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Chapter 922 Jade Shattered Charge

In fact, it was not only Hirota Masatomo who was stunned, but also Colonel Kuroda Mori, who was in the middle of the second row of the charge formation, was also stunned by the sudden and violent blow from the opposite side that he had never seen before.

Bullets hit his face like a downpour, his ears were filled with the scream of metal jets tearing the air, and his eyes were filled with scenes of people flipping on their backs and blood and flesh flying everywhere.

It's not that Kuroda Mori hasn't seen war scenes, he has even experienced battles on a larger scale than this one.

However, in such a battlefield with a width of just over 1 kilometer and a depth of only about 400 meters, there was actually so much automatic firepower firing bullets. Not only had he never seen it, but he was also not mentally prepared.

Or his adjutant saw that the situation was not good, and said nervously and loudly: "Your Excellency, captain, please go to the rear team to command the battle."

When Kuroda came back to his senses, he felt a sense of embarrassment. It seemed that his cavalry regiment had fallen into Naona's trick. The two Naona scouts who were fleeing in embarrassment were the bait, and they actually attracted him into their camp.

Ambush circle.

He now knew that it was too late to adjust the cavalry formation. Under such fierce machine gun fire, even turning the horse's head to retreat became very difficult.

The only way is to survive in death, take advantage of this flat terrain, charge against the enemy's bullets, rush into the woods, and chop down the damned man.

After a second thought, the decision was made, and Kuroda Sen calmed down. He pulled out the command sword from his waist and said to the adjutant: "Order the flag guard team to come to me, raise the military flag, and lead our warriors to break through the enemy's formation."

But he knew in his heart that under such intensive firepower, it would be very difficult to cross the 200-meter distance.

But even if they die in battle, the imperial cavalry will die on the way to charge.

The adjutant immediately knew that the commander of the regiment was going to fight for his life, so he used the military flag to boost morale and launched a desperate charge.

So, when a Japs on the battlefield raised the regiment flag high, the Japs cavalry on the battlefield were like chicken blood. They no longer hesitated and were afraid, but shouted "Long live" in unison, holding up the sabers in their hands.

He launched a jade-breaking charge towards the mercenary group's position in the woods.

"Onboard...Onboard..." The hysterical howls of hundreds of people actually drowned out the shelling of dozens of artillery pieces from the mercenary regiment.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... the little devil is really desperate for his life when he goes crazy! I'm a little impressed that he dares to charge under such circumstances." Chen Wanli tsked at Miaohua and said in wonder.

"This is the scary thing about the Japs. Not only are they well-trained and have advanced tactics, but most importantly, they are not afraid of death. This kind of madness can really scare many people. Hundreds of thousands of Northeastern troops were frightened by the little Japs and lost their lives.

The courage to fight." Miaohua responded.

Now the two of them are the most laid-back people in the mercenary group. Chen Wanli is the battle commander. Now that the Japanese have entered the ambush circle, he will have nothing to do in the subsequent battle.

Miaohua, on the other hand, is too weak to use it. Now everyone is holding their guns and shooting. This style of shooting is exactly his weakest link. Even if he shoots, he is just joining in the fun. Whether he hits or not depends on God's will.

, his dignified chief instructor couldn't afford to embarrass this person, so he simply stayed as a bystander.

But neither of them took the Japs' charge seriously. Under such circumstances, they still thought of rushing into the woods to fight with the mercenary group. That would be disrespectful to the most elite people in the world who already had thousands of Japs' lives in their hands.

The troops took it seriously.

However, many war horses rushed into the woods, but the saddles were empty, and the owners of the war horses were killed halfway.

At this time, Masato Hirota in the sky only realized when the plane was about to fly over the woods that he was close to the ambush position of the Chinese army.

He looked at the tragic scene on the ground where the majestic cavalrymen of the Japanese Empire were beaten to death, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of anger in his heart.

No, something must be done, otherwise these cavalrymen will be slaughtered by the despicable Chinese.

While he ordered the observer to send a message to the rear to request support, he lowered the altitude of the aircraft and prepared to use machine guns to provide some support to the troops on the ground.

At this time, he wished that his plane was loaded with bombs and would blow up the Chinese army positions below.

However, Mo Dahai, commander of the 1st Machine Gun Company, who had been watching him for a long time, had already taken precautions.

Of course he could tell that this was a Japanese reconnaissance plane. The only weapon was the aircraft machine gun, and the amount of ammunition it carried was not too much. He had wasted a lot on Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping before, and he only needed to carry it a few times.

If you swoop down and shoot, you will turn into a toothless tiger.

And he had previously ordered the machine guns of the two platoons to be mounted on high stands, so that they could shoot both ground and air.

Therefore, he, who was familiar with air defense operations, had already predicted the dive route of the Japanese aircraft after seeing the aircraft begin to dive, and 12 machine guns were pointed at the direction of the aircraft. When Hirota Masaoshi's aircraft had just entered an altitude of 500 meters,

, and ordered to open fire.

At this time, he did not want to shoot down Hirota Masatomo's plane, he just wanted to interfere with his dive and strafing.

Because the strength of the mercenary regiment is relatively concentrated now, being strafed by a Japanese plane at a height of about 400 meters may cause casualties. This can only force the Japanese plane to start strafing at a height of 500 meters. Such a long distance coupled with the obstruction of the woods,

The threat of Japanese machine guns will be greatly reduced.

However, Mo Dahai still underestimated the fierceness of little Japan.

When Masato Hirota dived, he was already determined to fight to the death. When the plane dived down at the maximum speed despite the dense rain of bullets sprayed from 12 tongues of flames on the ground, Mo Dahai knew that the little devil was

It's time to fight hard.

Mo Dahai was anxious now. It was too late to mobilize other machine guns to join the battle. He pushed away a machine gunner beside him and controlled the machine gun himself. He was not in a hurry to shoot, but asked the loader to quickly change

He picked up a drum magazine, waited for the enemy plane to shoot, and pulled the trigger at the same time.

He knew that once the aircraft started to shoot, in order to ensure the accuracy of the shooting, it would inevitably have a linear motion trajectory of several seconds. At this time, it would depend on the shooting speed and accuracy of both sides. Will you hit my brother first, or I will hit first?

kill you.

"Da da da..." Masato Hirota gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger on the control stick. The roaring plane sprayed out two long whips with the smell of death and swept them towards the ground.

"Da da da..." Veins suddenly appeared on Mo Dahai's face. He pulled the trigger and rained bullets on the nose of the aircraft that had dived to a distance of 200 meters.

Masato Hirota's plane had been hit by many bullets during its descent, with numerous bullet holes appearing on the belly and wings of the plane, but he still pulled the trigger tightly in an attempt to scatter more bullets into the woods.


It's a pity that Mo Dahai's ability to predict the situation played a role in turning the situation around.

This chapter has been completed!
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