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Chapter 464: Fighting for Rescue

That night, thousands of monks who were still physically able to hold on rode out of the city on horseback. Taking advantage of the rest of the Holy Cult Guardian Group and lax defenses, they forced their way through the siege. After paying a huge price, hundreds of Black Cult monks finally broke through the siege.

, disappeared into the darkness.

Now the nearest Tianhuo County has no soldiers. If you want to rescue quickly, you can only go to Luohu Prefecture and Yunlan County, which are the closest to Tianhuo County.

When this group of monks broke out, they probably looked at the flags and tents of the Holy Cult. The number would not exceed 50,000. As long as more than 100,000 troops were raised, plus the Black Cult monks from the two counties, there would be 140,000 to 50,000, which should be enough.

It can form a two-sided attack on the Holy Cult Protector Group and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

Hundreds of Black Sect monks rushed towards the two counties like crazy. They arrived at Luohu Prefecture and Yunlan County before dawn. The Black Sect monks ran directly to Tianjealous Palace and reported the situation in detail.

The two altars are both main halls. Tens of thousands of monks are stationed in each palace, and dozens of Jindan are stationed in charge. As soon as they heard about this situation, they immediately rushed to the governor's house and asked the chief minister to mobilize troops to serve the king.

The governors of these two counties were trapped in Wanjia Town. The chief assistants of the two counties were furious when they heard this, and immediately mobilized the army. The two counties gathered nearly 150,000 cavalry, and brought their own dry food and drinking water.

Twenty thousand Black Sect monks were dispatched to lead a team to assist Wanji Town.

Luohu Prefecture is relatively close to Chiyang Mountain. Twenty thousand Black Sect monks led 90,000 cavalry. They were the first to cross Chiyang Mountain. The cavalry went straight to Wanjia Town and soon approached Zhang Cong's camp.

Although Russell had the idea of ​​​​attacking from both sides at this time, there were no troops to send at all. After another overnight stay, there were less than 10,000 officers and soldiers in the town, including the monks, who could still stand up. But don't even think about fighting.

He couldn't even lift the sword, not to mention that almost all the war horses were outside the city and had been taken away by the Holy Cult a long time ago. There were less than a thousand war horses in the city, so how could they attack from both sides?

Russell and the Great Protector of the Black Sect mean that these more than a thousand horses must be reserved for the commanders, county guards and leaders of the Black Sect to break out of the encirclement. This is already the case. We cannot throw a group of leaders into Wanjia Town. They must first

After breaking out of the siege and escaping for a while, the remaining people in the city resigned themselves to their fate.

The number of reinforcements in Luohu Town reached 120,000. When they saw that the Holy Cult's military camp was less than 50,000, they rushed directly to the camp. They wanted to rush into the camp and use the opportunity to cover up the killing, but before they reached the camp,

Suddenly, thousands of dark metal houses flew out of the big profits and lined up directly in front of the camp, and then an overwhelming rain of arrows came over them.

The fine iron chariot of the Chariot Corps is like a small house, but the weight is not very scary. There are five soldiers inside to control the mechanical giant crossbow and artillery attack. If the enemy is approaching, the blade can be ejected to resist the enemy within three meters.

In addition, each chariot is guarded by ten Nether Warriors, who can attack the enemy and move the chariot quickly, faster than a horse-drawn carriage.

The crossbow arrows had long been loaded with explosives and toxins. When a burst of arrows rained down, the Luohu Army camp was already a sea of ​​fire. Regardless of whether the arrows were hit or not, a large area lay down.

This wave of attacks immediately stunned the Luohu army. The commander and the monks who led the group quickly stopped the charge, and the group began to retreat, out of the range of the giant crossbow.

Chechi's army and monks had never seen anything like this before, and they did not dare to approach it for a while. However, the army in the city was waiting for rescue. If they continued to confront the Holy Cult, all the troops in the city would die. In desperation,

The second wave of charges began again.

The rain of arrows continued, and the cavalry could not reach the front of the formation at all. The giant crossbows were far away, the artillery was close, and thousands of cavalry were smashed into pieces. This made the general leading the team have no idea.

The elder of the monk group frowned, and a dozen golden elixirs and hundreds of foundation-building monks rode forward and started the third wave of charge.

Monks are naturally more powerful than ordinary soldiers. As soon as the arrow rain came over, a dozen golden elixirs immediately propped up a huge light curtain. Countless arrows fell on the light curtain and exploded, but they did not hurt these hundreds of monks at all.

However, these hundreds of horses were weak and fell to the ground.

Hundreds of Black Cult monks didn't even stop, half running and half flying towards the front of the chariot. At this moment, a violent explosion suddenly occurred on the ground beneath their feet.

The explosion without warning not only caused a large cloud of smoke, but also countless tiny poisonous needles, covering the entire space. There were screams, and only a dozen golden elixirs were lucky enough to escape the thunder array.

After rushing to a distance of a hundred meters in front of the chariot, the remaining hundreds of foundation-building monks were all lying on the ground.

Suddenly, these dozen golden elixirs suddenly felt a sharp pain in their heads, as if their souls had been stung by something. Their bodies immediately slowed down, and then they felt that their limbs were restrained. Let alone run forward, they could only run back.

I couldn't even run. At this moment, the iron house in front of me burst into flames, and people opened fire.

First, the Netherworld Soul Eater attacked, making these dozen golden elixirs temporarily unable to cast spells. Then the divine servant entangled their bodies, and finally shot them with artillery at close range. No trace of spell casting could be seen outside. Qin Yu did this,

He just wanted to trap these monks to death silently.

