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358: Luoshan's Crisis

Obviously, Zhang Cong suddenly spoke in the language of Luoshan Star Territory, which startled the creature, and it couldn't help but observe Zhang Cong carefully.

Zhang Cong said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, there are not many of us in total, we are just a starship, we just want to find a place to rest."

The female creature shook her head: "I can't promise you. I'm just a scout and can't make the decision. You'd better leave quickly. The ghost car people will come over soon, and you won't be able to escape."

Zhang Cong seemed to feel the woman's nervousness, and also noticed that the Gui Che people he mentioned were fighting with the Luoshan people, and the Luoshan people seemed to be at a disadvantage.

"Are you fighting the Gui Che people? Are they very powerful?" Zhang Cong asked.

"Yes, the Gui Che people are very cruel and have captured many of our Luoshan people. Please leave quickly. You are not a Luoshan person. Don't participate in the war between us and the Gui Che people."

The woman's words immediately aroused Zhang Cong's affection for the Luoshan people. He was already in danger, and he was still reminding others to stay away from danger. Creatures with such sentiments should be a very noble race.

Zhang Cong laughed: "My name is Zhang Cong, what's your name? If I help you Luoshan people fight off the ghost car people and rescue your compatriots, will you still refuse me to be a guest in the Luoshan Star Territory?"

The woman was stunned: "My name is Cuixi, are you telling the truth? Can you help us fight off the ghost driver?"

Zhang Cong nodded: "If you do this, just watch here. If the Gui Che people come, I will help you fight them off. Then won't you believe it?"

Cuixi's head shook so hard that her stick-like hair stood on end, and she said with a look of disbelief: "This is impossible. When the Gui Che people come, the starships are all densely packed. You only have this one starship.

Aren’t you going to die?”

Zhang Cong was stunned: "Do you rely on star beasts to defend against starships? Isn't this even more impossible?"

Cuixi waved her hands quickly: "We don't rely on star beasts to fight starships, so how can we defeat them? We have our own methods, but they can only be used for defense, but we cannot leave the Luoshan Star Territory, so we are very passive.


Zhang Cong nodded: "Cui Xi, how about you first see how I deal with the ghost car man, and then decide whether to believe me or not?"

Cui Xi still looked worried, but she didn't know how to dissuade Zhang Cong. However, he couldn't let Zhang Cong's starship enter the Luoshan star field, because uncertified aircraft would be attacked by Luoshan Shendeng.

Zhang Cong naturally didn't know the secret of the Luoshan Star Territory, and thought it was Cui Xi's responsibility to not let him in. At this moment, Zhang Cong suddenly turned around and looked at the dark sky on the left side of the starship.

Something is coming over there, and it's very threatening.

Soon Qin Yu and others also flew out of the starship, leaving only a dozen Da Luo Jinxian to control the mirage ship. Everyone's eyes had been fixed on the distant sky.

After Zhang Cong's consciousness completely saw the approaching starships, there was a trace of surprise on his face. There were at least thousands of starships approaching from a distance, and the starships were extremely huge. Each one was bigger than a mirage ship.

, this large number of starships gathered together, like an asteroid, rushed directly towards the Luoshan Star Territory.

Soon Qin Yu and the others also discovered this large area of ​​huge starships. Zhang Cong smiled and nodded. Qin Lan waved his hand, and hundreds of unmanned ships flew out of the mothership and rushed towards the black shadow.


The unmanned ship, which is larger than a room, looks like a grain of rice to a watermelon in front of the huge black starship. Zhang Cong doesn’t know if the ghost car people have discovered these attack ships, but they have not seen them.

The starship did not slow down at all, but ran directly towards these unmanned ships and ran over them.

There was no need for Zhang Cong to issue an order to fire. The cannons and missiles of nearly five hundred attack ships had already been launched. At this time, they were nearly a thousand miles away from the Ghost Car Starship.

This is the first time that Zhang Cong's starship has carried out such a long-distance attack, and the toxin in the missile is also Qin Yu's latest synthetic neurotoxin and gold-eating fungus, and the effect is far more powerful than before.

Gui Che never expected that this thing that looked like a small mosquito would attack him, but when it hit him, he discovered that the attack was far more powerful than that of a mosquito. Before the missile arrived, the naval gun had already blasted it.

Entering the hull of the ghost car ship, it actually blasted a huge hole in the starship and punched through the eye.

The hole was not big enough to shoot down the starship, but the ghost car people were shocked immediately. Before they could react, thousands of missiles bombarded the fleet again, and the large swaths of bacteria and poison were like smoke.

It shrouded the ghost car fleet.

Especially for the starships that had already been punched with holes, the bacteria and poison immediately got into the interior of the starships, and soon those hundreds of starships were out of control.

Starships that had not been hit by naval guns also had problems. After the smoke touched the starships, it turned out to be extremely corrosive to the starships. Soon the starships called the police.

The Gui Che people were stunned. In this large star field, the Gui Che people had always been the overlords. Unexpectedly, Luoshan Star Territory, which they often bullied, would have such a strange attack, which immediately disrupted the Gui Che people.

