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Chapter 995

If Fujita Kyouyoshi knew that China still didn't know that its flanks had been breached by the Japanese army, would he give himself a big mouth?

No one expected that such important military information would come from his mouth, a Japanese.

If other Chinese armies don't know this news, maybe the Japanese 10th Division can directly surround the 32nd Army and the Model Brigade in Lengkou from the flanks. With the support of the 6th Division, they can eat up the Chinese army in the west in one go.

The most important force of resistance.

According to the understanding of the Japanese, even if negotiator Wang Shiqi does not know the news yet, at least the Central Military Commission headquarters should have received the urgent report from the 53rd Army.

They never expected that the Republic of China army would have such a strange phenomenon. When there was a major crisis on the front line, the defeated army dared to conceal it and not report it, leading to a situation that might lead to a total collapse of the entire front line.

Fortunately, Fujita Nobuyoshi, a big-mouthed frog, revealed this important military information to show off, and the situation is different. Although the Great Wall cannot be defended, at least the Chinese army still has a chance to adjust its defense line.

Not to mention how Wang Shiqi denounced the despicable behavior of the Japanese, I will only say that after General He in Peiping received the call from Tianjin, the entire Peiping branch of the Military Commission was like ants in a hot pot, and it became chaotic.


"Hey, 32nd Army? This is the Peking Military Commission. Please send troops to search west as soon as possible. If you find any Japanese troops, don't fight. Report to the headquarters as soon as possible."

"Hello, 29th Army? Commander Song, please answer the phone..."

Suddenly, countless telegrams and phone calls were made directly to various frontline departments.

General He paced back and forth in the busy war room, anxiously waiting for a reply from the front line.

But he already knows in his heart that this news is almost true, because until now, the radio station has not been in contact with the 53rd Army, which is an abnormal thing in itself.

At this moment, a staff officer from the Model Brigade submitted a message stating that a small group of Japanese troops had sneaked into an unknown trail and attempted a sneak attack. General He felt that he could not wait any longer.

If a Japanese division comes up from the flank, Lengkou's tens of thousands of troops may be surrounded by the Japanese.

However, before the news was confirmed, he rashly withdrew the troops from the Great Wall. He did not dare to make this decision for a while.

At this time, General He had scolded the ancestors of the 53rd Army Commander for eight generations, and finally ordered the 32nd Army and the Model Brigade to prepare for retreat.

Half an hour later, the 53rd Army, which had retreated for more than ten kilometers in one breath, finally sent a reply, confirming the news that Yiyuankou and Jielingkou had been missed.

A full three hours have passed since the two passes were breached. The 139th Division of the 32nd Army stationed at Baili Mountain in the far west of Lengkou has discovered the Japs' vanguard.

There is not much time left for the Model Brigade and the 32nd Army to retreat.

At 5:30 pm on April 18, Lengkou Pass was bustling with people and busy traffic.

In the field hospital, the wounded were loaded onto trucks one by one. Feng Tianpei and Cui Xiaolu directed the nurses and caregivers to nervously pack and move supplies.

Cui Xiaolu's usually clear and sweet voice like a lark has become a little hoarse.

"Don't be hasty, move gently, carry the seriously injured to the first car..."

"Nurse Liu, go and move all the boxes in the operating room, be careful..."

While she was busy, her beautiful eyes with a rich look of worry would look at the open space outside the hospital from time to time.

In the open space, a group of uniformed soldiers lined up in a neat row. They were the recruits of the mercenary regiment and the members who had recovered from their injuries.

Gao Xiaoshan stood in front of the queue and said loudly: "Brothers, the Japs have broken through the Great Wall defense line from the flanks, and the main force will retreat soon. However, our regiment leader and most of the brothers are still outside the pass, still fighting with the little Japs.

After a bloody battle, do you think we can leave them alone?"


"We want to be with them!"

Everyone in the queue shouted in unison, with high morale.

"Yes, we can't leave our regiment leader and brothers alone. We have to go out to find them today. We have to bring them the latest battlefield news and bring them the medicines they urgently need. Together with them, you

Fight side by side."

"Next, I'll call out the names of those who came out."

"Zuo Mingqing."


"Music Star."


"Wan Xiaoshui."

Because the 53rd Army did not report the military situation in time, during these precious three hours, the 32nd Army and the Model Brigade were preparing to leave the border to meet the mercenary group according to their previous deployment.

Think about it, for tens of thousands of troops, in just three hours, the first order was to attack, and the second order was to retreat in large strides. These two completely opposite orders, from troop mobilization to combat preparations, were

They are all different, which makes the tens of thousands of troops on the Lengkou Defense Line feel overwhelmed from top to bottom, and a lot of time and energy are wasted.

Not to mention the 32nd Army, even the Model Brigade, which usually runs the army rigorously and is well-trained, has also experienced varying degrees of chaos.

If the Japanese army suddenly attacked at this time, even Zhao Changshu, who had always had confidence in his men, was not sure whether they would be defeated in a single battle.

You know, the most important thing for an army is its morale and morale.

After receiving the order to retreat, even a small soldier knew that the entire battle situation must have deteriorated, and the enthusiasm of the previous team would be affected if it was too much or too little.

Moreover, as long as we are human, we will have fear of unknown things, and it is easy for us to mutter and make blind guesses.

Everyone heard various rumors, and a sense of panic spread throughout the team.

Especially when the officers and soldiers of the Model Brigade saw the officers and soldiers of the 139th Division of the 32nd Army on the Western Front retreating hastily in groups, spreading their feet and striding back to the rear, their panic became even more intense.

Now Zhao Changshu is restraining officers at all levels to manage the troops well and calm the mood of the troops.

At the same time, he has a more difficult matter to solve urgently.

Just an hour ago, he and Meng Yuting had sent the plan and route of the troops' attack to Zhou Wen, allowing your mercenary group to choose an opportunity to move towards Lengkou Pass.

When the order to retreat was received again, Zhou Wen could no longer be contacted. Meng Yuting estimated that the mercenary group had already started to take action, and the radio was not turned on during the march.

If this is the case, then the mercenary group will not start contacting them until tonight before taking action, and something big will happen.

You must know that the current model brigade is not only unable to leave the border to meet the mercenary group, but will soon be relocated with the retreat of the large army.

According to Meng Yuting's analysis, the Chinese army that retreated from the Great Wall defense line has no danger to defend along the way. It is likely that it will retreat to the west bank of the Luan River to establish a new defense line, which is equivalent to a radius of several hundred kilometers from the Great Wall to the east bank of the Luan River.

The land will all be occupied by the Japanese army.

This chapter has been completed!
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