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Chapter 960 Zhao Xiaojin's Characteristics

How many lieutenant generals can there be in the Japanese 6th Division?

Zhou Wen knew that there was only one, so the one who was killed by the sniper must be the division commander of the 6th Division. Needless to say, the other major general must be the brigade commander.

A division commander and a brigade commander were killed at the same time, which was definitely a fatal blow to the Japanese army. What's even worse is that a few days ago, the chief of staff also died.

There will definitely be big problems in the command system of the 6th Division, but the chaos will not last long, maybe two days, maybe one day.

For the Chinese army, in order to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it is necessary to notify the 32nd Army and the 29th Army as quickly as possible, and ask the two commanders Shang and Song to make up their minds as soon as possible.

Through several relays, the message was sent to Chen Wanli 10 kilometers away.

Chen Wanli did not even stop when he received the news, and immediately ordered the telegraph operator to quickly send a message to the rear.

Due to the mercenary group's fast communication method, only 5 minutes after Zhang Xiaoping sniped the two Japanese commanders, the cold-mouthed Zhao Changshu and Meng Yuting received Chen Wanli's telegram.

Now, time is of the essence. We must face off against the Japanese tonight before the Japanese base camp has time to react.

Therefore, Meng Yuting and Zhao Changshu did not care about celebrating, and they immediately separated. One went to the 32nd Army headquarters in Qian'an County to see General Shang Zheng, and the other rode overnight to Xifengkou to meet with the 29th Army.

Generals of Song and Mingyuan.

At this time, they have to personally convince the two big bosses that if the battle deployment can be completed tonight, then tomorrow may be the end of the Japanese 6th Division.

At the same time, the side of Liujiaji near Dushan also began to become lively, because the mercenary group launched a large-scale night attack, with the purpose of facilitating the safe retreat of Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin.

Suddenly, just behind the frontline group of the Japanese 24th Brigade, the mercenary group launched an attack on several squadrons of the Japanese Second Group, which was also the main defense brigade headquarters, in a 5-kilometer-long section.

Cannons rumbled and gunshots were fired everywhere.

When Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin sneaked in before, they basically figured out the Japanese army's positions and strength. The mercenary group's attack seemed chaotic, but in fact each had its own division of labor.

There were feint attacks and diversions. The main assault force was still a detachment led by Zhou Wen himself.

Now, with the support of the artillery of the second detachment, they almost stepped on the impact point of the artillery shells, penetrated from the junction of the two Japanese squadrons, and rushed towards Liujiaji.

The one who takes the lead is naturally Zhou Wen, who has excellent vision and perception at night.

Only Zhou Wen can do this in such a dark night through the dense forest without losing his direction.

Once Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin succeed in sniping, the entire mercenary group will be dispatched to respond. This is a strategy that has been planned in advance.

But you must know that Zhang Xiaoping and others are in the heart of the Japanese army. Killing the Japanese commander is like poking a hornet's nest, and it is the largest hornet's nest. You can imagine how dangerous it is.

I don't know how many Japanese soldiers they will face now. Every minute the rescue operation is delayed, something unspeakable may happen.

Zhou Wen was like a ghost, swishing through the woods nimbly, followed closely by dozens of black shadows.

He was very anxious. From the moment he agreed to Zhang Xiaoping's sniper mission, his heart had been hanging in the air and he was also very conflicted.

I don't know if I was too willful in putting Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin into the enemy army surrounded by wolves in order to fight for that elusive glimmer of hope.

Even at a certain point, he hoped that Zhang Xiaoping and the others would not wait for the opportunity and then retreat safely under the cover of night.

Although they succeeded in killing a Japanese division commander and a brigade commander, now is the beginning of the most critical part of this sniper operation. That is to make the two great heroes withdraw completely.

Sniping and killing senior enemy commanders behind enemy lines is a double-edged sword in itself.

The moment the sniper fires, it means that he is exposed, and then he will be endlessly pursued and surrounded by a large number of enemy troops.

The sound of artillery and gunfire had been left behind. He completely let go of his perception and focused all his attention on the faint sound of gunfire coming from ahead.

As long as the gunshots continue to sound, it means that Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin are still persisting.

But he didn't know that Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin were now facing a situation where they were running out of ammunition and food.

The time was pulled back to an hour ago, in the field of Liujiaji, next to the manure pile.

When several Japanese cavalrymen jumped off their horses and prepared to shoot at Zhang Xiaoping, Zhao Xiaojin emptied a magazine in a few seconds at a far higher rate of fire than before.

The four Japs who aimed their guns were all killed as expected, but there were still three Japs who galloped on horseback and approached Zhang Xiaoping's manure pile.

Someone here may ask, isn't Zhao Xiaojin a sharpshooter? How come he only killed 4 Japs with 10 bullets in a magazine?

This is because in an emergency situation on the battlefield, even a sharpshooter cannot aim carefully before firing. At that time, four guns were already aiming at Zhang Xiaoping. This was the time to test Zhao Xiaojin's reaction ability.

He no longer had time to shoot at everyone one by one, so he could only shoot out all the bullets at a fan that could wrap all the Japs. In fact, he used a machine gun to shoot.

This kind of strafing attack is not something ordinary people can do. The biggest requirement is to be able to remember the positions of several Japanese soldiers in an instant, and to be able to freely control the beating and movement of the muzzle to ensure that the gun lines are on the same level.

The rhythm of movement and shooting must be consistent with the distance of the muzzle movement to ensure that the target in this sector will be hit by at least one bullet.

Of course, there is a prerequisite here, that is, the enemies must be within the sector covered by 10 rounds of bullets. Beyond this range, semi-automatic rifles cannot shoot at them, and they can only be shot by machine guns and submachine guns.

But this is already an incredible skill, and it is a skill unique to Zhao Xiaojin. Others such as Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping, even though their marksmanship is more accurate than him, can't shoot with such smoothness.

Now every member of the first team, with the growth of martial arts and unremitting training over the past few years, everyone has their own characteristics and special skills, especially the several masters of Qi Jinjing, whose characteristics are even more distinctive.

Take Miaohua, for example, as long as she is within a distance of 100 meters, she can shoot out flowers with two submachine guns in her left and right hands. She can fire bursts and fire with ease. She is the well-deserved first assaulter of the mercenary group.

Zhang Xiaoping, on the other hand, is steady, accurate, far-sighted, calm and patient, a super killer who is immovable and deadly with every move.

Let’s not talk about Zhou Wen. He is a monster-like person who can play any role and is still the best.

This chapter has been completed!
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