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203: Jinshan Project

Chen Mufei's words silenced the entire room. Zhang Cong looked at Chen Mufei and asked, "Do you mean to check for evil spirits first? Then how to deal with this Yulan Pass?"

Chen Mufei gritted his teeth and thought for a while and said: "Kill, first cripple Jinshan Kingdom. After so long, if the evil spirit had not died, he would have escaped long ago. If he had been hiding, how could we have found Jinshan?" Although the Three Kingdoms are capable of such evil things, we, the Donglong Empire, are the Ning Kingdom and must first destroy this insidious country."

Zhang Cong laughed: "Don't be so pessimistic yet. As far as I know, all the monks above Hedao on Donglong Continent have ascended. The strongest monks who can stay on the mainland are Hedao monks. No matter how strong the Luoshui tribe is, They won't join forces and form a group, right? With all the strength of the whole clan, haven't we suppressed the evil demon? What's more, now that thing is not even an evil demon, it's just a demon spirit. What are we afraid of him doing?

First cripple the Jinshan Kingdom and relieve the worries in the northwest, and then search everywhere for clues about the evil spirits. No matter how much he can hide, doesn't he have to practice? How can he not reveal his true identity?"

Chen Mufei breathed a sigh of relief: "You kid just said this now. It scares me to death. Just do as you say. Are you afraid that I will ask you for that sundial? It's not the style of a general to be so narrow-minded. Our Chen family Not that stingy, let alone looking for evil spirits, we have to count on you? What use do we need that sundial?"

Zhang Cong chuckled: "As a peasant, I am not as good as your royal family, and our family has a big business. We are afraid of poverty."

Chen Mufei pointed at Zhang Cong and shook his head. Several people got up and left the house, returning to the city wall.

The military camp of Jinshan Kingdom was about thirty miles away from Yulan Pass. Zhang Cong and others stood on the city wall, looking at the Jinshan Kingdom army that neither retreated nor attacked. They really couldn't figure out what they were doing.

Qin Yu asked with a smile: "Don't they know that the rebels and those alien mages have been destroyed by us?"

Zhang Cong nodded: "It is very possible that they may not have received the exact information yet, so they are still waiting for the aliens and the rebels to attack from behind Yulan Pass, and then attack from both sides. Regardless of this, eldest sister, let all Red Crows upgrade We'll use all the air, bacteria, and fire bombs, and we're going to massacre the camp."

Qin Yu chuckled, took Xiaohua and said, "I will also cooperate with you in aerial combat, and we will go directly to the camp.

Yu Linglong immediately pulled the jade bracelet and stood next to Xiaohua. All the northern monks were gearing up. Chen Mufei said: "Senior guard the city, Central Plains monks, follow me out of the city to kill the enemy. We must wipe out all the enemy troops and cripple the Jinshan Kingdom." ”.

Before Chen Mufei finished speaking, thousands of red crows, led by fire phoenixes and golden crows, roared into the sky. A cloud of fire had already covered the sky and flew towards the enemy camp. Snow phoenixes and songbirds also took to the sky. , even the three-headed thorn dragon, the iron-winged pegasus, the chi dragon, the candle dragon, and all the flying beasts, hunched over the northern monks, followed the red crow and rushed towards the enemy camp.

Qin Lan transformed into a phoenix and flew among the red crows. He jumped over the enemy camp first and sprinkled a rain of fire. Then countless bacteria bombs and fire bombs rained down. Qin Yu rode the candle dragon and flew directly to the sky. Arriving at the middle of the camp, with one move of the Ghost Claw Sword, more than a dozen gates of the underworld appeared in the enemy camp, and overwhelming skeleton soldiers appeared directly in the middle of the camp.

Chen Mufei and Xiao Hua sat on the Snow Phoenix together. The remaining monks from the Central Plains could only attack from the ground. Only Lu Wuying from the Northland monks led a group of Netherworld warriors to fight with the Shadow Killers. With a wave of Snake Kiss, the Soaring Snake avatar led a monstrous battle. He took the lead and ran into the camp.

As soon as the fight started, the monks from the Central Plains saw the difference. Although the monks from the Northland were not many in number, every one of them was a god of death. Even the Red Crow Army had flying wings to assist in the battle, constantly casting holy light spells in the sky to bless the army. , making the monk army, which was already like a demon king, more like a tiger scurrying around a herd of sheep.

The Jinshan Kingdom army did not expect that the tens of thousands of people at Yulan Pass would dare to directly dispatch more than 10,000 monks to attack the camp, and they were caught off guard.

Only in group battles can we see the powerful strength of strange beasts. Needless to say, Zhulong Xiaojin, Zhang Cong even threw Xiaocai and Qilin out. The most dazzling one turned out to be the Songbird, which flew over the enemy camp and screamed, turning into The monks from the Jinshan Kingdom, who were below the level of gods, immediately lost their fighting power. They were so dizzy that they could not even stand. They were destined to be slaughtered.

Qilin, Xueqi, Snow Girl, and even the three-headed crocodile dragon, iron monkey, and hornet were all released. When the Central Plains monks rushed over, they were faced with almost a pile of corpses and garbage.

Almost all the priests and strangers from the Jinshan Kingdom were in the army, and they were directly surrounded by a large group of alien beasts and monks from the North. Zhang Cong and other Northland heroes found an opportunity to take revenge, and directly sought out their opponents and beat them to death. , the scene suddenly became chaotic.

There are hundreds of aliens and priests in the Jinshan Kingdom camp, but their cultivation is far less powerful than the eleven monks who responded to the rebels. Although the number of monks in the North is not large, the number of alien beasts plus the number of divine servants Quite a few, coupled with Fu'er flying in the air's continuous life blessing and noisy noise harassment, hundreds of monks from Jinshan Kingdom were suddenly stunned.

