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312: as on pins and needles

Zhang Cong expressed his worries almost immediately, and then the major domain lords immediately left Longjia City to inspect their own cities, while Zhang Cong took Lu Wuying and a thousand dragon troops to fly to the Shangdu to conduct a thorough investigation of the entire Shangdu.

An investigation was conducted.

During this investigation, a dozen problematic guys were found. These guys had frequent entry and exit records, and until now, they had no reasonable reasons for moving in. Lu Wuying used some tricks and immediately knew the truth.

After these guys' confessions, a total of 215 spies were arrested in the entire Panjia Xindu. A spy station outside the Longjia Star Territory was also seized, and many tools were seized.

Zhang Cong did not kill all the spies, but asked them to use these tools to continue sending messages to the outside world, telling contacts that everything was normal in Panjiaxin City, there were no major troop transport operations, and there were no new high-profile incidents.

Technical military products.

The Panjia Star Territory is almost closed, and the entry and exit inspections of all cities are very strict. The reason is that it is suspected that demons will attack from outside the territory. At this time, Barty also gave a report on the research on the demon ships. The demons'

The starship's defensive power is stronger than the starships currently sold in Longjia City, but its offensive power is much worse.

The range of the naval gun was nearly half the level of the spar cannon used by Zhang Cong and the others initially. Moreover, the demon starships could only fly at high speed and did not have the ability to jump in space. At the same time, no short-range bombs or other weapons were found.


This news made Zhang Cong and Yubi breathe a sigh of relief. Although there are many magic ships, they are at an obvious disadvantage when facing Zhang Cong and their super starships. They are at best armored personnel carriers, but have they shown up yet?

Zhang Cong doesn't know about the weapons.

Thousands of magic ships were sent to the factory for modification, and they were soon upgraded from appearance, weapon configuration, to power system. Zhang Cong and the others had gained thousands of starships out of thin air, which made Yu Bi and others very happy.

Open your mouth from ear to ear.

After research by Zhang Cong and others, they found that apart from the hundreds of starships that were equipped for their own use, the rest were sold at low prices to the resource-deficient star regions of Tiangong. Even if they were half sold and half given away, the money for the transformation would be recovered.

That's enough.

Now Zhang Cong's immortal underworld army has reached more than two million, with more than 30 mirage motherships, thousands of stealth attack ships, and more than 700 super starship motherships in the entire Panjia domain, almost

Each heavenly domain has millions of soldiers, and the Panjia domain has assembled nearly 20 million heavenly troops.

Yubi looked at Zhang Cong and said: "Tiangong means that you have full command here. Anyway, the armor of the heavenly soldiers is different from that of Tiangong. It is difficult to tell that they are heavenly soldiers. Coupled with your undead underworld army, the demons can't do it for a while."

I don’t understand what’s going on.”

Zhang Cong looked at the observer on the crystal screen and said: "We still have a few days to prepare. You should go back and see what we need. In my opinion, I will lead the undead army to open the way in front. You guys will guard the cities one by one. Such losses will occur."

It will be much smaller. As for the spoils, we will share them equally. Do you have any objections to this?"

Yubi laughed loudly: "What can we say? Just follow you out to take advantage, and the spiritual position is also taking the opportunity to train soldiers. If you don't sharpen your guns, the combat power of the heavenly soldiers will not be able to keep up."

Zhang Cong nodded: "You only need 500,000 for each city. We don't need too many people. When the demons invade in large numbers, it won't be too late for us to add more troops."

All the domain lords nodded and went back to prepare. Zhang Cong looked at Xiao Hua and said, "You stay to defend the city. Yu'er, Fu'er, I, and I will take people out to fight. You will keep an eye on the production at home, and ask Chen Mufei to keep it secret during this period."

Entry into and out of the Panga area is still strictly controlled."

Xiaohua nodded and went out. This time Zhang Cong planned to take Qin Yu, Xiaohua, Lu Wuying, the two elders of Yinshan, the father and son of the Yu family, and the three members of the Yu family to go on an expedition together. Qin Wudi, Qin Lan and others assisted Xiaohua in guarding Panjiayu. Zhang Cong still took him with him

Ten super mirage motherships, three million undead legions, and twelve heavenly realms dispatched fifty warships and half a million heavenly troops. A total of nine million troops and more than six hundred warships rushed into the darkness.

Death Star.

It was Zhang Cong's mirage ship that entered the wasteland first. What he didn't expect was that the demons actually deployed hundreds of anti-aircraft bunkers here. Fortunately, the mirage ship had advanced stealth functions, and it immediately disappeared as soon as it entered.

The entire air defense position was covered with bombs. When Yubi and the others came in, they saw nothing but mess on the ground and the air defense position had long since disappeared.

Zhang Cong's ten motherships immediately released five hundred unmanned ships and rushed to the predetermined location at high speed. With the guidance and positioning of the observation area, the unmanned ships rushed directly into the first magic city.

To Zhang Cong's surprise, there were not many demons stationed in the first city. After one round of attacks, the entire city was basically wiped out. When the ground troops set foot on the demon city's land, Yubi Zhenren discovered that the entire city was completely destroyed.

There were fifty thousand corpses of demons, and they were ordinary demons, not even demon soldiers.

