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278: Secret Infiltration

There were not many people executing the cheat plan. Zhang Cong, Qin Yu, Xiao Hua, Qin Fu, Baoshu, Miao Chan and the top golden immortals of the Four Months Palace all left the flagship and landed on the ground. As soon as they landed, everyone had a feeling.

Feeling of palpitations.

Although Konoha is not big, it is much bigger than Moon Star. On such a big planet, ten people standing on the ground immediately felt the flow of life. It seemed that there was a huge tube.

The life of the entire planet was extracted from the interior of the planet, and the entire planet was trembling slightly, which made ten people feel a sense of fear.

The colored glass lamp in Qin Fu's hand kept flashing on. A minute later, Qin Fu said sadly: "There is something thousands of miles away from here that is devouring the life of this planet. Now the life of the entire Konoha Planet has been destroyed."

In a desperate struggle, countless creatures are already attacking crazily, and we just took the opportunity to sneak in."

After speaking, the colorful glazed lamp flashed a ray of light and hit Zhang Cong directly between his eyebrows. Zhang Cong nodded and suddenly tore the space apart, teleporting everyone thousands of miles away.

After teleporting twice, Zhang Cong and others landed in a vast forest. There were huge trees hundreds of feet high, as well as shrubs and weeds several feet high. Zhang Cong had never seen them before.

Before Zhang Cong and others could make a move, the surrounding weeds shook, and a large group of green things suddenly appeared from all around, directly surrounding them in the grass.

Qin Fu quickly shouted: "Don't do anything, they are all aborigines of Kasyapa Territory, I will negotiate with them."

After speaking, the lantern in her hand flashed, and a green light suddenly enveloped her body. A strange sound wave came out from Qin Fu's mouth, and immediately a large group of green creatures of different styles stood around quietly, and then

There were no more attacks.

Qin Fu was in a very low mood and said gloomily: "Nearly all the creatures on this planet have been killed by the demons. They said that the demons have built a huge fortress in front and are devouring the origin of this planet. They can't get close at all.

Even if he is a true god, he will be hit by the ray before he can reach the iron wall."

Zhang Cong nodded and said to Qin Fu: "Take us there and I'll take a look before I know what to do."

Several strange tree demons, who seemed to have very high intelligence, led Zhang Cong and his party through the forest for dozens of miles, and stopped at the edge of a forest. They could no longer go forward. The forest in front had disappeared.

There is a pitch black wall for dozens of miles, just outside the woods.

Qin Fu pointed to the next door and said: "The tree demon said that this place was originally a dense forest, but the demons didn't know how to turn this place into a death place. That terrifying fortress is right in front."

Qin Yu suddenly said: "This place is filled with such a strong aura of death. It is a very complete death. There is no soul and no rebirth. It is destruction. But I may be able to use this to make a fuss."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yu's body suddenly exuded a terrifying death energy, just like the Gobi Desert of Death. Then he saw Qin Yu's body flickering in and out, and soon merged with the Gobi Desert.

, turned into a piece of dust without any life, a wisp of breeze, and a piece of gravel.

Miaochan looked at the direction where Qin Yu disappeared in surprise, and asked Xiaohua in surprise: "How did she do it? Disappear herself? Not only the body, but also the soul disappeared? I have seen Pluto, and they can't be like Qin Yu.


Xiaohua smiled slightly: "Sister Yu'er has perfectly combined the phoenix, the power of the netherworld and the power of space. What she creates now is a brand new Tao, which is completely different from the inheritance of the Heavenly Palace."

Miaochan looked at Zhang Cong and then at Xiaohua: "What about Zhang Cong and you? Are you also creating a new way? You two make me feel novel and frightened. I originally said that there are three thousand ways, but now you have subverted me.


Xiaohua said with a smile: "It is far more difficult to become a god in the lower world than before. The few of us just hold on to the heart of living. It is always on the edge of death that we realize something that makes us stronger and integrate these things.

When we come together, we will naturally feel the mystery that others cannot. If this is the Tao, then it is the way for our survival."

Zhang Cong suddenly looked back at Xiaohua and Miaochan and said, "Let Baoshu and Fu'er change you, and I'll go down and have a look."

After speaking, a crack suddenly appeared next to Zhang Cong, and then Zhang Cong, like a leaf, directly entered the crack and disappeared.

Miao Chan looked at the place where Zhang Cong disappeared in shock and asked, "Where did fellow Daoist Zhang go? Why can't I feel his traces anymore?"

Xiaohua pointed at his feet. He went to the center of the earth to check the star marrow. He probably wanted to cut off the source of life in the demon laboratory and plunge the goblin laboratory into chaos. At this time, Sister Yuer could take the opportunity to take in all the goblins.

Small world.

Qin Fu suddenly flashed the glazed lamp in her hand, and a green light covered several people. Soon Miaochan was surprised to find that the auras of herself and the Jinxian of the Moon Palace had become the same as those of the surrounding plants.

Integrate with the environment.

Baoshu closed his eyes and was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked at Qin Fu and said: "We two will help Zhang Cong, your second sister, to make the demon clan's dead city a little more chaotic."

