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452: Heavenly Jealousy

After Qin Zhen finished speaking, the Juyi Hall fell into silence again. Finally, Zhang Cong broke the deadlock: "Listen to what you mean, there are still people resisting this black sect in Che Yue Kingdom? Since you all think that the imperial court and the black sect

What you are doing is wrong, why not unite more people who are against the underworld to fight against it?"

Yu Heihu sighed: "How can it be that easy? I have not always doubted the teachings of the Black Sect. The Black Sect has existed in Nanyang Continent for tens of thousands of years. Originally, many different beliefs in Nanyang were wiped out by the Black Sect. Now,

The Black Sect is the dominant family, leaving only the pure land of Snow Country.

As I grew older and saw more things, I discovered the horror of the Black Cult. Wu Tian Da Shen mainly releases the darkest places in your heart and promotes casual violence.

Young Master, just imagine, the people at the bottom of society are the foundation of the country. The poor who have lived at the bottom for a long time have not learned much culture. Coupled with the hardship of life, their negative emotions are suppressed by the government and gentry, and they dare not express them. Black religion

Once it is introduced in this way, the people feel that they have found someone to talk to, and naturally more people believe in it.

In addition, the imperial court also regards the Black Religion as the state religion, which makes it even more difficult to control. On the one hand, the imperial court frequently uses troops to attack foreign countries in the name of the Black Religion. On the other hand, the people who are incited to dissatisfaction and hatred rise up against the imperial court again. For tens of thousands of years, this area has been

The land has never stopped fighting, and dynasties change like a revolving lantern, but the one who benefits the most is the Black Sect."

Qin Yu nodded appreciatively: "I didn't expect that there would be such a knowledgeable scholar hidden in this remote mountain. Yu Gang Leader's judgment of the current situation is really spot-on."

Yu Heihu waved his hands quickly: "Is this my explanation? These principles were all said by the former county guard, Mr. Ding, but Mr. Ding was killed by an adulterer and has been dead for many years.

However, some of his insights are still privately praised by knowledgeable people. It was only after being enlightened by Master Ding that I started to resist the Black Sect, but I failed miserably."

Zhang Cong looked at Yu Heihu and the three gang leaders, and asked with a smile: "I wonder if the gang leader invited Zhang Cong and his wife here to complain or have some ideas? We don't mind helping you."

Yu Heihu's face was overjoyed, but soon his face turned ugly again: "I don't know, Master, and I don't know about other counties, but there are still many supporters of Lord Ding in Hengshan County, but they have been suppressed by the Black Sect.

Hiding, if someone can take the lead in fighting against the black sect, I think the righteous people hiding in the dark will definitely rise up and maybe be able to fight for something big."

Zhang Cong nodded: "Where is the largest sect of the Black Sect in Hengshan County? How strong is it?"

"The Black Sect has only one Heavenly Palace in Hengshan County, called Tianjue Palace, which is located on Tianjian Mountain three hundred miles away. However, almost every market town has a Tianjuyuan, and each branch has priests, and there are many masters among them.

, there are even demons who know magic."

Qin Yu was stunned: "Xie Shu, are there any demons who can do sorcery in Nanyang Continent? Have you ever seen that sorcery?"

Yu Heihu nodded: "I have seen a little bit, but generally those who can do sorcery are followers of the Black Sect. I heard that members of the Holy Sect can also do sorcery, but I have never seen it."

"If there is a conflict between the black sect and the common people, what will be the attitude of the county government?"

"If the commotion is not too big, the county government usually doesn't care, because few ordinary people can take advantage of the black sect. Moreover, the power of the black sect has gradually surpassed the court, and some local officials have begun to resent it.

, there has been a gap between the political and religious parties, but it cannot be made public."

After Yu Heihu finished speaking, Qin Yu suddenly asked: "Do you think that if the Black Sect Taoist Temple in Qingxi Town is suddenly demolished, will the surrounding resistance forces gather around it?"

Yu Heihu thought for a moment and shook his head: "Not necessarily. There have been cases where the Taoist temple was destroyed before. The Heavenly Jealousy Palace would immediately send experts to suppress it, and usually the resistance forces would be wiped out very quickly, unless everyone felt that this force could compete with the Heavenly Envy Palace.

If you are jealous of the palace and fight against it, otherwise you will still be waiting and watching."

Zhang Cong smiled and nodded: "Human nature is like this. This land has lost its faith. Even people with some brains don't know why they are fighting. So, I will massacre the Tianjuyuan in Qingxi Town first.

, waiting for the experts from Tianjealous Palace to come to our aid, we will unleash a wave of momentum and see how the people around us react.

I am jealous of all the property in the courtyard. After I have finished, I will take some out and distribute them to the surrounding villagers. I will win over people's hearts first and then talk about the next step."

Yu Tianxiong asked in surprise: "Are you going by yourself? You don't need us to follow you?"

Zhang Cong nodded: "I don't need you for the time being. I can't cause you too much trouble until I know the strength of the Black Sect, but I need you to help me prepare something. This should be able to do it, right?"

After speaking, Zhang Cong glanced at Qin Yu and Xiaohua, and they immediately smiled strangely, and then the two women began to murmur.

Yu Tianxiong nodded quickly: "But according to Mr. Zhang's instructions, although our Black Tiger Gang is poor and weak, we will definitely spend all our money in order to eradicate the black sect."