This was the case for all the five consecutive cities. This made Zhang Cong feel very strange. He immediately activated the observer. To Zhang Cong's surprise, the total number of demons in the cities on the entire Black Death Star was less than one million.

There were less than a hundred starships, and the tens of millions of demonic troops that were originally observed disappeared out of thin air.

Zhang Cong immediately studied all the observation records carefully and found that for a while the day before yesterday, a bloody storm suddenly blew across the entire Black Death Star. The visibility was extremely low. It lasted for half a day. After the storm disappeared, nothing was found.

The soldiers observing at the time thought that the demons had hid in the building to avoid the storm. Later, they also saw the demons coming in and out and patrolling. Zhang Cong, among others, did not pay much attention to these things.

Zhang Cong's expression was extremely nervous. At this moment, Qin Fu's words completely alarmed Zhang Cong: "Brother-in-law, I have to tell you something bad. I just communicated with the core of the Black Death Star and discovered that

The star core of this planet can no longer be found. I am not sure whether it was covered by the demons in some way or whether it has died. No matter what the reason is, this Black Death Star is extremely dangerous now."

Zhang Cong immediately said to Master Yubi: "Immediately bring all the Tiangong starships and heavenly soldiers back to the Panjia domain. The situation on the Black Death Star is a bit strange. I'm afraid it's a big trap set by the demons. My legion is not afraid of death, but the heavenly soldiers are not afraid of death."

Can’t afford to die.”

Yubi immediately issued an order, and soon all the starships flew into the space rift. Only Master Yubi and other twelve domain masters returned to Zhang Cong's starship.

Just when Zhang Cong was about to speak, Master Yubi immediately said: "Don't worry, Dragon Emperor. No matter how bad we are, we are still Taoist ancestors, and we won't even be able to escape. You don't know much about the situation in the Demon Realm as we do. Let's stay.

I can help you a lot."

Zhang Cong thought for a moment and stopped talking. A group of senior officials were looking at the crystal screen in the spacious command room, wondering how to proceed.

Qin Yu smiled and said: "Now I am just afraid of unnecessary losses. Let's do this. I will first cover the entire surface of the Black Death Star with bacteria, and then let the servant of God go check the planet. Although it will be slower, it will be done after all.

If there is no danger, we can just wait."

Zhang Cong waved his hand quickly: "Don't use toadstools for the time being. I suspect that there were goblins in the starship last time, but they just didn't show up. Now a large number of demons and goblins are probably hiding deep in the center of the earth. You

Exposing the toadstool again will make the demons notice this weapon, and we may be able to come up with corresponding measures to counter it in the future, but we will lose a powerful method."

Qin Yu nodded: "Then let's send a divine servant to investigate. If the demons really sneak into the ground, maybe the toadstools can really do something good."

Qin Fu shook her head: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Second sister, please let the servant of God investigate. I always have an uneasy feeling, as if I'm sitting on a powder keg that could explode at any time."

Qin Fu's words made everyone nervous. There is no one here who is not a powerful Golden Immortal, but facing an unknown crisis, it is normal to be nervous. Just like Zhang Cong, if he hadn't stretched four strings on one string, he would have

I wouldn't be able to get there today.

Zhang Cong suddenly asked: "Old Yu, is the space node of the Demon Clan very important to the Demon Clan?"

Master Yubi thought for a moment: "It's hard to say. I always feel that the demons seem to be more capable of breaking through space barriers than the gods. Otherwise, the demon realm would not have expanded so rapidly. From the original planet, it has become less than

It takes 50,000 years to occupy two-thirds of the entire galaxy. This node is relatively important."

"After all, if you go out from here, you will not only be closest to the Panjia Domain, but you can also attack four high-level star domains with living beings. Otherwise, if this Black Death Star is like this, what is Mo Zhuhai doing here? You have to know that in the entire Demonic Domain, there are planets like this

It’s almost as good as less than 100,000.”

Zhang Cong was stunned and immediately said to Qin Yu: "Commander Ma, let the servants go out, we may really be on the powder keg."

Master Yubi and other domain masters looked puzzled. Zhang Cong pointed to the Black Death Star below and said: "The star rock of this Black Death Star is extremely strong, similar to Luo Tie in the human world, and the deeper you go into the rock layer, the stronger it becomes.

, there are no signs of large-scale mining of this kind of rock in the several mining areas we discovered. It is likely that this kind of rock is very common in the Demon Realm, but it is also possible that the Demon Tribe has other purposes for this planet.

We always thought that the demons kept the Death Star for this space node, but thinking about it conversely, the outside world can also use this node to attack the demon realm. Since the Death Star has no value, why do they leave a backdoor for their own defense?

Increase the burden? The demons can sweep across the entire star sea, are their IQs so low?"

Zhang Cong's words immediately made all the domain masters feel a little uneasy. Zhang Cong continued: "After we left last time, the demon clan came over with more than a dozen demon kings, a large number of demon gods, and nearly a thousand super starships, but I

It is observed that the number of unloaded demon troops is not large, so the contents of such large starships are very suspicious. I suspect that they are the equipment and supplies needed to execute the Death Star plan."

Yubi asked doubtfully: "What is the value of this Death Star? What exactly are the demons going to do..."

This chapter has been completed!
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