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Chapter 903: A War That Must Win

Therefore, when the 6th Division requested the secondment of heavy artillery units to the Korean Garrison, Lieutenant General Masaemon Sakamoto, who was very appreciative of Kyono Shunta's talent, also specifically asked his old classmate, the commander of the Korean Garrison

It was proposed that Major Kyono Shunta would personally command this heavy artillery unit.

There is a reason for valuing Kyono Shunta's talent, but the more important thing is to give Kyono Shunta an opportunity to practice and gain more qualifications for future promotions.

In Sakamoto Masaemon's view, winning the Battle of the Great Wall was a matter of time. This was not due to his arrogance or arrogance, but a conclusion drawn from a careful analysis of the national and military strength of China and Japan.

This conclusion is not just a unilateral cognition of the Japanese military, but is a conclusion shared by every country in the world, including the Government of the Republic of China.

It is currently impossible for China to win the war against Japan, even if it is a limited and local war.

This is not only caused by the gap in national and military power between the two sides, but the more critical factor is that China is essentially still in an era of warlord rule and is not yet a truly unified country.

Factional disputes were intense, careerists and conspirators abounded, warlords separated themselves from each other and formed their own systems, and political struggles never ceased. This was the current situation in China during the Republic of China.

How could such a country compete with the Empire of Japan, which had a highly unified military and political system and whose comprehensive national strength was countless times stronger?

These Japanese militarists, who initially had a well-founded analysis based on data, did not expect that it was because of their cruelty and oppression that China, which was in disarray, was finally forced to stop its disputes and unanimously open up to the outside world in the face of the crisis of national subjugation and genocide.

, formed an all-nation united front that had never been seen since the founding of the Republic of China, and dragged Japan into the quagmire of a national war.

Many countries and so-called experts in the world do not admit that China defeated Japan, and believe that the victory of the Anti-Japanese War was achieved with the help of its allies.

However, the actual situation is that because of China's vast territory, all Chinese ethnic groups have erupted in a spirit of unity and tenacity unprecedented in history, and resisted the all-out attack of the Japs for five years, leaving Japan trapped in energy, industrial raw materials

, financial and other crises forced them to turn their heads and show their fangs to the Western powers.

You must know that although the Japanese army occupies most of China's territory and also holds strategic advantages and initiative, its industrial base to support the war is based on the Western powers led by the United States, which continuously import oil, metal mines, etc. to Japan.

On the basis of industrial raw materials.

Japan is a resource-poor country that relies on imported raw materials to produce even a bullet. This small country is threatened by earthquakes and tsunamis at any time. Even if we search every ounce of land in the country, we can't find anyone who can.

Support them in fighting a local war with iron ore and copper mines.

It can be said that although Japan's strength is due to the hard work of the Japanese, it is also the result of the massive resource output of profit-seeking capitalist countries such as the United States and Western powers.

Can we also say that when Japan was able to occupy most of China's territory, it was actually these Western powers that supplied them with blood?

It was they who helped Japan realize the Industrial Revolution, and it was they who helped Japan establish a powerful military-industrial system, including their tanks, aircraft, and cannon construction technologies, all of which were built with the help of Western resources and technology.

If Japan cannot get such help from the West, what can they use to compete with China, which although poor and weak, still has advantages in population and resources, with primitive swords and guns?

Let's take the example of the United States, which provided a large amount of assistance to us in the late stages of the Anti-Japanese War.

Before 1939, the United States had very close trade relations with Japan, which essentially ruled the entire East Asia.

From 1933 to 1937, Japan accounted for more than 49% of all goods exported by the United States to Asia. In 1938 alone, 44% of Japan's imported materials came from the United States, which was twice the total imports from Japan and other European countries.

The United States has enjoyed a huge trade surplus with Japan (all gold transactions).

We must be aware of the astonishing benefits and almost numb greed of the American business community on the issue of trade with Japan at that time. Trade with Japan not only benefited a certain American industry, but also contributed to American steel, machine tools, automobiles, aircraft,

Various industries such as copper and tin, wood, mineral pulp, cotton, and textiles have brought huge benefits, whether in terms of jobs or corporate profits.

After the Sino-Japanese war broke out in an all-round way, the US trade volume with Japan declined. This was mainly due to the rise of the "moral embargo" and "boycott of Japanese goods" among the American people. However, it must be pointed out that during this period, the US trade volume with Japan

The proportion of military exports increased year by year, accounting for 53.66% in 1937, 64.06% in 1938, and 71.28% in 1939. To some extent, it was the U.S. military industry that supported Japan's atrocities of aggression against China.

When the Americans felt that they were not raising dogs, but white-eyed wolves, and they started baring their teeth at their owners, they terminated the U.S.-Japanese trade treaty in 1939 and began embargoing war resources against Japan.

At this time, the poor and weak China had resisted the Japanese invaders with its own strength for five years. During this period, China did not receive a single shot or bullet of support from the United States.

The reason why Japan finally had to launch an attack on the United States was, to put it bluntly, because it was forced by China's national resistance war.

Information shows that after the United States imposed a comprehensive embargo on oil and various metal raw materials against Japan, Japan's existing war reserves can only support the war against China for one more year. One year later, millions of Japanese invaders will face

The danger of running out of ammunition and food.

Although this statement is somewhat alarmist, it is true that the Japanese aircraft, tanks and warships will face the danger of running out of oil. Japan can find iron ore and copper ore in the Chinese-occupied areas, but they cannot find oil.

And if the Japanese army no longer has tanks, aircraft, or a powerful fleet, is it still possible for them to achieve final victory in the war with China?

Therefore, they turned their greedy and bloody eyes to those colonies that had been occupied by Western powers for many years, and to Southeast Asia, which contained oil and countless resources.

To occupy these areas and obtain endless resources, it is necessary to go to war with these Western powers. Naturally, the first to bear the brunt is the United States, which has a powerful fleet in the Pacific.

Therefore, they launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, where the U.S. Pacific Fleet was stationed. Although this was a despicable move, it was full of adventure and imagination, and was a shocking move.


This chapter has some suspicions of misunderstandings and off-topics, but when it comes to this, I feel a little uncomfortable. This is not because I am too angry, but because I feel for the tens of millions of soldiers and civilians who sacrificed their lives in the Great Patriotic War.

No, I feel ashamed of those who have low self-esteem and flattery who ignore the struggles and sacrifices of thousands of national heroes and blindly exaggerate the role of the so-called Allies.

This chapter has been completed!
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