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Chapter 835

You must know that before the advent of high-tech night vision equipment and portable communication equipment, the problem of disorientation in large-scale night battles between the armies of both sides occurred not only in the Republic of China army, but also in the Soviet and German armies, which are now the best equipped in the world.

The same will happen.

However, in Zhou Wen's memory, in a Soviet World War II film, a Soviet general proposed a very clever and simple solution, which left a deep impression on Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen picked up two pieces of firewood next to the stove in the house, and set the door of the headquarters as the direction of attack. The two pieces of firewood were kept in a straight line with the door, one behind the other, and then said: "At night, put the two pieces of firewood at a high place behind

When the firewood is lit, no matter where you are, as long as the two fire pillars overlap, that is the direction of your attack."

When Zhou Wen said this, all the officers immediately became confused and praised the cleverness of this method. They were even more impressed with Zhou Wen.

Therefore, when the night attack force launched a full-scale attack, the two pillars of fire at Xifengkou were immediately ignited.

After receiving the direction guidance, more than 2,000 people from the two regiments of the 109th Brigade rushed into the Japanese position following the swordsmen in front. The 113th Brigade of the 29th Army, which detoured back to the Japanese flank via Panjiakou, also sent two regiments to attack at the same time.

Therefore, this time, the large-scale night attack launched by four regiment-level units at the same time, carefully organized by General Song Mingyuan of the 29th Army, achieved unexpected results.

When the shouts of killing broke out all around, most of the Japanese troops scattered in several highlands and camps were still sleeping.

At this time, Zhou Wen took the lead and advanced rapidly into the depth of the Japanese camp, followed closely by forty-one agile figures.

At this time, Zhou Wen ignored several highlands with scattered campfires not far from the Japanese camp. Even though there were Japanese heavy machine gun positions and artillery positions on the highlands, they posed no threat to Zhou Wen.


This is because dozens of members of the mercenary group have now penetrated deep into the Japanese camp. Even if they were discovered, they would have been fighting with the Japanese troops scattered throughout the camp. The heavy firepower of the Japanese troops on the high ground did not dare to open fire for fear of accidental injury.

What's more, in the dark night, even if the Japanese troops on the high ground knew that the camp was under attack, how could they see clearly where the enemies were? Who were the enemies?

Now the mercenary group is going to fight quickly and slowly to directly penetrate the Japanese camp.

In the darkness, dozens of flying shadows were like dozens of life-harvesting machines. The sporadic ghosts along the way didn't understand what was going on, but they all became their dead souls.

Dozens of people lined up in a 100-meter-wide skirmish line and swept wildly along the center of the Japanese camp.

At this time, the Japanese soldiers had just woken up from their sleep. The gunshots and shouts of killing coming from all directions made them panic, but they did not realize that enemies had already rushed into the camp.

Some officers ran to the open space and shouted orders to assemble, while others called to their men in the darkness.

"The Third Squadron is gathering at my place, hurry up!"

"Second Lieutenant Gao Cang, quickly gather your team to support the west. If there is any situation, let the messenger report as soon as possible."

"Sergeant Higashino, you stupid pig, why did you come to our first team?"

While the Japanese troops were still pouring out of the fortifications and simple wooden houses, Zhou Wen led forty-one tough men to kill them.

When dozens of black shadows emerged from the darkness, the Japanese army, which had already assembled hundreds of people, had not had time to form a battle formation. Some of them were even rubbing their sleepy eyes when they were rushed into the loose formation by Zhou Wen.


At this time, the Japanese squadron leader who was shouting to the entire team in front of the queue heard a gust of wind coming from behind, and suddenly found that his neck felt cold, and he flew up as if he had escaped gravity. As his sight moved from

Looking down from the air, I saw a headless but very familiar body slowly falling to the ground.

"Baga! This is not mine..." Then his consciousness was submerged in darkness.

As the head of the Japanese squadron leader floated up, various screams came from the Japanese queue and countless heads flew up.

At this time, it was impossible to use the gun at all, because the forty-one figures following Zhou Wen almost collided in at the same time, like forty-one wild horses running wild.

At this time, using a gun is not only easy to accidentally injure teammates, but also affects the efficiency of killing.

Zhou Wen, the leader of the Japanese squadron, had a dark short sword in his right hand and a Japanese saber in his left hand. The two swords were flying back and forth like lightning.

The Wudang body method is activated with one mind and two intentions, the arms are fully exerted with spiritual power, and the pure internal energy surges throughout the body.

Just for a moment, Zhou Wen opened fire for the first time since he became a master of martial arts. He didn't hold back any hand. The Japanese soldiers within a radius of 5 meters all fell to the ground and died before they could react. They were either beheaded or had their throats cut.

He killed five little Japs in just one encounter, and these Japs didn't realize what was going on until they died.

One Japanese man's eyes were still wide open when his head fell to the ground. His eyes were not filled with fear but filled with questions. He died quite confused.

Wang Changhai, who followed closely, also killed with great ease. He chopped off the heads of the two Japs with just two swings of his sword. Just because he didn't have to worry about his left and right sides at all, they were all around him as far as he could see.

There is not a single Japanese soldier still standing.

Miaohua and Zhao Xiaojin had killed all the Japanese soldiers who could threaten him, leaving only the Japanese in front of him, and they had to be one behind the other, with just the right distance, just enough for him to swing his sword twice in succession.

Of course, being able to kill two Japs in a row was also his own skill. For him, a Shandong man with rich fighting experience and martial arts skills, it was just a joke to challenge the Japs in a duel, not to mention the two Japs he had killed.

The Japanese had no time to make any tactical moves.

Wang Changhai, who had blood sprayed all over his face, burst out laughing. He felt extremely happy at this moment. He killed several Japanese soldiers with his own hands to avenge his brothers. His depression was relieved a lot.

However, Zhang Xiaoping's killings were not as bloody as Wang Changhai's because he was doing technical work.

I saw him unfolding his sword skills and walking like a ghost among the Japanese soldiers. Everywhere with the cold light, these ghosts were all holding their bleeding throats and either fell directly to the ground or slowly knelt down.


Both are Wudang swordsmanship, but because each person's temperament is different, the method of killing is different. Zhang Xiaoping liked to use bows and arrows when he was a child. When he was practicing Wudang swordsmanship, he had a special liking for stabbing, and he put the most effort into this aspect.

Therefore, when he fights enemies with Wudang swordsmanship, he usually uses stabbing-based moves, which are all about speed and passion. Moreover, one sword can shake out three sword flowers, and can attack three enemies at a similar distance at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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