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236: Incomprehensible Hatred

Zhang Cong could feel Sudiya's anger and unwillingness, and could also vaguely guess that the cause of the destruction of the Kingdom of Medea was probably the Black Wizards and Mage Association that Sudiya mentioned. It seems that the human race of the Pan-American Continent gets along with other races.

Not harmonious.

The wooden building is actually a simple space magic weapon. Although the interior of the building is not luxurious, it looks a lot clean and spacious. In a huge room, a large group of elves are surrounding a magic map, studying some


Seeing Sudia leading a few Easterners in, a silver-haired male elf immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Welcome, friends from the East, I am the Elf King Sulasor of the Kingdom of Medea.

, I hope that the friendship between us will be as eternal and evergreen as this rainforest."

Zhang Cong and the other two hurriedly saluted. No matter what the demigod elf king had in mind, he could not be cold-faced when greeted with a smile. The four of them were directly seated next to the table. The magic map on the table was on the

, many bright spots kept flashing. It was the first time Zhang Cong saw this kind of map, and he couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Sudiya sat next to him, picked up a stick and pointed to the brightest place on the map and said: "This is the Baililan City we just saw. All the red lights on this map are all previous times."

Where the magic tide has been attacked, the areas where the magician union is stationed and some important pass mining areas are shining with gold, and the areas controlled by black wizards are shining with black light. As you can see, many of the areas controlled by black wizards are in the magic tide.

within the attack range.

This tree-shaped symbol is our current location, which is the rainforest where the tree elves hide. The hammer symbolizes the hill dwarves, the bottle symbolizes the vampire clan, and the crown represents the capital of the Pan-American Principality, Nuquenlan City.

The Principality of Pan America is the capital of the alliance of seventeen countries in the Pan American continent, and it can be said to manage everything on this continent. The Mages Guild also has an office in Niu Kunlan."

Zhang Cong glanced at Sudia, and then asked Sulasor with a smile: "Your Majesty the King, I listen to the princess. It seems that this demonic tide often appears in the Pan-American Continent. Why doesn't the Mage Guild seal the passage all at once?

What if I drop it? Wouldn’t that prevent future troubles forever?”

The Elf King smiled bitterly: "This problem is not as simple as you think. This wormhole in the Pan-American Continent seems to have been deliberately left behind in the last war between gods and demons. With the power of the gods, it should be possible to completely seal the wormhole.

As for why the gap is left, we don't know.

However, the people coming through this wormhole are all demons below the level of demigods. Although it will cause the destruction of all life in the Pan American Continent, it will not destroy the entire continent. On the contrary, due to the stimulation of the demonic tide, many technologies in the Pan American Continent have developed rapidly.

, the Mage Association does not dare to relax for a moment in its magic research, so this demonic tide is like a whetstone in the Pan-American Continent, and it has an indescribable effect."

Zhang Cong looked at the map thoughtfully, and Qin Yuran asked: "Why do you elves have conflicts with the human race? Aren't elves peaceful and uncontested?"

The Elf King shook his head in embarrassment. Sudia glanced at the Elf King and said softly: "This incident has passed a long time ago. During the war between gods and demons, the forces of humans, elves, dwarves and vampires on the Pan-American Continent

There is not much difference, but we elves rarely interact with foreign races, so we have to be relatively conservative.

At the beginning, several of our major races united together to fight against the demon continent outside the territory. We suffered heavy losses. It was us elves again. Our home field was the jungle, but the battlefields with the demons were mostly wastelands. In such a fight, the elves would die.

They are the largest group. After several battles, more than half of the originally millions of ethnic groups have been lost.

The conflict between us and the human race was in the defensive battle of Big Rock City. At that time, the human race asked us elves to take on the defensive task of garrisoning Big Rock City, while the human race and the dwarves retreated to set up the next line of defense. At that time, the Elf King said that the elves were not good at defending.

City, but the dark wizard who presided over the Mage Association insisted on letting the elves hold on. The final result was that we couldn't hold on at all and lost Big Rock City. The demons soon swept across most of the continent. The demonic tide almost wiped out Pan America.

The continent is destroyed.

Later, the gods drove away the demons and sealed the wormhole. Afterwards, the Mage Association blamed us elves for the loss of the entire continent, saying that we escaped and led the humans and dwarves to destroy our kingdom and almost destroyed the trees.

All the elves were killed.

Since then, the tree elves have had a deadly feud with the Mage Association and the dwarves, especially the black wizards. Until now, the tree elves are still a marginal race in the Pan-American continent and rarely appear in the outside world. The black wizards will even capture the tree elves as mediums.

, who cast black magic and didn’t regard us as human beings at all, so this kind of hatred cannot be eliminated at all.

As time passed, the Mage Association no longer made trouble for the elves. However, we all hid in the jungle and never went out. We watched the demonic tide raging for thousands of years. The tree elves always stood by and did not help.

