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Chapter 889 Difficult task

Fortunately, Tian Boguang didn't argue with this fool, and said with a nonchalant smile: "The pronunciation of Japanese also differs due to regional differences. The 6th Division of the Kwantung Army is known as the Kumamoto Division, which means that most of their officers and soldiers

From Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan.”

Zhu Jinhui quickly borrowed a donkey to go downhill and continued to ask humbly: "Then which accent do we usually learn?"

Tian Boguang said: "Brother Yongbin and I both speak Kyoto dialect. The brothers in the first team basically learned Japanese from us, so everyone has a Kyoto accent, similar to our Chinese Mandarin. And your Japanese is mainly

It was taught by Zi Hui, and her accent is Osaka dialect."

When everyone heard it, they realized that even Japanese has many different accents, just like the accents in different provinces in China.

In this case, it would be a bit fanciful to pretend to be a little Japanese and sneak in.

Seeing everyone in the tent still discussing various methods in low voices, Zhou Wen waved his hands and said: "Everyone, be quiet and listen to me."

Seeing that everyone stopped communicating and turned their eyes, Zhou Wen stretched out his baton and drew a circle on a certain part of the map and said: "Jin Hui and the other artillery commanders and I discussed on the road that the Japanese

It is impossible for heavy artillery to set up heavy artillery positions on the highway, but it is also impossible to set up heavy artillery positions too far away from the highway. Too far will cause inconvenience in vehicle transportation."

"So, I judge that the Japanese artillery positions will only be set up on the west bank of the Shah River. Moreover, the Japanese army will not deploy the positions at the maximum range, which will cause greater damage to the artillery barrels. I estimate that for safety reasons, the Japanese army must avoid

The threat from our 75mm mountain artillery means that their artillery position is about 7-8 kilometers away from Lengkou."

At this time, Zhu Jinhui stood up and said: "I agree with the scholar's judgment. The best shooting distance of the Type 38 105mm field gun currently equipped by the Japanese army is 6-7 kilometers, and the 150mm heavy artillery will inevitably be deployed nearby. This is not only beneficial to

and concentrate firepower to achieve the best bombardment effect and also facilitate command."

With Zhu Jinhui, an artillery expert, explaining the performance and tactics of artillery, Zhou Wen's inference had a theoretical basis.

Zhou Wen pointed at the map and said: "In this case, the approximate scope of the Japanese artillery position can be basically determined to be the area between Beigou and Yingshou Ditch."

"In this case, this area is a forbidden area that is heavily guarded by the Japanese army. As long as the little devils randomly place one or two groups of infantry, it will be difficult to penetrate."

Chen Wanli said solemnly. At the same time, he marked the map with a pencil and began to measure the area with a ruler.

"With a rough scope, we don't need to send many people to investigate. With a large number of people, it is easy to be exposed, which will scare the Japanese and increase their vigilance. It will be even more difficult to handle later."

"I'll go! I'm familiar with artillery. I can detect the distance and direction more accurately. I'll make sure that our first artillery strike can hit the Japanese artillery position." Xu Dacheng signed up enthusiastically and still squeaked after he finished speaking.

I glanced around, asking if any of you are still capable enough to compete with me for this task.

In fact, when it comes to candidates for investigation, Xu Dacheng is really more suitable.

When it comes to familiarity with artillery and calculation of various artillery distances, none of the soldiers in the first detachment can match him, so naturally they can't compete with him. Zhu Jinhui and Tang Jian, who are better than him in terms of professional knowledge, are still in the Soviet Union.

Officers were far behind him in terms of investigation and lurking, so naturally it was difficult for them to come out and grab this task.

If he is equipped with a suitable partner as a cover, there is still a great hope of finding and destroying the Japanese artillery positions.

However, Zhou Wen was not only thinking about how to find the Japanese heavy artillery positions, but more importantly, how to safely evacuate the people after destroying the Japanese heavy artillery, which placed higher demands on the investigators.

You must know that the difficulty of this mission is different from the past. It requires going deep among tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers and operating in the heart of the enemy. And the Japanese army is not a fool. Once its artillery position is bombarded by our side, it will immediately react to the inevitable surroundings.

There are Chinese army scouts who are so angry that they may have to dispatch heavy troops to screen the area more than ten miles around the artillery position. Once the scouts are discovered, they will be unable to fly.

Zhou Wen thought about it, but there was only one candidate. He coughed lightly and said: "Ahem, this... I'd better go for it."

As soon as the sound came out, everyone in the tent immediately started shouting like a pot exploding.

"No, you are the commander of the entire army, how can I let you go?" Chen Wanli was the first to jump up and object.

"Do you want to be alone again? Are you itchy?" This was naturally Miaohua's voice. Now in the mercenary group, Miaohua is the only one who dares to talk to Zhou Wen like this.

The other brothers also clamored not to let Zhou Wen go.

Zhou Wen touched his nose and thought: "It was all caused by the last time I blew up the Izumo! Brothers are all scared."

But he was also very touched in his heart, knowing that his brothers cared about him and didn't want him to be in danger.

Zhou Wen waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said solemnly: "I can understand everyone's mood, and I am very touched. I know that my brothers care about me and do not want me to be in danger alone."

"However, the requirements for this reconnaissance mission are too high. Not only must you be able to sneak into the enemy's center, but you must also be able to accurately measure the position and coordinates of the enemy's artillery positions. The equipment you need to bring is essential."

"Let me do the math for you. As weapons, you need to bring two long and short guns and no less than 100 rounds of various bullets. You need to bring camouflage clothes. Telescopes and artillery scopes are also essential. You must also be able to hold on for at least three

Dry food and water above the sky. Who can guarantee that with so much equipment, you can sneak into an area heavily defended by the Japanese for several kilometers or even more than ten kilometers without being discovered?"

As soon as Zhou Wen said this, everyone fell silent for an instant.

Yes, if you only have to travel day and night for several days and lurk, you will need to carry a lot of weapons and equipment, as well as dry food and water, not to mention the artillery scope.

And the role of the artillery mirror is the most critical. To find the enemy's artillery position, it is not enough if you just mark the location on the map. Even the little devil's military map also has a lot of errors. It may be used to

The difference between commanding operations and walking is not a big problem by a few hundred meters or even a few kilometers.

But it's a bit of a joke to use it to direct artillery fire 10 kilometers away.

If you have dozens or hundreds of cannons, of course you can use wide-area coverage to make up for the errors on the map. As long as the approximate direction is correct, a few concentrated artillery strikes can plow the entire area with artillery shells, no matter it is

The Japanese cannons, tanks, and combat personnel cannot escape as long as they are within the area.

This chapter has been completed!
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