A golden elixir monk who has not undergone advanced body refining will definitely die if he is bombarded by artillery at such a close range. Unless you have strong defensive spells, you have to cast them in time. However, after being soul-killed by Netherworld, these dozen golden elixir monks will definitely die.

Dan couldn't cast spells at all, so unfortunately, after a burst of artillery fire, they were all reduced to rubble.

The eyes of Mr. Zhao from the Black Sect in the distance were astounded. How could this be possible? A dozen golden elixirs and hundreds of foundation-building monks were wiped out by bombs and artillery fire. What was going on?

Not to mention that the chief elder of the Black Sect was dumbfounded, the leader who led the team was even more stunned. How could these more than a thousand black iron houses be so domineering? Just now, that was the bottomless warlock of the Black Sect, and he was also so affected by the iron house.

Ruined? How can we fight this battle?

At this moment, the rumble of horse hooves suddenly came from the Holy Cult's military camp. Tens of thousands of heavy cavalry wearing silver armor slowly ran out from the military camp in a wild goose formation, forming a circle on both sides of the chariot formation.

With the force of the pinch, a huge snow-colored bird rose into the sky and flew directly to the top of Luo Hujun's head. In an instant, countless bombs poured down.

The Luohu Army's camp of hundreds of thousands was quite large and could not be covered by Snow Phoenix bombs at all. However, as the bombs fell, the thousand weird tanks floated on the ground and quickly pressed towards the opposite side. At the same time, the two wings

Heavy cavalrymen carrying silver spears more than ten feet long also surrounded him from both sides.

There was a flower in the middle of the huge explosion, and the poisonous mist that floated up was dispersed by the wind. Immediately, countless cavalry and horses fell in pieces. The great protector and the great commander of the Black Sect were so frightened that they quickly blew the horn to withdraw.

In fact, there is no need to brag, the rear army has already started to run towards Chiyang Mountain, but at this moment, countless troops rushed out from the direction of Chiyang Mountain. It turned out to be the cavalry and Black Sect monks from Yunlan County, but they were not here.

The one who rushed to help was chased by countless star beasts from Chiyang Mountain all the way here.

As soon as Yunlan County's 60,000 cavalrymen and more than 10,000 Black Sect monks arrived at Chiyang Mountain, they were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of star beasts, cutting off their way back.

Although the star beast released by Qin Fu is not stronger than the golden elixir monks, it is thick-skinned and thick-skinned. Even the spells released by the black sect's golden elixir can hardly break the star beast's defense, and the star beast's attacks are not restricted by the five elements.

, the fire-breathing, poison-breathing ice-blade wind knife all had their own attacks, and they crippled Yunlan's army in one go.

Yun Lan's army originally had nearly 80,000 troops. Less than half of them escaped from the siege of Wanjia Town, and the rest went into the belly of the star beast. Unexpectedly, as soon as they left Chiyang Mountain, they followed the Luohu cavalry who fled back.

After a collision, the two formations were immediately disrupted. The soldiers could not find the generals, and the generals could not find the soldiers. They did not know which way to run.

At this time, countless undead legions surged up from both wings, with more than 200,000 in total, directly sealing the two wings. The defeated armies of Luohu and Yunlan were left with only two roads to go, Wanjia Town and Chiyang Mountain.

Snow Phoenix kept dropping bombs on top of the enemy's heads. Every batch of bombs dropped could take away thousands of lives. There was a wave of beasts in front of them, and they were chasing after them. There were countless weird warriors on both sides to block them. Nearly twenty

The army of tens of thousands of vehicles was suddenly in a desperate situation.

The weapons of the undead army were made of spar, and the rays they fired were far farther than the giant crossbows and were instantly killed. After the Che Yue army tried it several times, they no longer dared to touch the armies on the two wings. They saw this kind of attack continuously.

I have never seen it before. Seeing that the Golden Core Foundation-Building monks of the Black Sect were directly turned into ashes by a row of light, ordinary cavalry did not dare to go and die.

The heavy armored cavalry and chariots advanced slowly, constantly harvesting lives. The beast tide behind them had been controlled. They killed many times more enemies than the Guardian Legion. In the blink of an eye, the number of the chariot-Vietnam coalition was reduced by half, and they were directly destroyed.


Among the tens of thousands of monks in the Black Sect, almost all of the Golden Core Foundation Builders died because they rushed out. Only a few Golden Cores were left with the great elder, and the leaders of the two counties had already surrendered.

the meaning of.

They don't know Zhang Cong very well. Zhang Cong will never accept a prisoner. What he wants is the people and the territory. He will never leave any Cheyue Kingdom soldiers and black sect monks as long as they fight against the holy sect.

, so at this time countless Netherworld armies have already begun to attack.

The combat drill of the Protector Corps has ended, and Zhang Cong is not willing to waste time. Xiaohua has already flown over Wanji Town with the Snow Phoenix, and hundreds of thousands of ice spirits have flown into Wanji Town to collect Guan Gu's life.

As soon as the Nether Tribe joined the war, the battle ended quickly. There were only tens of thousands of war horses left on the battlefield, and all the remaining corpses were eaten by the star beasts. Qin Fu commanded the beast tide and went to Wanjia Town to clean up the battlefield. Those corpses

No one wanted to bury it, so it just happened to be eaten by all the star beasts, so there was no need to clean it up.

When Zhang Cong and Qin Yu returned to Wanjia Town with an army and nearly 100,000 horses, there were no dead bodies in the city. It was just the smell that filled the city that made it impossible to enter the city. Zhang Cong and the other two led their troops directly to

As they advance towards Hengshan City, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the Black Sect and Cheyue Kingdom to organize an effective attack within a short period of time.

This chapter has been completed!
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