's formation.

At this time, the second wave of attacks from the unmanned ship arrived again, this time it turned out to be a space cannon.

Zhang Cong's fleet has not attacked any starships with space cannons because he is afraid that the secret will be leaked. However, in this distant star field tens of millions of miles away from the Chaos Star Field, Zhang Cong has no such worries at all, and it just so happens that he can still

Test the power of the space cannon.

I saw a beam of blue light emitted from the gun barrel of the unmanned ship, but when it hit the Ghost Car Starship, I saw a large ray of light burst out directly from the Ghost Car Starship, and then those starships suddenly

Disappeared, leaving no trace in the starry sky.

Xiaohua asked doubtfully: "Mr. sir, where did those starships go? Can they come back?"

Zhang Cong had a strange look on his face: "I don't know about this either. Space running is equivalent to opening up a space turbulence around the starship. As for whether the starship can withstand it, and where it will be if it can withstand it? I don't know this either.


Qin Yu curled his lips: "The ghost car, ship, and even naval guns can't withstand it. Do you think they can withstand the turbulence in space? Don't be ridiculous?"

At this time, the more than a thousand ghost vehicles and ships that were still able to move had turned around and fled. The remaining ones that had not escaped had completely lost their power. What was waiting for them was to be decomposed by Qin Yu's gold-eating bacteria. Of course, this time did not

Not long.

Cui Xi, who was standing behind Zhang Cong, was already frightened. You must know that the Gui Che Clan are the kings of all races within millions of miles around. I have never seen anyone who can beat them. I didn't expect that this person named Zhang Cong today

, actually created a miracle.

The ghost car ship escaped, but Zhang Cong did not let the unmanned ship pursue it. Although it seemed that the ghost car ship was bullying the Luoshan people, what he saw often was not necessarily true. He had to look at it carefully.

Cui Xi looked at Zhang Cong blankly: "God? Are you sent by God to save us?"

Zhang Cong laughed loudly: "You'd better go and ask if your planet will let us enter? If we don't let us in, then we can go further away. We can't stay in the void forever?"

Cuixi nodded quickly, flew up to the star beast, and soon lost sight of it.

Qin Yu looked at Zhang Cong in confusion and asked: "This Luoshan star field seems to be a star field with very backward technology. Why do you want to enter here?"

Zhang Cong sighed: "Because of this Cuixi, although our races are different, the standards of good and evil should be similar, right? They can't protect themselves now, but they keep urging me to leave quickly. It is because of this kindness that I decided to help them


On the other hand, the ghost car people have such a high level of technology, but they use it to bully weak races. How is this different from the demon race, so I immediately hated them.

At this moment, the Luoshan star field behind him suddenly experienced violent fluctuations. A large number of huge star beasts suddenly flew out of the nebula. Cuixi shouted from afar: "Zhang Cong, our elders come here."

Now, don’t be afraid.”

Zhang Cong and others all looked weird. Are they afraid? Are they afraid of these star beasts?

Sure enough, following Cuixi's shout, two huge flying eagles flew out of the team, and a Luoshan man dressed in purple flew down from the giant eagle and landed in front of Zhang Cong and others. Zhang Cong saw that

They are two Luoshan people with great Tianzun cultivation.

Qin Yu and others also wore that kind of collar, so they could completely understand what the Luoshan people were saying. A white-haired old man looked at Zhang Cong and said: "Thank you to the guests from afar for helping us drive away the ghost car bandits. I am

Elder Luogen of the Luoshan Alliance is here to greet the friends of the Luoshan people."

Luogen walked forward with a smile and hugged Zhang Cong. Behind him, a large group of Luoshan people screamed.

After entering Luoshan Star Territory, Zhang Cong realized that the so-called Star Territory did not have many planets, but only one huge green planet, but there were seven satellites. Just at the entrance of the Star Territory, two huge ancient vines

, growing on two satellites, and those two ancient vines are the guards of Luoshan Domain.

The ancient vines are as tall as mountains, and there are countless branches growing on the vines, which are covered with spikes. There are seven such ancient vines in the entire Luoshan Domain, and they all grow on satellites, and the satellites are like super-large starships.

, you can fly around with the ancient vines, thus creating a complete protective net.

This was the first time that Zhang Cong saw this weird defense system, but Qin Yu and Qin Fu looked at Gu Teng in a daze. Then Qin Fu took a closer look at Luoshanren's body and suddenly showed a strange expression.

The closer Zhang Cong got to the main star of Luoshan, the more he felt something was wrong. The fairy energy in his body was running faster than usual, and the speed was twice as fast as usual.

The strange expressions on the faces of Zhang Cong and others were quickly seen by Elder Luogen, but he was not surprised, as if everything on this planet was normal, which made Zhang Cong feel incredible.

There are no huge buildings like Longjia City on Luoshan Planet, but simple wooden houses built on huge trees. They don't look like a country, but like a primitive tribe.

The elder's temple is a relatively large building, but it is also a huge tree house. Zhang Cong only discovered after dozens of human immortals entered the tree house that this side turned out to be a huge space.

This chapter has been completed!
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