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208: Alien Wasteland

In the Wilderness of Alien Beasts, Zhang Cong and others and the old priest have been standing here for a long time, watching the sky gradually darken, but no one's consciousness still feels anything strange. Many people even doubt whether they are here by mistake.

Got the place.

Suddenly Zhang Cong moved and fled directly to a high mountain. Everyone followed Zhang Cong's flight without hesitation, because no one here, including the old priest, doubted Zhang Cong's choice.

Xiao Cai's voice was very urgent. According to Xiao Cai, the chance of this world gate appearing every time is only ten minutes, so there are very few people here who can find the real reason for the secret realm of strange beasts. How lucky do you have to be?

, it just so happens that the gate to the secret realm can appear next to you, which is almost lower than the probability of picking up gold nuggets.

The moment Zhang Cong landed on the snow-capped mountain plateau, a ray of light flashed through, and a blue halo suddenly appeared less than ten meters away from him. A wild aura suddenly emerged from the halo.

The old priest who was following him shouted excitedly: "Blessed by God Mala, this is really the gate to the beast realm."

Everyone immediately followed Zhang Cong into the halo. What they saw in front of them shocked everyone. This was a magical picture that no one had ever seen before.

In the space filled with huge spiritual power, the mountains were actually suspended in mid-air. The entire space was filled with a strange power of space, and everyone felt that their bodies could float up and fly freely here without stretching spells.

In a magnificent space.

The sky outside has become dark, but in the sky of this space, there are actually three huge stars of different colors. They are slowly rotating in the sky, illuminating the entire space. On the Fushan Mountain not far away, you can still see the huge stars.

Strange beasts were flying, and their loud cries could be heard even from such a distance.

Zhang Cong looked at everyone and said: "Look for it by yourself. If you find someone suitable, you can take it as a mount or as a pet. After saying this, he escaped with light and went directly to the deepest part of the space. That's where Xiaocai wants to be."

Place to go.”

The space for alien beasts is huge. At this time, the only ones who are still following Zhang Cong are Xiaohua and Qin Yu. Even the high priest has gone to find alien beasts to bond with.

Almost at the end of the space in front of us, in a large area of ​​very red light, there is a black floating mountain, which is slowly rotating. The huge power of space is coming from this floating mountain.

Zhang Cong's escaping light directly landed on the mountain. It looked like a mountain from the outside, but after Zhang Cong stepped on it, he found that the space had changed again. This black floating mountain was another superposition in this alien beast space.

The space under our feet is not only endless, but there are not only mountains, but also the sea.

This concept of space suddenly gave Zhang Cong an idea. His space star was empty and there was nothing. This largely depends on his lack of understanding of the concept of space. This alien space is like a relatively advanced space magic weapon.

, using layers of space barriers to compress the originally vast world into a point or a ball, thereby realizing the superposition and coincidence of time and space. Although this operation is a headache to think about, this alien space is smooth.

It was in perfect order, with no sign of chaos or collapse in space and time, which made Zhang Cong couldn't help but nod frequently.

Xiao Cai had already flown out of the Divine Mansion and was flying in with the three of them. Not only did some rare beasts appear around him, but even Xiao Hua and Qin Yu were tempted. However, Zhang Cong didn't stop and kept following Xiao Cai.

He knew that Xiao Cai must have discovered something more important, so he had better finish the important things first and then do other things.

A huge spider web hangs in the center of a canyon. A blue spider is crawling leisurely on the web, splitting and merging some large and small water droplets from time to time, or placing them in an open space.

At the position, although there were many water drops on the huge spider web, none fell outside the spider web.

"This is the real alien beast. The ancient space alien beast World Weaver Girl is not only extremely rare, but almost all of it was raised by the ancient powers and reserved for repairing the realm. It cannot be seen from the outside at all.

The Weaver Girl is a hard-working and smart alien beast. It is estimated that this Alien Beast Wasteland is just the Weaver Girl compressing some space and creating a small world for herself to play in. You go and communicate with her and let her go to you.

What do you think of the Jie Xing’s settling down?”

Zhang Cong nodded and walked slowly under the spider web. There was no spiritual fluctuation on his body. He looked like an ordinary person. He stood under the spider web for more than ten minutes before the elegant Weaver Lady noticed.


"Don't stand near my boundary. The turbulence in space is very dangerous. You will be sucked into the cracks in space."

A girl's voice sounded in Zhang Cong's mind, and Zhang Cong laughed: "It's okay, I'm observing how you split and merge spaces. You are so awesome. I can't learn it at all. This is very high."

