted directly by telephone, which results in the Japanese army's response speed being very fast.

No, as soon as the Japanese observers locked onto their target, the various machine guns on the two carriages started shooting wildly at the high ground where Zhou Wen and the others were.

More than 100 Japanese infantrymen also formed an offensive formation and launched an attack on the high ground.

If Zhou Wen and the others were still on the high ground, they would be in danger.

Just kidding, what is the concept of covering fire with dozens of machine guns?

That is, I don’t need to hit it accurately, I just need to completely cover this area so that you have no room to move at all.

Hundreds of bullets are whizzing in every second. These endless bullet rains, like a tide, completely cover this highland in an instant. No matter what kind of gun master or artillery master you are, you will be suppressed by this intensive firepower.

It doesn't work at all.

At this time, not to mention shooting, just trying to poke your head is an act of seeking death.

Fortunately, Zhou Wen knew a lot about armored trains during World War II (actually he had seen them in movies and TV shows). After Xu Dacheng fired three cannons, he pulled Xu Dacheng, who was still unfinished, and rushed down the hillside with the cannon.

In just a few clicks, he split the cannon into two parts and then ran away on horseback.

Xu Dacheng was still a little surprised, why was Awen so cautious today? Wasn't the little Jaap still 900 meters away?

But then the scalp-numbing roars overhead came one after another, as if the entire space was being torn apart by the hail of metal bullets emitting deadly screams.

No matter how big-hearted Xu Dacheng was, he was frightened by the sudden fierce firepower and turned pale.

My dear, I have only seen the young man use such intensive firepower to hit the little Japanese. Today, the roles have changed, and I can taste the power of this saturation attack.

Let's not talk about whether the hit is successful or not, even if it scares people, it will scare people half to death.

The satisfaction and pride that he had brought after using all his strength to fire three shots with the accuracy of a missile had disappeared at this moment. Xu Dacheng just lowered his head and his body was bent on the horse's back as he galloped away.

This is the advantage of Zhou Wen and the others taking advantage of the reverse slope of the high ground to retreat. Bullets fired directly are blocked by the high ground, and only bullets fired high will fly over their heads.

But no one could protect himself from the sudden fall of one or two bullets. Zhou Wen knew that there was another method called transcendental shooting. He didn't know if the little Japs knew it, but it would be safe to run out of the farthest range of the Japs' heavy machine gun first.

The so-called beyond shooting method is to raise the muzzle of the heavy machine gun one foot, and then fire bullets into the sky, using the principle of parabola to attack enemies hiding in trenches or at long distances. After the bullets fly into the air, they will

Pours like rain onto the enemy's position.

This shooting method can make bullets fly farther. A heavy machine gun with a general effective range of 800-1200 meters can even hit 4-5 kilometers away by using transcendental shooting, and it can catch the enemy off guard and make it difficult to evade.

However, transcendental shooting does not rely on accuracy, but relies on dense rain of bullets to hit enemies beyond visual range, which feels like a stroke of luck.

Therefore, the number of heavy machine guns fired must reach a certain amount to be effective, and the ammunition consumed is not a small number. I guess the stingy kid may not be specially trained in this shooting method.

In fact, most of Zhou Wen's thoughts are now focused on Xu Dacheng. He probably doesn't know what kind of miracle he just created.

This chapter has been completed!
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