Zhulong, Xiaojin, and Xiaocai had caught the opportunity, and they devoured them like crazy, forming three huge black holes on the battlefield. Countless sergeants and even tents and weapons flew in like the wind, while Qin Yu and Qin Lan With Red Crow, they had already begun to set fire and poison and set up a vine formation behind them, blocking the enemy's retreat.

Chen Mufei sat on the Snow Phoenix and watched Xiaohua and Snow Phoenix sprinkle large swaths of icy rain and snow. He couldn't help but sigh: "This doesn't require the monks from the Central Plains to fight? I can't even catch up with you. Guang ran away behind, it seems that Zhang Cong will have to help train the monks from the Central Plains."

The battle lasted for four hours. Nearly 170,000 Jinshan cavalry, thousands of Jinshan Kingdom priests and alien mages were wiped out, while less than 2,000 monks from the Central Plains died. The battle of Yulan Pass ended perfectly.

Yu Tianxiong's army has not yet arrived. Zhang Cong and Chen Mufei are in a large room with a large group of monks who return to the void. They are studying the next step of marching on a map of the Jinshan Kingdom. Yulan Pass is only a few steps away from the holy city of the Jinshan Kingdom. It's thousands of miles away, with dozens of gang houses, several large rivers and mountains between them. With the tens of thousands of troops currently in Yulan Pass, it's simply unrealistic to attack their holy city and capital.

Zhang Cong's eyes looked at the Malawi Gang at the end of the Ivan River Valley, which was the largest gang in the east of Jinshan Kingdom bordering the Donglong Empire. At this time, Chen Mufei said: "The Malawi Gang is the first gang we encountered during our march. There is an obstacle. This large group in the east has the largest population in Jinshan Kingdom, and it is also the area with the most chaotic totem worship. The people there believe most in the god Mala, a kind of god with a human face, a crocodile body, a dragon tail and six arms. monster.

It is said that deep in the Mara Valley in front, there is Dacuo Lake, which is the holy land of God Mara. Not only the believers of the Marawi Gang, but also the believers of the entire Jinshan Kingdom who believe in God Mara, all go to the holy lake to worship. The leader of the Mara gang is a high priest who can communicate with the Mara god, and has a strong appeal in the Jinshan Kingdom.

The Jinshan Kingdom is different from the Donglong Empire. The people are relatively ignorant and have a very low living standard. They almost rely on the sacrifices from the Mara Temple and regularly distribute some food to survive, so the decree of the temple is almost like an oracle.


Xiaohua asked doubtfully: "Don't farmers in Jinshan Kingdom farm? Why do they still rely on the temple to distribute food?"

Chen Mufei sighed: "The farmers there are called Shennu, and the food they grow is given to the temple. The temple gives them some food, but they are so moved that they kowtow and kneel. The national conditions are different, so many things we do

Don’t understand.”

Zhang Cong looked at the map and said: "In my opinion, with our current military strength, it is not suitable for the overall situation. Although we have just wiped out the 200,000 regular troops of Jinshan Kingdom, even if we add the Northern troops brought by Yu Tianxiong,

There are only 50,000 Dihei cavalry in total, and they still have to garrison Yulan Pass. It is very difficult to supply supplies at Yulan Pass now, and they are unable to organize a large-scale battle in a short time.

At present, we don’t know the intentions of the Eclipse Kingdom and the Dali Dynasty, so it is very risky to rush to attack the Jinshan Kingdom with a large number of troops. What I mean is that we should mainly use our northern monks to sneak into various gang houses in the Jinshan Kingdom near our border.

, it is best to kill the main officials and sacrificial mages and cause riots, and in a region like Jinshan Kingdom with confusing and complex beliefs, the contradictions should be obvious, so it is much easier to let them have civil strife than it is for us to fight hard."

Chen Mufei thought for a while and nodded: "Your idea is good. It's not about having too many soldiers, but about being good. With the strength of the monks in the north, beheading should be more suitable than fighting in large groups. But I mean you should also bring a few monks from the Central Plains with you."

, just think of it as helping our Dragon City train our troops, I must follow you, none of you understand the ancient writings of Jinshan Kingdom, I am the only one who understands here."

Zhang Cong hesitated and said: "You are a princess. If something happens to you, I can't afford it?"

Chen Mufei laughed: "If you are worried, you can put me into your little world. If you are not in danger, I will be fine."

Zhang Cong looked at Qin Yu and Xiaohua and nodded helplessly.

The personnel were quickly selected, Zhang Cong, Qin Yu, Xiaohua, Qin Lan, Qin Wudi, Qin Fu, Lu Wuying, the Yu family brothers and sisters, Xiao Bandang, the two elders of Yinshan, Chen Mufei, the leader of the Golden Sword Sect Xiao Jian and the elder Xiao Ping, Tianying

Gu Tianying, the head of the sect, and seven returning immortals from other sects, a total of twenty-two people infiltrated the Malawi Gang.

Luo Jinyi and Dao Jing were left behind, waiting for the arrival of Yu Tianxiong's army to help defend Yulan Pass.

After everything was arranged, Zhang Cong and Qin Yu found a room, set up a barrier, and opened the two sarcophagi.

An old and broken stone compass, with a dark crown needle, was quietly placed on the table. The compass was about the size of a washbasin. It was made of gray-white stone and felt as gentle as jade. There were many scales engraved on it. If you look closely, you can probably see it.

There are even smaller scales for the year, month and day.

The coronal needle feels like metal, but it is difficult to tell what kind of metal it is made of. The weight is amazing, and when you hold it in your hand, you can actually feel a slight movement. It seems that the whole person's energy is being carried by this weird coronal needle.


This chapter has been completed!
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