Zhang Cong waved his hand: "There's no need to spend all your money. I just want some hidden weapons, medicinal materials, and a few long swords. If you don't need anything else, bring me paper and pen."

Song Zong quickly took out a pen and paper, and Zhang Cong drew several patterns of hidden weapons on it, and then wrote the names of several common herbal medicines.

The most gratifying thing for Zhang Cong was that although he couldn't speak well, there was no big problem with language communication. Soon the three gang leaders understood what Zhang Cong meant, and Song Zong happily went out to prepare with the paper in hand.

Yu Tianxiong asked doubtfully: "Young master, can you destroy Tianjiyuan with such a simple thing? As far as I know, there are hundreds of masters somewhere."

"This is my question. I wonder what is the best weapon for your imperial army? You have been a pavilion chief, so you should know it, right?"

Yu Tianxiong thought for a while and said: "The most powerful thing is firearms. Now the army has platoons and artillery, which can shoot thousands of meters away, and repeating crossbows. You can't see these things in the world without these things."

Qin Yu asked with a smile: "Do you use gunpowder here? Is it widely used?"

Yu Tianxiong shook his head: "Gunpowder is mostly used by the military, and civilian control is very strict. There is only one workshop for making gunpowder in each county, and it is all under the control of the court. The folk formula is not accurate, and they dare not process it."

Qin Yu looked at Zhang Cong. Zhang Cong immediately understood what she was thinking. He looked at Yu Tianxiong and asked: "Why don't you build some powerful weapons, such as repeating crossbows and giant crossbow machines? This will increase your combat power."

Is it done?”

Yu Tianxiong shook his head: "First, there are not such powerful craftsmen, and the refined iron ore is controlled by the government or big families. We have no money to buy it, so we don't dare to have such an idea."

Zhang Cong said with a smile: "These will all be there, and they will be more powerful than the imperial army. Also, what is the political situation like now? I hear what you mean, the South Vietnam country is in chaos now?"

"The South Vietnam Kingdom is almost independent of itself. The emperor is obsessed with the Black Cult every day, and his exorbitant expropriation and expropriation make the states and counties below miserable. Otherwise, Lord Ding would not rise up to fight against the Black Cult. However, many states and counties are waiting and watching, and there are many

There are very few good officials who take advantage of the situation and really think about the people."

"Take your time, we will have the money, and we will also have the army. The Black Sect is a huge money bag for us, and robbing the Black Sect will definitely be much faster than making money."

Zhang Cong's words made the two gang leaders in the room sweat. This man's idea is quite strange. People avoid the black sect, so he is being targeted like a piece of cake. But this

A piece of cake is poisonous and could kill someone.

That night, Zhang Cong and four others rested in the cottage. Qin Yu looked at Zhang Cong seriously and said: "Maybe the Wutian lineage has a way to seal the spiritual power of Nanyang Continent, so our spiritual consciousness cannot be used, but the Black Sect can use part of it.

The power of faith, in this case, it will be very troublesome to fight against the Black Sect, so I want to use the method we used in the North to start everything again."

Zhang Cong smiled: "The four of us are not from the North at this time. Even if we can't use magic, my martial arts and knowledge can still come in handy. When we fight against the Black Sect, we will naturally know the strength of our opponent.

Nothing can trouble your husband."

The next day, Song Zong got the needed things back. Qin Yu and Xiaohua immediately started preparing the poison powder. By the afternoon, when everything was ready, Zhang Cong decided to go down the mountain to Qingxi Town immediately.

Yu Tianxiong offered to follow Zhang Cong with Song Zong, leading the way and helping to look after things. Zhang Cong nodded in agreement, and the six of them mounted their horses and ran down the mountain.

Qingxi Town is not far from Luanyun Mountain. After riding a horse for dozens of miles out of the mountain, you can see a large market town at the bottom of the mountain, because at dinner time, you can see large areas of cooking smoke in the distance.

Zhang Cong looked at the sky: "I plan to go to Tianjuyuan after dark. Now we can walk around the town and learn more about the customs and customs of Cheyue Kingdom."

Yu Tianxiong quickly took the lead and rode down the hillside, leading Zhang Cong and four others towards the town.

Qingxi Town is indeed not small. It looks bigger than Heilong Town in the North. The tallest building in this town is a large temple at the east end of the town. Looking from a distance, the entire building has black and white colors.

Sex, Yu Tianxiong told him, that's where Tianjuyuan is.

Six people tied their horses in the backyard of a hotel. Judging from Yu Tianxiong's appearance, he should be familiar with the boss. The six people walked on the street. Zhang Cong kept going in and out of drug stores, blacksmith shops and other traders. Although he communicated with the store owners, he did not

Buy anything and you will quickly get a general idea of ​​the living conditions in Hengshan County.

In terms of daily necessities and craftsmanship here, they are at least a hundred years behind compared to Heilong Town. Zhang Cong smiled slightly and felt more confident.

Zhang Cong and the others did not eat or drink at all. However, Zhang Cong and the others bought a suitable set of clothes for each of them. After putting them on, they looked like ordinary people here. They could not tell that they were foreigners at all.

As soon as it gets dark, there are almost no pedestrians in the town, and few traders light lanterns. Zhang Cong and others slowly walked to the back wall of Tianjiyuan. Zhang Cong, Xiaohua and Qin Yu jumped up.

He jumped directly onto the high wall of two feet, and the plan to deceive people began.

This chapter has been completed!
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