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014: Crisis

Although Zhang Cong was a little helpless, he had to stop. After looking around for a long time, except for the occasional black or white figures that emerged from the grass, those were wild rabbits or weasels.


But there are no other objects anymore. At night, except for the occasional chirping of night owls in the forest, there are no unusual sounds around.

There didn't seem to be any ferocious beasts around, but the horse was extremely panicked at the moment. Its front hooves were constantly trying to lift up, as if trying to shake off Zhang Cong from its back.

Zhang Cong, on the other hand, tried his best to suppress himself so that he was not thrown off.

After calming down the horse, Zhang Cong's eyes were inadvertently drawn to the stone tablet.

Looking at the dark stone tablet, there were three large blood-red characters "Gui Chou Mountain" written on it. The color was bright red, as if it was written with human blood. Seeing this scene, Zhang Cong immediately hesitated.

After pondering for a long time, he dismounted, drew out his long sword, and tied the horse's reins to a small branch far away from the boundary monument.

After tying it, Zhang Cong pulled it a little, and the thin branches were easily freed.

Now that we know that there are wild beasts everywhere in Guichou Mountain, if we tie the horse's reins to a strong tree at this moment.

If the horse encounters danger and cannot break free from the reins, it will definitely become a meal for wild beasts.

Zhang Cong's tying method at this moment will neither cause the horse to run away without any reason, nor will it be difficult to break away. It can be said to be an excellent choice.

After unloading the dry food on the horse's back, Zhang Cong raised his sword and said to the black horse: "Horse, horse, since you don't want to go with me, I won't force you. You are here

Just rest here and eat some fodder."

The horse seemed to understand Zhang Cong's words, and immediately shook its head towards Zhang Cong. After settling everything, Zhang Cong took dry food and weapons and headed towards Guichou Mountain alone.

Along the way, Zhang Cong didn't notice any unusual movement. The horse's parking position was some distance away from the boundary monument. After twists and turns, Zhang Cong returned to the boundary monument again after half an hour.

Walking to the boundary monument, Zhang Cong held the long sword in both hands and approached the boundary monument step by step. Then the distance between the two became closer and closer, and Zhang Cong felt an inexplicable pressure coming towards him.

He lowered his head and looked around, only to find that the hairs on his arms were all standing on end at this moment. His heart couldn't help but beat continuously.

As Zhang Cong got closer to the stone tablet, his heart beat more and more violently.

As the last step was completed, Zhang Cong's right foot went straight into the boundary monument.

Zhang Cong's right foot had just landed within the range of Guichou Mountain when he saw a black cloud suddenly floated up from nowhere in the sky where the stars and moon were originally visible, covering the moon and stars.

Then a white lightning burst out from the dark clouds and struck in the direction of Guichou Mountain. Amidst the lightning and thunder, the lightning exploded on the ground not far from Zhang Cong.

This scene immediately startled Zhang Cong. The shock wave after the lightning exploded carried soft white current and dead branches and leaves on the ground, forming a small thunder and lightning storm.

The momentum came towards Zhang Cong.

There was a thick tree between Zhang Cong and the small thunder and lightning storm. The moment the thunder storm passed by the thick tree, it actually swallowed it whole.

In an instant, after the lightning storm roared past the extremely thick tree, its brown trunk was covered with irregular burn marks. The two of them hugged the thick tree. The moment they escaped from the lightning storm, they fell straight into the tree.

It burned.

This made Zhang Cong take a step back suddenly, and his left foot accidentally stepped on a withered branch. Suddenly his body lost balance and fell to the ground. The white vial that Zhang Cong had put in his pocket fell down with Zhang Cong.

Was thrown out.

Zhang Cong's head hit a piece of bluestone and he fainted instantly.

With the force of being thrown away, the vial flew straight into the lightning storm.

In an instant, a ray of milky white light erupted in the lightning storm. The small storm that was so menacing just now disappeared in front of the boundary monument.

Only the white vial was left, which fell from mid-air to the ground. From time to time, an extremely small electric current flashed through the mouth of the vial. But almost in an instant, the vial also returned to calm.

Except for the big tree that was still burning, everything fell into silence again.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhang Cong, who was unconscious outside the boundary monument, suddenly moved his fingers. After a long time, Zhang Cong gradually came to his senses.

After rubbing his head, Zhang Cong looked around confusedly. A burnt tree trunk stood not far from Zhang Cong.

After regaining his thoughts, Zhang Cong was a little curious. He clearly remembered that a lightning storm was rushing towards him, but he slipped and hit his head and fainted.

When Zhang Cong woke up, the lightning storm had disappeared without a trace, but his whole body was intact. After touching his body, Zhang Cong confirmed that he had not received any damage.

At this time, Youzu's right hand reached the pocket. He touched the pocket, and Zhang Cong suddenly jumped up because the pocket that originally contained the small white bottle was now empty.

This sudden change caused Zhang Cong to lose his temper instantly. This vial was very important to Zhang Cong at this moment. If it were lost, the detailed plan to make a fortune would come to nothing.

His right hand touched his body for a long time. Zhang Cong was convinced that the vial was not on him at the moment, so he stood up and looked around.

Looking around, Zhang Cong finally discovered the vial. At this moment, the vial was actually floating in the air not far away from him. I saw the electric light flashing on the vial, and small electric currents constantly spurted out from the mouth of the vial.


Zhang Cong was immediately attracted by the strange sight in front of him.

But what's a bit ominous is that at this moment, the vial is exactly on the right side, floating just ten feet away from the boundary monument.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhang Cong was quite upset. Apparently, when he fell down just now, he accidentally threw the vial out. At this moment, the location of the vial was just within the range of Guichou Mountain.

The lightning storm had suddenly disappeared, and the vial was now suspended in mid-air, with small electric currents constantly bursting out from its mouth.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cong understood instantly.

The thrilling scene just now was still vivid in his mind. Zhang Cong just stepped into the boundary of Guichou Mountain with one foot, and in an instant, a lightning storm formed by thunder struck towards him.

At this moment, it disappeared very strangely, maybe it was completely absorbed by this vial.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cong was overjoyed and immediately stepped into the boundary monument again. After careful observation and confirming that there was no more movement around him, Zhang Cong felt relieved.

The vial seemed to have completely refined the lightning storm at this moment. The last ray of lightning was sucked into the vial and remained silent for a long time. Then, the vial suddenly erupted with a silver light.

This chapter has been completed!
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