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516: All-out attack

Judging from the traces of the factory, the retreat was in a hurry. There was still molten iron in many iron-making ovens, and the fires were not even extinguished. Please quickly ask the orcs to release the special water to extinguish the fires. At the same time,

After placing all the giant beasts for garrison outside the city, he and Zhang Cong and others entered the city and came to the city lord's mansion.

"It seems that the Tiandu Kingdom's religious group and the three resentful spirit clans are going to run away. We are really naive and let them run away so quickly. It doesn't matter if they run away, but if the resources are taken away, we will suffer a big loss.

Let's not hide it this time. Since everything has been made clear, we will immediately send the Netherworld Army to various important mines and treasuries in major cities. No matter where the opponent comes from, they must first occupy the important positions.

The Wraith Spirit Tribe and the monks of the Order have no advantage against the Netherworld Tribe and the Ice Spirit. As long as the mines and important warehouses are frozen, the Order will have no choice but to suffer a loss. If we don't run away, we will massacre the city."

On the huge map, there are more than thirty mines and important cities that are still occupied by the Tiandu Kingdom. More importantly, there are the research institutes and treasury of the royal city. Zhang Cong didn't have time to wait for Qin Fu, so he called the Five Saints in and immediately allocated them.

The target of the attack.

Among the more than thirty key areas, there are fifteen mines, and the rest are cities. The royal city is the most dangerous and difficult to attack. After a final discussion, it was decided to let Xiaohua and Zhang Cong take 500,000 Nether and 500,000 Nether.

One hundred thousand ice spirits passed by and directly occupied the palace and the religious order.

Qin Yu led Iron Monkey to bomb cities one after another. After the bombing was completed, the Behemoth Corps behind them would clean up the city. She then went on to bomb the next city.

The five saints in those mines each brought one hundred thousand Netherworld and One Hundred Thousand Ice Spirits, and allocated three mines to each person. They directly sealed the mines. After sealing the mines, some Netherworld warriors were left to guard them, and they immediately launched attacks on surrounding cities.

What Zhang Cong means by doing this is to spread flowers all over the Tiandu Kingdom, making it difficult for the armies of the three tribes to defend themselves. Whether it is the army or the monks of the religious order, they can kill as many as they can, but the resources cannot allow them to go out.

Good luck.

In less than half an hour, the giant beast regiment outside the city had already begun to move forward. Qin Yu had already flown to Tianxing City, while Xiaohua and Zhang Cong took the Snow Phoenix and headed straight for Tiandu City. Where was the highlight?

The most dangerous place.

At this time, chaos has begun in Tiandu City. Countless huge spaceships have taken off and are flying to Luogang Continent. Along with the spaceships are the Tiandu royal family and many monks from the religious orders. Of course, Gold

Bai Yin also pretended not to be shy, and Wang Cheng had already started to evacuate first.

Tianfa City was abandoned. Xin La had no time to blame Xin Kui. Instead, the note had already told the defenders to quickly retreat to Luogang Continent. With this secret order, almost all cities and important mines began to retreat. Tiandu Kingdom

It suddenly became a mess.

As soon as Zhang Cong and the others flew over Tiandu City, they saw a dozen spaceships flying south. Zhang Cong released Netherworld without hesitation. In just a few breaths, the dozen or so spaceships fell from the sky.

Then it was frozen into lumps of ice.

There was no time to speak anymore, Xiaohua rode the snow phoenix directly to the palace and dropped a large number of bombs from the sky.

Zhang Cong ran to the branch of the cult and dropped dozens of explosive bombs over the huge black palace. Then he rode Xiao Jin and began to drop bombs all over the city. All the Nether Clan and nearly a hundred people in the Behemoth Wasteland

All the star beasts were released by him and began to massacre the city.

Zhang Cong himself flew above the dozen or so spaceships, first took them into the small world, and then returned to Tiandu City again, standing in the air waiting for the masters of the cult to attack.

Star beasts and ghosts cannot kill the monks of the religious order in the Supreme Realm, especially there should be genuine masters in this branch. However, what puzzles Zhang Cong is that Zhang Congming is riding Xiaojin, hovering over Tiandu City.

After watching for a long time, no monk came over, which made Zhang Cong feel surprised.

What he didn't know was that just before the dozen or so spaceships, the senior monks and royal family members of the religious sect had already arrived at Luogang Continent in the first wave of spaceships. A little later, the dozen or so spaceships loaded with treasures also arrived at Luogang Continent.

If you run too far, the losses will be huge.

Soon Xiaohua flew up from the palace and shouted angrily: "All the valuable gold and jewelry in the vault are gone, so I collected some silver. It seems we are a step too late."

Zhang Cong sighed: "No one would have thought that the Order could run so fast. The dozens of spaceships we got down should not be full of people. If there were senior monks, they would have flown out long ago, and they might all be supplies.

The royal city has no value anymore, let’s go to the next city.”

After saying this, Zhang Cong and Xiaohua flew toward the nearest Tianjie City at low altitude and launched the next round of bombing.

The entire Tiandu Kingdom is full of people. The army and the people of the Wraith Tribe are fleeing to Luogang Continent. The overwhelming tide of beasts is pouring from the direction of Tianxing City to the whole country. No army is resisting, and all the armies are fleeing.

, but the giant beast rarely attacks ordinary people, only attacks the army.

In less than two days, all the major cities in the Tiandu Kingdom were captured, and more than a dozen important mines were sealed by ice spirits. Qin Fu, who was behind, had already brought tens of millions of craftsmen and civilians from the Southern Wilderness with her.

and the army began to clear out the garrisons city by city.