After saying this, he suddenly waved his sleeves, and countless tree demons suddenly emerged from the Gobi desert and threw themselves down in large groups in the distance.

As soon as the small lamp in Qin Fu's pocket turned on, countless small umbrella-like flowers suddenly appeared in the sky, like dandelions, densely packed in the wind, directly covering the entire Gobi desert.

Miao Chan and the four Golden Immortals felt a fatal threat from this seemingly weak tidbit. Even Baoshu took a serious look at Qin Fu: "Fu'er, you are a person who will never stop dying? You

Do you want to kill the entire Demon City?"

Qin Fu said expressionlessly: "Using the source power of the entire planet to catalyze life, the demons have done an incredible job. My flower of death may not kill them, but it will definitely make their lives worse than death."

Baoshu looked at Miaochan with a solemn face and said: "Fu'er, the flower of death, looks weak, but it will take root and sprout on the demon's body, and as long as Qin Fu doesn't die, the seeds of this flower will never die.

, will always find ways to grow, even if she can't do anything with the demon gods, but dealing with the demon gods and generals who are similar to Qin Fu's cultivation level is definitely a large-scale killing move, and it is a kind of torture that makes people want to live. "

Miao Chan looked at Qin Fu, who was standing aside and looking harmless, and then at Xiao Hua, who was expressionless. The expression on her face was extremely wonderful. She had completely lost the confidence and aloofness she had when she first met Zhang Cong and others. These immortals from the lower realms

The method she used made her, a golden immortal famous in the heavenly palace, feel extremely shocked.

Xiaodie directly brought Zhang Cong into the core of Konoha Star. Several radiant tubes were connected to a group of green brilliance. The group of brilliance was beating like a heart, and the large group of green light,

Then it is continuously sucked away through the tube.

The Taoist Sword suddenly appeared in Zhang Cong's hand. With a flash of light, several pipes were cut off by him. With a wave of his sleeve, Xiao Jin suddenly appeared in the space at the center of the earth. He grabbed a few pipes and

As soon as the mouth sucked, the tube trembled, and a large amount of black and purple liquid was sucked directly into Xiao Jin's stomach through the tube.

Xiao Jin was covered in semen. He suddenly grew a layer of golden mane, and his height became hundreds of feet tall. The guy quickly continued to suck, but after a few mouthfuls, there was nothing. The essence on the other end was actually

It was absorbed by Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin's eyes were shining with gold and he shouted: "Boss, this thing is so amazing. I have returned to my ancestors and turned into a gold-swallowing divine beast instead of a spiritual beast. You must get some for Qilin, Xiaohui, Snow Phoenix and others to eat."

Oh, is this too much?"

Zhang Cong burst out laughing. Xiao Jin grabbed the pipe and pulled it down. Zhang Cong waved his sleeve, and a stream of light brought Xiao Jin back to the ground.

As soon as Zhang Cong reached the ground, Xiaohua grabbed Xiaojin's ears, glared and cursed: "Did you eat all the ancestral liquid? Did you leave some for Xiaohui and Xuehuang?"

Xiao Jin said with a bitter face: "Mom, please calm down? I am testing the poison on my own body. How can I know what it is if I don't eat it? I have already told the boss. If I let them eat it next time, won't they still get ten stars?"

Zhang Cong chuckled and said: "We have grown up, little flower. The ancestral liquid made by the goblins is too powerful. I will definitely save it next time so that everyone can get the rain and dew. This time, Xiao Jin has become a taster. This is also the case."

It’s not easy for him to achieve the effects of life.”

Miaochan looked at Xiaojin, who was being pulled by Xiaohua's ears and scolded like a yellow dog, and asked in surprise: "Is this the ancient gold-swallowing divine beast? Is it your pet?"

Xiaojin looked at Miaochan sideways: "How can I talk? How can I be a pet if I am so powerful?"

Zhang Cong slapped Xiao Jin and said with a smile: "This guy is no big or small. He is my partner. He usually stays in my fairy sword and is considered a weapon spirit."

Miaochan shook her head speechlessly, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, there was a space fluctuation around her, and Qin Yu appeared like a burst of smoke. He smiled and said: "I have put away the goblins and the entire laboratory, and there are two more

All the demon gods are in my little world. Those gossips all over the sky were caused by Fu'er, right? In the entire demon city, except for a dozen demon gods, the remaining demons have been infected, and trees are sprouting all over their bodies.

, the whole city is paralyzed, but I didn’t receive the large pool of ancestral liquid, I don’t know where it went?”

Xiaohua pointed at Xiaojin: "You let him drink it, why don't you settle the score with him?"

Before Qin Yu could glare, Xiao Jin's golden light disappeared long ago. Zhang Cong looked at Miao Chan and said: "Let's take advantage of the chaos and rush directly into the Demon City. Kill those demon gods. This Konoha Star will be finished.

What do you think?"

Just when Miao Chan hesitated, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "Let's go, it's just a few demon gods. We haven't killed them before."

Zhang Cong laughed loudly, rolled up his sleeves, tore apart the space, and appeared directly in the magic city.

This chapter has been completed!
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