Human race.”

Zhang Cong heard this and looked at Qin Yu and Xiaohua. He had some new views on the demonic tide and the conflicts between races in the Pan-American Continent. What Sudia was talking about happened ten thousand years ago, and

Speaking from the perspective of the elves, you can imagine the moisture in it, but the dark wizards they mentioned should not be adulterated. Judging from the methods they came up with to blame the East, it is definitely not a good thing.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cong turned to ask the Elf King: "I don't know much about the human monks in the Pan-American Continent. Are the Mage Association all black wizards? Or are the black wizards mainly in power? What are their methods?"

The Elf King answered quickly this time: "The Mage Association is not all black wizards, there are also white-robed wizards. It's just because they practice different things that they are divided into black and white.

Over the years, almost all the presidents of the association have been dark wizards. The main reason is that dark wizards practice killing techniques, while white-robed wizards focus more on offering sacrifices, praying for blessings, exorcising evil, and doing research."

Zhang Cong thought for a moment and asked: "Are there any differences in their beliefs? Why does this happen?"

The Elf King smiled: "Of course it's different. The black wizard believes in Hades and the God of Nature, while the white wizard only believes in the gods. From a theoretical point of view, the black wizard is more like the real gods on this continent, while the white wizard

He is the messenger of God."

Zhang Cong nodded, and Qin Yu suddenly asked: "Look at the reversal of space and the projection of the wormhole exit onto the Eastern Continent. Who could do it?"

The Elf King thought for a moment and said: "In terms of means, the black wizard is stronger. There are at least five people who can do this on this continent, but the white-robed mage studies space, magic, chemistry and other subjects.

There are elites who can create room for reversal, but I really can’t judge this.”

Zhang Cong thought for a moment and said: "You invited the four of us here just to talk about this, right? If you have any ideas, you can just say it. As long as it doesn't harm the interests of the Eastern Continent, we can listen to it."

The Elf King looked at Sudia, who suddenly stood up and said: "Before we saw you, we had already had the idea of ​​joining the war. As the main ethnic group on the Pan-American continent, we tree elves are not willing to stay here forever.

In the dense forest, he was treated as an alien by other ethnic groups.

Regardless of whether what our ancestors did was right or wrong, or whether the black wizard's treatment of us was unfair or not, thousands of years have passed. If we want the tree elves to come back to the public again, they can only fight against the demons together with other races.


After so many years of isolation, we tree elves no longer know how to fight. I just happened to meet some of you monks from the East. I would like to ask you to lead us elves out of the rain forest and fight against the demons. Even if it is a big deal, we can at least make the generals

The humans and other races in the American continent know that we tree elves are not different, we are the same creatures as them."

Zhang Cong looked at Sudia with a strange look on his face: "You have just met us, and you have such careful thoughts? Did you know we were coming?"

Sudia's face became very sad: "We decided to do this even if we didn't meet you. Otherwise, how could I take people to check the movements of the demons? Without you, the Kingdom of Medea would be destroyed again, but

If you die on the battlefield fighting the demons, at least you can win a little respect after death.

Now that you are leading us, more of us may survive, so I am begging for your help."

Qin Yu sighed: "But this kind of hatred is difficult to resolve. There is not only the hatred of the tree elves against the black wizards, but also the hatred of other races who died because you abandoned the city and fled during the demonic wave. It is very difficult to resolve this kind of hatred."

Maybe even if you fight against the demons, you won't be forgiven by others. If so, do you still want to do that?"

The Elf King stood up, looked at a huge elf statue in the hall and said: "For thousands of years, we elves have been hiding in the rain forest like wild beasts. This kind of life is very difficult. We must fight not only for ourselves, but also for future generations."

Creating a future, this may be the mission of my generation of elf kings."

Zhang Cong looked at the white-haired Elf King and the elf generals with sad and indignant faces, and a feeling of sadness surged in his heart. How similar was this situation to the situation when he faced Pingzhou Wanjintang? If Zhang Cong hadn't brought Bei with him

The monks from the land are fighting to the death, but the north land is still the puppet of Wanjin Hall. How can there be a tomorrow for the monks from the north land and even the Yishui King's City?

Zhang Cong stood up and said slowly: "I can take you to fight, but fighting is not a child's play. We have to make sufficient predictions. As for finding the culprit who blamed Dongfang, I can wait until this demonic tide

To conclude, it is still necessary to take advantage of this demonic tide to make the Mage Association suffer some hardships. Even if it is not for the sake of the Eastern Continent, it should be done for the sake of the disaster suffered by your Kingdom of Medea.

Sudia continued to send elves with Qin Yu's divine servants to check on the war and report back here in time. Based on the situation on the battlefield, we will find time to find an opportunity to fight, let the humans of the Pan American Continent take a look, and give them the forgotten elves.

The clan warrior is back again."

This chapter has been completed!
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