Hong Yan's plan is to migrate most of the people in the Southern Wilderness to the resource-rich Tianlun Continent and establish a huge empire spanning the two continents.

Zhang Cong led the Five Saints and stationed themselves at the border of Luogang Continent. With them were more than 10 million undead soldiers, millions of Nether Tribes, and millions of iron monkeys.

Zhang Cong would let all the people in Tiandu go, but if the army did not surrender, they would all be annihilated immediately. What Zhang Cong didn't expect was that in a few days, Zhang Cong had gathered tens of millions of surrendered troops, most of whom

They were all ordinary soldiers from the Wraith Clan, and a small number of soldiers from the Mu Clan.

Most of the soldiers of the Xin and Yan tribes have long since fled, and the large troops of the Mu tribe have also fled to the Luogang continent. These tens of millions of soldiers have been used as cannon fodder by the religious sect and stayed to stop the holy sect.

Yes, the opinion was over, so they all put down their weapons.

The border between Luogang Continent and Tianlun Continent is thousands of kilometers long, but there are not many places where you can actually cross the border. They are all blocked by the Five Saints and their immortal soldiers. In the past few days,

There were no less than 100,000 members of the religious sect who lived here, and they were all devoured by the star beasts.

Qin Fu's speed was also very fast. More than a dozen cities were quickly occupied by the Southern Wilderness army. At the same time, a large number of Holy Cult monks led the Southern Wilderness people into the villages and towns, repairing houses and restoring farmland. Except for the slow progress of the mines, the remaining urban and rural areas were basically

Order was restored.

Hundreds of millions of people were blocked at the border. Many poor and resentful people returned to their hometowns after being dissuaded by the holy monks on the border. Only a few people from the three tribes insisted on crossing the border. The defenders at the border

He didn't make it difficult for them and let them pass.

Tens of millions of Tiandu's poor troops were brought back to the royal city by the monks of the Holy Cult for repairs, and then were assigned to various temples for baptism. After being baptized by the Holy Light, the people of the Resentful Spirit Tribe could slowly adapt to the spiritual energy.

environment, he will soon be able to start living a normal life like the people of Southern Wilderness.

The fifteen spaceships intercepted by Zhang Cong were indeed filled with massive amounts of gold and precious metals. As for the treasuries in various state capitals, due to the timely raids by the Holy Cult, the losses were not great. Zhang Cong asked Hong Yan to come over and use half a month to

The territory of Tiandu was almost smoothed, agricultural and industrial production basically resumed, commercial shops were opened, and currency conversion was completed. A super empire spanning two continents entered a new era.

Two-thirds of the human army and temple monks in the entire southern wasteland have gathered in Tianlun Continent. Holy temples have been built in every city and town. The resurgence of spiritual energy has broken through the border and invaded more than a thousand people in Luogang Continent.


The formed Lingpan Zone became a natural barrier for the Longyao Empire. The defenders of Luogang Continent retreated to the Xiepan Zone and did not counterattack the Longyao Empire. For the time being, they were in peace.

However, Zhang Cong did not think that the cult would give in so easily. At this time, he was in Tianfa City, studying the fifteen huge spaceships that had been captured.

The spaceships built by the cult are very low-level and cannot fly out of the atmosphere of Tianya Star. They can only be regarded as ground-effect aircraft. The attack weapons are still evil light cannons and bombs, but they can fly to a height of 10,000 meters and at a speed of 10,000 meters.

Much faster than flying wings.

However, this kind of thing is far from the technological level that Zhang Cong needs. The mirage ship in their bodies still cannot be unsealed. Xiaohua and Qin Fu's immature craftsman starships are still unable to fly when they use them as fortresses.

"Mr. Sir, it seems that we really need to let the cult develop. This spaceship must at least be able to fly out of the atmosphere, so that our starship can unlock the technological seal. But when will this take place? Xiaohua asked depressedly.

Zhang Cong shook his head: "This kind of thing is not a big threat to us. Now that the war has escalated, we can naturally use star beasts and iron monkeys to fight, and even use Nether Warriors. If we don't force them, the technology of the cult will not progress. However,

The emergence of this kind of aircraft will make it possible to transport troops over long distances, so we have to take precautions. The future flying corps needs to be strengthened."

Qin Fu looked at the huge map on the wall and said: "According to the locations of the ancestral lands mentioned by the prisoners of the three tribes, there are still nearly ten ancestral lands of the Resentful Spirit Clan that have not been destroyed by us. It is said that the Mu Clan has moved five of its ancestral lands.

All the evil sources of life have been brought to Luogang Continent, but the ancestral lands of the Xin and Yan tribes are still there, so we have to hurry up and take out the evil sources."

Qin Yu nodded: "Now that Tianlun Continent is basically on the right track, the border is guarded by the Five Saints with an army of star beasts, Netherworld warriors and undead legions, so there is no need to worry.

I have asked Yu Heihu to take 10 million orcs there, and prepare to bring out tens of millions of stone giants to build a huge stone wall directly on the border. In the future, if Luogang Continent wants to counterattack, unless it passes through the sky, there are very few people on the land.


Now we go to seize the source of evil in the ancestral land of the Wraith Spirit Clan, so as to avoid long nights and endless dreams."

After speaking, Qin Yu stood up, and the four of them left the royal city directly and flew towards the Jinling Mountains.

This chapter has been completed!
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