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Chapter 826 Cavalry Assault Tactics

Suddenly, the whole battlefield was suddenly filled with shouts and howls, covering up the noise of guns and artillery, rising and falling in the sky.

The sword light flashed like a thunderstorm, almost blinding Colonel Suzuki's eyes.

No... it was not the light of the sword, but the broken limbs and heads flying in the air with the light of the sword. The eyes of the Japanese Army Colonel, who had been so proud before, were also filled with blood.

He could see that these soldiers were not that strong, and their bodies in their cotton uniforms were actually very thin.

Their military quality is not very high, which can be seen from the fact that they don't pay attention to tactics and formations at all, and they rush up in a swarm of swarms.

But they are not afraid of death, and their swords are unreasonable.

No matter what kind of three-man team your Japanese army has, they have a tacit understanding of tactics, or how superb their stabbing skills are. I just slashed down with my knife, and everyone did it with such a seemingly simple swing.

But this sword is a sword that has been tempered many times.

This sword was a sword without hesitation.

This sword was a sword that didn't care about who was in front of or behind him, or his own life.

There are no fancy movements, just like a robot, he swings the sword mechanically, slashing down without any emotion.

In the eyes of Colonel Suzuki, the thousands of swords swung down like a sword, like flowing water from a mountain, or like a waterfall falling straight down. It seemed natural and harmonious, but in fact it was breathtaking.

This sword does not matter about victory or defeat, but only determines life and death.

Countless soldiers in iron-gray uniforms were stabbed through by the Japanese bayonets, but at the same time, their landslide-shattering swords also slashed the enemy in front of them in two. Life for life, never default.

Soldiers fell down one by one, but heads that were frightened or still yelling kept rising. Use my flesh and blood in exchange for your head, and you will be innocent.

Even though these Japanese troops are iron-blooded troops known as one of the "double walls of the empire", even though these Japanese soldiers have swept through thousands of armies since the September 18th Incident and are invincible, but have they ever seen such an army and such soldiers?

"Crazy, these Chinese are all crazy from Baga." This was the mood of Colonel Ryo Suzuki, whose heart was twitching again and again.

However, even though his loyal and brave imperial soldiers have shown themselves to be tenacious and brave enough, as time goes by, this group of iron-gray crazies rushing into the yellow sea are advancing in waves higher and higher.

What made Colonel Suzuki feel chilled again was that he finally discovered that these Chinese soldiers were not as devoid of formations and tactics as he had imagined, but that each of them only focused on the enemy in front of him and chopped them down with one strike, regardless of the outcome of the battle.

Stop. Even though blood is still pouring out of the body, and some people even have rifles pierced through their bodies, they still move forward bravely.

They didn't care about the threats coming from the left or right, or whether the enemy in front of them was dead or not, they just took one step forward and rushed towards the next target further ahead with their swords.

This is the reason why their seemingly disorganized but extremely dense formation has been able to advance forward.

This is also a tactic, an infantry charge tactic that Suzuki Ryo has never seen before, a tactic that can only appear on infantry in the cold weapon era.

It's called cavalry assault tactics.

This is the tactic that the Northwest Army has inherited for countless years, a helpless and tragic tactic.

If you have enough artillery, enough machine guns and bullets, if you have advanced individual weapons, and your soldiers have accurate marksmanship, you will still use this primitive tactic of using flesh and blood to win victory and risking your life.


No, since the First World War proved the power of machine guns, most armies in the world will not use this seemingly brave, but purely fatal tactic when the opponent has enough machine guns and artillery.


Even the Pig Rush Charge, which the Japanese army was proud of, abandoned this mindless death-defying tactic after experiencing the painful lesson of being beaten to pieces by Maxim machine guns in the Russo-Japanese War and tens of thousands of people were killed in a single attack.

Only when the opponent's heavy firepower has been basically destroyed and the opponent's morale has been suppressed to a low point, will they use this kind of bayonet charge that they think shows the bravery of the warriors.

But the Northwest Army Association, because they are poor, has been in a state of inadequate armament and backward weapons since the day they founded the army. Even if they later developed into one of the strongest forces in the Republic of China, they had no conditions to change this status quo.


They have always used the bitter cold land in northwest China as their base camp. They do not have good guns or artillery, nor do they have enough food and ammunition for soldiers to conduct military tactical training. However, they have the most tenacious and hard-working officers and soldiers among the warlords of the Republic of China.

The simplicity and wildness of the Northwest men have been proven in all the wars the Northwest Army has participated in, and they have also been respected by all soldiers in the country.

We can be poor, we can endure hunger, but we will never lose the inherent toughness and bloody spirit of our Northwest people.

This is the foundation and inheritance for the Northwest Army to stand out in countless warlord melees in the country.

If we don't have good guns or cannons, we'll practice swordsmanship.

If we don't have enough ammunition to train, we will practice martial arts.

There were no suitable tactics to practice, so I copied the cavalry tactics. Using cold weapon tactics can still kill people.

When it comes to cavalry tactics, during the Republic of China, no army could match the cavalry of the Northwest Army. Although the northwest land was barren, it had the largest horse breeding land during the Republic of China. The Northwest Army lacked everything but not knowing how to do it.

Lack of cavalry.

During the Great War in the Central Plains, the Northwest Army sent more than a thousand elite cavalry to attack dozens of miles overnight, destroying the air force that the principal spent countless money and energy to build. If Zhou Wenwei hadn't set an ambush at Guide Station, the result would have been

If the principal is not good enough, he becomes the prisoner of Marshal Feng. It can be seen that the Northwest Army's cavalry used it very skillfully, giving full play to the mobility and suddenness of the cavalry.

Therefore, when the Northwest Army applied cavalry tactics to infantry, they certainly would not launch a mindless charge based on their own bravery. Instead, they would often use unexpected sneak attacks and night battles to suppress the enemy's heavy firepower before they could suppress it.

At that time, they were in a melee with the enemy. In this way, no matter how powerful the enemy's artillery and machine guns were, they would have no use.

It can be said that this tactic of the Northwest Army is similar to the inverted triangle assault tactic customized by Zhou Wen for a detachment. They both borrowed the assault tactics of the cavalry.

It's just that the Northwest Army had no choice but to use this tactic, and it used flesh and blood to create opportunities for melee with the enemy.

The inverted triangle assault tactic is supported by advanced weapons and superb military skills, and emphasizes rapid assault with all-round firepower coverage.

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