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Chapter 944 Suicide

You know, pure infantry will be at a huge disadvantage against cavalry. If there are trenches and fortifications as cover, and with machine guns and volleys, they may be able to compete. But now we are on a mountain road, and we are still in a marching formation. How can

Maybe it can withstand the impact of nearly a thousand cavalry?

Even though most of the puppet cavalry did not dare to take the initiative to kill people with their swords, the casualties and chaos caused to the Japanese army after the horses rushed into the Japanese army were very fatal.

Therefore, when Zhou Wen and De Lengtai reached the rear of the Japanese army, except for a few people who accidentally fell from their horses and were trampled to death, there were only a few casualties in the entire cavalry team, while the Japanese army was hacked to death and injured.

Nearly five hundred people were killed, and even the few machine guns they carried had no time to be put to use.

At this time, Colonel Jiro Kawatani had no time to regret. He knew very clearly that his end would be nothing more than being hacked to death and captured. In front of thousands of cavalry, it was impossible to run away. And as the highest ranking officer of the current Japanese army

Commander, even if he could run back, he would not be able to escape the punishment of the division commander who had been waiting for the opportunity for a long time.

The only question he still had was how could China's most elite force risk being flanked by the 7th Brigade to cause trouble for him and the Engineer Regiment?

As a military commander, he knew clearly that his main military force in this area was actually the 7th Brigade of the puppet Manchu Army.

From the perspective of the Chinese army, as long as the 7th Brigade is defeated, the engineer regiment with mediocre combat effectiveness led by him is actually just a decoration. If you don't dare to attack, you won't be able to defend. In the end, you can only retreat.

In fact, the threat to the Chinese military is minimal.

After removing the threat from the southwest, the Chinese army can calmly launch continuous raids on the troubled 24th Regiment until they are forced to retreat, thereby crushing the Japanese army's attempt to attack in a roundabout way, and ensuring the cold war to a large extent.

The integrity of the oral defense line.

So he couldn't figure out how an engineering regiment of several hundred people, which was obviously harmless to humans and animals, was worthy of being attacked by the commander on the opposite side even at the risk. Do we have any grudges?

If he knew that a few ordinary Japanese soldiers who he would never take a look at usually caused a big disaster while chatting and bragging, would he have immediately picked up a knife and hacked them to death?

He himself only suffered an unreasonable disaster and was implicated by the engineer regiment that committed heinous crimes in Shoantan Village.

What should we do now?

You can't run away, and you can't fight again and again. The result is very likely...

"No, it cannot be captured. It cannot be a shame to the Kwantung Army of the Imperial Japanese Army. If a dignified Imperial Army Colonel and the Chief of Staff of the strongest division were captured alive by the Chinese, it would not only bring shame to the Empire, but also make him a joke to the Western powers in the world.

, and it will bring huge trouble to the big shot behind him and his family."

Jiro Kawatani shuddered when he thought of this.

In despair, Jiro Kawatani shouted to several panicked officers and guards around him: "The empire only has warriors who died in battle, and no cowards who escaped or surrendered. Don't be afraid, show your courage and come with me."

Protect the honor of the empire."

After all, this top student from mainland Japan, this Japanese army colonel and future general who only ten minutes ago had dreamed and longed to establish meritorious service for the Empire and His Majesty the Emperor, and win honor for himself and his family, used his white-gloved hands to

He pulled out the tortoise box from his waist.

Then he loaded the gun, opened the safety, ignored the Chinese cavalry running closer and closer in front, and pointed the muzzle at his own head.

He raised his head and glanced at the still gray sky with nostalgia, closed his eyes, and pulled the trigger with his finger.

"Pop!" There was a gunshot, and this time the tortoise box was finally not jammed.

Jiro Kawatani's right temple turned into a small black hole, and almost no blood was seen. However, the 8 mm Nanbu bullet shattered his brain and head nerves.

Looking at the chief of staff who fell to the sky, the spirit of a Japanese captain beside him completely collapsed. Feeling the shaking coming from the ground getting closer and closer, like a life-threatening charm, the Japanese captain's whole body was shaking.

He didn't have the courage to shoot himself with a gun, so he turned around and said to a pale-faced guard: "Please help me, please!"

Yes, they were originally just technical troops. They were really not good at things like charging with jade and committing seppuku!

The guard was also on the verge of a mental breakdown. When he heard the officer's request, he subconsciously took it as an order and immediately raised his rifle and shot the officer in the chest.

However, in his panic, he failed to distinguish between left and right, and the shot hit the captain's right chest.

And what's even more bizarre is that although he used a shortened version of the 38-type mounted rifle, the 6.5mm rifle's penetrating power at close range is still very strong.

As a result, the bullet passed through the captain's back without any hindrance and hit the stomach of the second lieutenant behind him.



Two miserable howls sounded almost at the same time, and the two Japanese officers fell to the ground at the same time, and then continued to scream in agony, but they could not die for a while, so they could only howl in pain.

The Japanese soldier who fired the gun was frightened and confused. He turned to look at the other soldier, his confused eyes seeming to ask for confirmation: "Did I shoot just now? Did I do it?"


However, no matter how regretful and scared he was, it was of no use. Not only were the two officers knocked to the ground by him with a double shot, but Zhou Wen and Delengtai had already arrived.

They had just seen this strange scene among the Japanese officers.

Zhou Wen, who was familiar with the virtues of the Japanese army, immediately guessed the reason.

But De Lentai, who had always regarded the Japanese as extremely powerful, and the puppet Manchukuo cavalry behind him, had their views completely overturned.

"What? Isn't Little Japan amazing?"

"Aren't the Japanese very fierce? Why are they afraid?"

"In my day, the little devils didn't dare to come and fight us. They started fighting on their own."

Delengtai, who was getting more and more excited as he competed with Zhou Wen, was just stunned for a moment, but the knife in his hand did not stop at all. He still swung it very lightly, and the head of the Japanese soldier who was still in a dazed state was raised.

Flying high.

After seeing the idiotic and fearful behavior of the little Japanese, the other cavalrymen of the Manchukuo army gradually became bolder.

At this time, many Japs were already running towards the woods on both sides of the mountain road. Before Zhou Wen could give the order, some bold puppet Manchukuo cavalry chased after them, shouting and screaming.

After Zhou Wen saw that there was no longer a Japanese soldier standing in front of him, he pulled the reins and turned to look at Delengtai, who was a few steps away.

This chapter has been completed!
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