The magic power?"

Zhi Jie Niang hummed: "It is very difficult to travel through various space cracks without being restrained by boundary ropes. First of all, the speed must be extremely fast, and the body must be able to decompose and reorganize at any time.

In fact, the Sky Spider you see is a new body that I formed to facilitate my work. The Weaver Girl itself has no body, we are all a ball of energy, just like you human race said, we are one soul."

Zhang Cong asked in confusion: "Is Zhijie Niang a soul when she was born? How is this possible?"

Zhijie Niang laughed: "Of course it wasn't the case when you were born, but after traveling through space for a period of time, you will find that your body is of no use, so you gave up and turned yourself into a new energy body that is not bound by the three realms. We

Zhijie Niang has no fixed home and has been traveling in space all her life. Sometimes she helps creatures repair some cracks in the realm. There are too many undiscovered things in the vast space that have not yet been discovered. It is difficult to truly understand the world without breaking away from the limitations of the body.

Learn the way of space."

Zhang Cong thought for a moment: "Does distraction not count as leaving the body? That doesn't work either?" Zhijie Niang laughed loudly: "Look? I'm telling you, it's hard for you to understand the concept of space.

The separated soul can indeed leave the body, but how far can it go?

As far as I know, even if you become a Taoist Golden Immortal, you cannot allow your clones to swim in the void, which will break your body into pieces. Moreover, the soul clones you have cultivated now all share the spiritual consciousness with the main body, and the maximum external range of the spiritual consciousness.

This is the range that your avatar can go to. Do you think it is useful?

Not to mention how big a small world is, even a small world, even if you travel around the universe? My small farm is not even a thousand miles away."

Zhang Cong's heart moved: "Can you move around this secret realm of strange beasts at will? Or can you only wander in this wasteland?"

Zhijie Niang smiled: "Since it is my secret space, of course I can move it around at will? What kind of small world is it if I can only be trapped in this wasteland?"

Zhang Cong is still confused: "You don't even have a body? Even if you can remove the small world, where do you put it? My small world is hidden in my own divine palace."

Zhi Jie Niang was helpless: "This is your understanding of space? Do you think space is a kind of quality? Does it have to have latitude? In fact, your concept of time and space has never been accurate. You all like to believe what you see with your own eyes.

, but what you see is only what you can see, and it does not mean that the concept of this space is really like this.

Just like the floating mountain you saw, you don't think that the mountain can float in space, but I can make the mountain exist like this. Is there a problem with this?

The gravity, speed, and even time in space can be changed, but this requires greater magical power. I am still too young now. Think about it, if life appears in your own small world, he will not even know about it.

It lives in your divine palace and is a creation of your mind.

They will still live a happy life, and the cycle of birth, old age, illness and death goes back and forth. They are happy because they enjoy that small space. Even if you know that it is all false, what do you say is true? To them, you are the Creator.

, but if you think about it more carefully, won’t you be afraid?”

Zhang Cong thought for a while and said: "That's why monks appear in the human world. Even this world was created by ancient immortals and gods, but since it was created, it is useful, just like my small world. I spent so much experience creating it."

When it comes out, of course it will be well maintained.

The way I seek is not to transcend myself alone, but to find a more harmonious way so that people can have a correct understanding of heaven and earth from an early age, so that they can live a more exciting and happy life in their limited time.

That's all.

I don’t want humans to be like mice and become other people’s experimental subjects. Since we are all living creatures, we must live like living creatures. I would rather die than stab you to let you know to stay away from such creatures in the future.


Zhijie Niang said hesitantly: "Maybe you are right, but what you are looking for is difficult to find. Even if you can ascend to the upper world, there are still classes in the upper world. The phenomenon of the weak and the strong is the same everywhere.

One of my distant ancestors once said that the moment you escape from this cosmic space, although you can clearly see what the universe looks like, you have also completely left the soil where you can survive. At that moment, you are completely finished.


Zhang Cong sighed: "Catfish should live in smelly ditches, dung beetles should live in dung piles, and vultures should eat corpses. A lifestyle that others don't understand is actually their final choice. Respect those who are far away."

It’s better than interfering. Am I doing the right thing or the wrong thing?”

Zhijie Niang thought for a moment: "What you are talking about is the category of Tao. I don't understand it. I just like to think about the areas I am familiar with. I have traveled through many spaces and seen too many food chains. In fact, they are all for existence.

, but if you look at it from the other side, even the lowest things still have value and are indispensable. Do you understand what I say?"

This chapter has been completed!
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