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351: The chaotic Great Demon Sky

Xiao Luo Minghuang nodded: "This is very simple. Even if we don't fight, the other three races will not give up. The giant sickle star beasts don't need territory at all. They are the biggest star thieves, and the two-headed race

The Hexing Moth Tribe is also a race that specializes in making money through invasion, so they cannot easily let the Great Demon Sky go."

Zhang Cong and the four of them looked at each other and knew in their hearts: "We can't let them destroy the entire Great Demon Heaven. We will take action when the fight is almost done. After the matter here is settled, I will be with you."

Find a few suitable planets outside the territory and help you create stars."

Xiao Luo Minghuang asked hurriedly: "Now, can I send a group of people outside the five regions to find suitable planets? How many planets can you help us transform?"

Zhang Cong was stunned: "Do you have so many members of the Nether Clan? Why do you need so many planets?"

Little Luo Minghuang smiled: "The reproduction of our Nether Clan is similar to that of your Chaos Underworld. We all rely on absorbing foreign ghost souls to strengthen ourselves. We have ways to turn the souls of different races into our own clansmen. This is what we are.

The way to survive, so many races are afraid of us and think that we are the scourge of war.

In fact, we just like to harvest souls, and we don’t necessarily want to start a war, but you also know that killings are going on all the time in this sea of ​​stars, and we just often appear at the killing scenes."

Zhang Cong nodded: "Then you go find the planet. As for whether you can build a Pluto star, it depends on how much star core and star soil you have left in the Netherworld Star Region. In addition, you can harvest as many demon souls as possible from the demon clan.

Some, I have no problem with that."

Xiaoluo Hades laughed loudly, and he and the two Hades quickly disappeared into the wormhole.

Zhang Cong looked at the direction of the Demon Palace and knew that Sanqing could hear his words clearly, so he didn't disturb Sanqing anymore. He just said: "Master, let's go to other planets and keep some surveillance."

Come on, we can watch the excitement."

With a hum in the Demon Palace, Zhang Cong tore open the space and went directly to the nearest Demon Star according to the star map position memorized in his mind.

This star is still the planet that the Nether Clan is responsible for attacking. Zhang Cong and others cannot get too close, so they can only drop a few detectors far away from the magic castle, and then fly to another planet.

A total of seventeen demon stars were attacked, which was just a drop in the bucket in the Great Demon Sky. However, the demon was not only afraid of losing a few planets, but was afraid of this group of extremely vicious bandits.

I know that so far, the Heavenly Demon has not found a way to restrain these four races. Although the bodies of the Two-Headed Clan and the Star Moth Clan are similar to those of the Heavenly Demon, they are extremely numerous. The Nether Clan has no idea how many there are, because you simply don’t know how many.

Can't be seen and can't be killed.

As for the giant scythe star beast, it is even more of a nightmare for the demons. A star beast is as big as a mountain range, and the demon clan’s attacks have no effect on the star beast. Every time the giant scythe appears, the demon clan

It took more than a dozen elders to drive it away.

Zhang Cong and the others visited the seventeen planets that were attacked, and after releasing a large number of monitors, they returned to Rao Planet.

After visiting seventeen battlefields, Zhang Cong found that on almost all planets, the demons had shrunk into one main city. They were the main cities closest to the extraterrestrial wormholes. The extraterrestrial demons that came to attack also passed through the wormholes.

Then they directly engaged the demons, so the casualties on both sides were huge.

Zhang Cong only saw the Two-Headed Man and the Star Moth Man, who were attacking the Demon Castle. The Two-Headed Man did have two heads, but more than half of them were giants with a height of 100 feet. They were extremely destructive. When they attacked the city, they grabbed the Demons and directly

He stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it until blood splattered everywhere.

There are only a few short two-headed men, but they seem to have extremely high intelligence. Most of them hide behind the giants and communicate with the giants through brain waves to attack.

Zhang Cong looked at this scene and suddenly remembered the scene he saw in the secret realm of the human world when the demons attacked Blue Star. They were fighting unequally. This scene was like a replica of ten thousand years ago, except that it was the demons who suffered the loss.


Moreover, Zhang Cong also discovered that these two-headed men were not like the star beasts, who only relied on their size and strong skin and sharp claws to win, but they also had the same practice. Many of those giants who were wreaking havoc everywhere with big sticks were at the level of Demon King.

Senior monk.

The demonic army continued to push forward, and the giant cannons in the magic castle burst into flames from time to time. Behind the two-headed man, there was also something like a bottle, which sprayed out balls of light from time to time, directly attached to the magic castle.

The metal wall was burned, and it was able to burn holes in the wall.

As for the Star Moth Man, it is even more terrifying. They are so densely packed that even the sky is covered. The Star Moth Man is like a huge moth, but it has a human face and limbs. Because the Star Moth is good at staying in the air, almost all of them are

The demon weapons are all firing in the air.

But these star moths are extremely fast and can even dodge artillery fire. They fly in the sky and occasionally drop a shining egg bag. As soon as the egg bag falls into the magic castle, it immediately explodes and countless star moths emerge.

