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Chapter 800

The Japs' captain was an experienced commander. He knew at a glance that it was a mortar flare. It had a much wider illumination range than a gun flare. Moreover, after the flare rose into the sky, a small parachute would automatically pop up.

, greatly reducing the falling speed and providing longer illumination time.

The most important thing is that the position of these bright flares was launched in the sky halfway up the mountain. Most of the entire northern mountain of Phoenix Mountain was exposed to the light, and the figures of nearly a thousand Japanese troops of the 4th Brigade were also completely exposed.


The Japanese captain's face instantly turned paler than the light from the flare, and he shouted loudly: "Spread out and take cover!"

However, the screams of countless shells tearing through the air instantly drowned out his weak roar.

"Boom boom boom..."

Dozens of artillery explosions rang out in the Japs crowd almost simultaneously, dozens of bright fireworks rose into the sky, accompanied by bodies or stumps flying in the air, as well as flesh and blood separated from the bodies, and then a wave of

Then there were waves of cannonballs, and waves of flying limbs and flesh, as if a fireworks feast was staged on Phoenix Mountain.

The model brigade concentrated 12 Schneider 75mm mountain guns and more than 20 Jin-made 80mm mortars directly under the brigade headquarters and the first regiment on the wall of the Great Wall, and roared at the same time.

The target of all these artillery is not the Japanese troops who have already attacked the top of the mountain, nor the heavily guarded Japanese camps and artillery positions at the bottom of the mountain, but the more than 900 soldiers of the 4th Brigade who are bravely climbing the mountain. They just can't get up and down, and there are no bunkers.

Protective Japanese infantry.

This is the most important part of Meng Yuting's plan.

Whether he abandoned part of his position before or whether he trapped the enemy on the top of the mountain without attacking, the purpose of everything he did was to force Hattori Jiro to commit his last reserve force.

Therefore, the target of the first wave of artillery that had been triggered was the Japanese reserve team, and the timely battlefield information reported by the first detachment of the reconnaissance team made him regard night as day, and the timing of the artillery attack was accurate, which did not give the Japanese any chance at all.

Time to adjust and react.

In just an instant, the Japanese troops organized into the 14th Brigade were divided into three separate sections.

The remaining hundreds of Japanese troops on the top of the mountain were trapped in deep trenches and were unable to escape. They were already lambs waiting to be slaughtered. They were just waiting for the Model Brigade to choose a method that would minimize their own losses.

The Japanese troops on the mountainside were disintegrated under the sudden and rapid artillery attack. It is unknown how many people could survive the 15-minute bombardment from dozens of artillery pieces.

You must know that the artillery commander of the Model Brigade is personally commanded by Zhu Jinhui, the artillery commander of the mercenary mercenary regiment. He had refined the entire north of Phoenix Mountain long before the battle and distributed the shooting to all Yuandu.

to each gun crew.

There are clear regulations on which cannon is responsible for which area, and it is not just a random blast of dozens of cannons.

The purpose of this scientific and refined division is to ensure that the artillery coverage covers the northern slope of Phoenix Mountain, and that all areas from the foothills to the mountainside to the top of the mountain are covered by the artillery coverage.

Meng Yuting knew very well the command ability of his old comrade Zhu Jinhui, and he was very confident that under such accurate and dense artillery coverage, it could be said that the Japanese 4th Battalion would never be able to organize any effective resistance.

The third section where the Japanese army was divided was of course their military camp at the foot of the mountain.

This part of the Japanese army has the largest number, including the artillery brigade of the 14th Brigade and various directly affiliated troops. However, it is now impossible for them to send any mobile troops to establish battlefield coordination with the Japanese army on the mountainside and on the mountain, which is equivalent to being divided and surrounded.

To deal with this large number of Japanese troops, most of which were second-line troops, was the Northern Front Cluster of the Model Brigade led by Zhou Wen.

At this time, Zhou Wen once again became the boss. The deployment of thousands of people in the entire Northern Front Cluster was all directed by Chen Wanli and Zhang Huzi, while he himself led dozens of soldiers from the 1st detachment to sneak in.

Less than 500 meters away from the Japanese positions to the west.

The moment the gunfire sounded on the mountainside, Zhou Wen was the first to move towards the Japanese position.

At this time, he held an American-made M1911 Browning pistol in his left hand, and a German-made P08 artillery-type long-barreled pistol with a 32-round snail-style drum in his right hand. Both guns were equipped with thick silencers.

To his left and behind him were Zhang Xiaoping and Gao Xiaoshan, who were also holding P08 artillery pistols. Behind them were a group of brothers divided into countless inverted triangle formations.

They scattered into a skirmish line with a width of more than 500 meters, hunched forward in the darkness, not fast or slow, but moving forward steadily.

"Puff puff……"

The muffled sound of silencers kept ringing in the darkness. Covered by the violent explosions of landslides and ground cracking on the mountain, no one could hear the low gunshots even at close range.

Following these muffled sounds, the three Japanese patrol teams and several hidden sentries on the western periphery were eliminated from a distance of 100 meters, without any time to react.

You must know that the reason why the German P08 artillery pistol has a longer barrel is to have a longer range and better accuracy.

This gun can ensure high shooting accuracy at a distance of 100-150 meters. It is currently the longest-range and best-accuracy pistol in the world.

At the same time, because it can be equipped with a snail drum magazine with 32 bullets, it has become the most loaded pistol in the world.

Of course, due to the small number of its production and the fact that it has been discontinued for a long time, it has become highly collectible, so it has also become the most expensive standard pistol in the world.

Zhou Wen originally contributed the design drawings of the G-31 semi-automatic rifle and the PZB-31 anti-tank gun to Mauser Company, and only through the relationship with Mauser Company was he able to collect 20 P08 artillery pistols, and the price of each gun was as high as 800 US dollars.

More expensive than the Somi submachine gun.

However, the high price brings excellent performance.

Especially when this kind of gun is in the hands of a sharpshooter like Zhou Wen, who has excellent night vision and perception, it becomes a life harvester in the dark.

The scene of rumbling artillery and soaring flames on Fenghuang Mountain attracted the attention of most soldiers in the Japanese camp. The deaths of several patrol teams and several light and dark sentries at the front of the western position were not noticed by the Japanese army for the time being.

At this time, Zhou Wen had led a detachment to sneak to 100 meters in front of the Japanese position. Everyone changed to crawling forward. At the same time, they were carefully observing the Japanese defense situation through the bonfire in the Japanese military camp.

Xu Dacheng's artillery team was dragged behind the team. He and Cui Dayong's two mortars had a heavy responsibility. They had to kill several Japanese heavy machine guns in the west position as soon as the battle started.

All positions were destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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