The larvae, like bugs, chase the demons and burrow into the body. Many demons thus become the nurseries of star moths.

Until Zhang Cong returned to Rao Star and installed a huge display screen in the Demon Palace, the immortals were frightened when they saw the battle on the Demon Star. Until now, the immortals have not seen the appearance of the evil spirits outside the territory. This time

It turns out that they are even more terrifying than the demons, and their methods are even more cruel.

Daode Tianzun looked at Zhang Cong and asked: "If the human race encounters such an attack, how will you respond?"

Zhang Cong thought for a while: "First of all, this kind of ground battle is the most disadvantageous. It's more troublesome to deal with the two-headed man in the air, and it's more troublesome to deal with the star moth. But our Qin Lan's Fire Phoenix, Qin Yu's Phoenix and Toadstool, as well as life and death

Curses and other things you can choose, not to mention that if my undead army fights against them, the most they will lose is their body, and we have a lot of physical reserves."

"We just haven't seen the giant scythe star beast now. Only after we see it can we evaluate the comparison of the combat power of the two sides. The demons are unlucky this time. All the races they meet have restrained them. The most effective spells to deal with these guys are,

The devil doesn't know how to do it yet, so he thought of us." Yu Yu said with a snort.

Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand: "Don't think about this. Didn't Zhang Cong have an agreement with the Nether Clan? If this consumption continues, the Demon Clan may have civil strife. I would like to see what the Demon Clan's Council of Elders can do in the end.

Attitude, if we fight like this now, the demons have no chance of winning."

Zhang Cong said carefully: "Uncle, I don't want the Demon Tribe to win. At least I have to make the Great Demon Heaven suffer, right? Otherwise, how can we save people from the fire and water? The Nether Tribe is defeated by me now.

Damn it, we will be one of our own in the end. Even if we finally face these three extraterrestrial races and fall into a bitter battle, can I still force the Nether Race to rebel and fight them?"

Daode Tianzun smiled and said: "It's very possible. The Nether Clan has been wandering in the sea of ​​​​stars for so many years, and the group has shrunk because there is no place to stay. If this continues, the clan must be exterminated. This time, the Nether Stars who saw Cong'er were all red-eyed, and now Cong'er

My son is their savior. As long as he can help them condense stars, they will naturally not take the two-headed star moth seriously."

At this moment, Qin Yu suddenly shouted: "Look, there's something wrong with the Sixth Star. Is that black shadow a giant sickle star beast?"

Zhang Cong quickly looked at the screen. A black cloud had already occupied a large area of ​​the screen. Countless magic ships were swarming up, and streaks of fire were hitting the dark cloud.

When the monitor was pulled in, I could see it clearly. It was a huge star beast shrouded in black clouds. The demon starship was not as big as an eye. The skin of the star beast could no longer be described as thick. It had grown into a big tree.

, if this guy lies on the ground and doesn't move, it will be a continuous mountain range.

Suddenly countless rays of red light flashed across the sky, and not one but several Great Demon Emperors suddenly appeared in the void. Zhang Cong had seen almost all of them at first sight. These were all elders of the Demon Clan Council of Elders, and the leader was


He saw a red light glowing from the red sword in Fila's hand, and suddenly flew into the void. In an instant, it became a hundred feet in size, and the red-light sword directly pierced the star beast's eyes.

The demon elders around him also used their own methods, and the space was filled with light. Although it was not as mysterious as the immortal's spell, it was still an attack combined with magic, and it really made the star beast feel threatened.

He saw black clouds surging, and a pair of huge arms swept over from the black clouds. Only then did Zhang Cong understand why this star beast was called a giant scythe. The arm that the star beast swept over turned out to be a giant scythe arm like a mantis.

Although the arm looked bigger than a mountain, it was extremely fast. During the rotation process, the surrounding demon starships did not even have time to escape, and were directly destroyed in a large area. The offensive of the huge mantis arm continued unabated.

, directly hit Fila and a group of demon elders.

The bodies of these demon clan elders disappeared all of a sudden, and when they appeared in another place, the giant sickle star beast roared, and two huge mantis arms suddenly slammed into the ground.

There was a loud bang, and even the picture on the crystal screen shook. The enjoyment actually smashed the magic star into a huge deep pit, and even magma emerged.

They saw the star beast's head plunged directly into the pit, sucking the essence of the demon star crazily. Fila and other elders in the distance were shocked, and they jumped directly onto the star beast's body and launched another crazy attack.

The attack of the Great Demon Emperor was not comparable to that of a starship cannon. Soon the star beast's body began to spurt out blood. The blood spurted out was like magma. It was not only hot, but also highly corrosive. Several

The demon elder was accidentally splashed on his body, and he immediately let out a scream.

The star beast twisted its body a few times and seemed to feel severe pain. It pulled its head out of the magma pit with a squeak and rolled its body directly on the ground. Suddenly the whole planet shook like an earthquake.

This chapter has been completed!
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