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576: Three seedlings breaking wind beads

The next scene made Zhang Cong and other holy monks feel horrified. The huge head not only bit off a piece of the wind ball that caught the sky, but also swallowed countless black monks floating in the air into its mouth.

, the thing summoned by this flag is basically indifferent between friend and foe and will swallow everything.

Zhang Cong was extremely fast and immediately took all the Holy Cult monks behind him into the Divine Mansion. Standing under the Mietian Mountains, only the four of Zhang Cong and fifteen ancient gods filled with murderous intent were left.

The terrifying hurricane caused by the Fixed Wind Bead was not that easy to break. Although the huge head kept tearing open a hole in the wind ball, it would soon be blocked by dark clouds. However, the Black Sect monks trapped in the hurricane had already been

That head swallowed a lot.

"That's the Sanmiao Flag of Moyuan, the magic weapon of Gu Yang, who was originally the Six Spirit General. How come it appears here?"

Xiao Ran's voice suddenly came out, and Zhang Cong quickly asked: "Senior Xiao, are these three seedling flags very powerful? Why do even the monks of the Black Sect eat them?"

"There is the evil spirit of Taotie in the Sanmiao Banner. This evil spirit has a head, and he eats everything. He doesn't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy at all. It is because of this demonic abyss that Taotie was sealed into the Sanmiao Banner and asked Gu Yang to bring out the evil spirit.

Abyss, this ferocious beast devoured countless monsters in the Demonic Abyss, so even the Demonic Abyss dug it up.

Later, Gu Yang followed Wu Tian with the Sanmiao Banner to fight everywhere, devouring countless creatures, and was finally bitten by the demon flag and lost his body. I didn't expect that this flag would appear in Mietian Peak."

Xiao Ran's explanation made Zhang Cong feel speechless. Such a ferocious beast could appear in the Demonic Abyss. In the end, even its owner ate it. It seemed that Saturn was really driven crazy by his Wind-fixing Pearl, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive at all.

I will not sacrifice the dangerous thing called Sanmiao Banner.

However, as soon as this glutton came out, it really suppressed the terrifying hurricane a lot. As it continued to tear, the hurricane became weaker and weaker. Saturn and other senior monks of the Black Sect finally gained a firm foothold, but they were

Of the millions of Black Cult monks trapped in the wind ball, more than half were lost. There are now less than a million who can persist in the wind ball and avoid being devoured by gluttons.

Saturn was about to cry without tears. He saw that the monks under him were either torn into pieces by the hurricane or devoured by gluttonous food. His hatred for Zhang Cong and others had reached the extreme. But now, although the hurricane has weakened, it has not disappeared.

It was because Taotie had devoured a large amount of wind elements. Ma commanded the Sanmiao flag to be put away. The storm was likely to rage again, so Saturn was now in a dilemma.

Saturn is the supreme elder of the Black Sect, and his status is higher than that of the chief rudder, Satura. This time the Black Sect was overthrown by the Holy Cult, and the rudder Satura was directly dismissed from his post by Wutian Palace. All the members of the Black Sect

Everything was handed over to the Supreme Elder Saturn.

Saturn was also full of confidence and prepared to lead the Black Sect's monks to fight a bloody battle with the Holy Sect in the Mietian Mountains. However, he lost his troops in a single encounter. This was something he never expected.

Saturn is not a creature from this Heavenless Territory. He comes from outside the territory. Naturally, he knows the Dingfeng Bead. He was forced to sacrifice the Three Miao Banners that hurt others and himself because he had no other means to curb Dingfeng.

Pearl, that’s why I came up with this bad idea.

However, Zhang Cong was not having a good time at this time. He did not expect that Taotie would eat everything. At this time, the wind source in the Dingfeng Pearl had been swallowed up by Taotie. If he continued to forcefully activate the Fengfeng Pearl, the wind source would

Lose more.

Moreover, most of the monks of the Black Sect have been trapped to death. The task has been completed. There is no need to consume the wind source to resist this gluttonous evil spirit. There are only a dozen people on my side outside. Once the Wind-fixing Pearl is recovered,

The Taotie should attack the numerous Black Sect monks, which is what Zhang Cong wants to see.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cong suddenly put away the Wind-Fixing Bead. The hurricane that had accumulated so much energy immediately disappeared, and his gluttonous mouth immediately rushed to swallow the countless Black Sect monks on the ground.

Saturn screamed in fright and quickly waved the Sanmiao flag, but the Taotie obviously didn't buy it very much. After eating tens of thousands of Black Sect monks, he was sucked into the flag by the Sanmiao flag. At this time, he was standing on the mountain.

There are only over 700,000 Black Sect monks.

The black sect monks standing on Mietian Peak were all above the Supreme Realm, and they were all genuine ten thousand-year-old monsters. None of them were parallel imports with superficial appearance. At this time, they saw that the hurricane had already

Stop, that terrifying giant has also disappeared, and now everyone is fixating their eyes on Zhang Cong and the others at the bottom of the mountain.

Zhang Cong and the others were only nineteen people, and there were more than 700,000 remaining Black Sect monks. Saturn didn't even say a word. The Black Sect monks, who were like dark clouds, screamed and rushed down the mountain. They all rushed down.

Knowing that the terrifying hurricane was caused by the boy in white, the monks of the black sect ate up Zhang Cong's heart.

Zhang Cong laughed heartily and released countless Netherworlds and Ice Spirits. Then Qin Yu and the others also released Netherworlds and Ice Spirits. The Black Sect monks who rushed down the mountain suddenly screamed and were not only frozen all over.

They were all covered with white frost, and many of them were holding their heads and howling.

At this time, seven huge divine beasts suddenly appeared in the group of Black Sect monks. Especially the giant scythe, evil phoenix and candle dragon were as big as mountains. When they appeared, they directly overwhelmed a large number of monks and then began to devour them.

The seven divine beasts had almost no difficulty in devouring the supreme monks, especially the monks who were attacked by the Netherworld and the Ice Spirit. They had almost no ability to resist and were eaten directly.

At this time, Lu Zhuo roared loudly, and struck out a terrifying sword gang first, which struck directly from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain. Wherever the sword gang passed, countless Black Sect monks became the dead souls under the sword. Of course, it is unspeakable.

The monk's sword can't kill him.

As Lu Zhuo took action, the remaining fourteen ancient gods also drew their swords and began to attack. Only Zhang Cong and the four of them stared at the mountain. There was a large group of Black Sect monks there who did not come down the mountain at all. The number was high enough.

The vast majority of nearly ten thousand people are unspeakably terrifying monks.

Zhang Cong's heart moved. He understood why the senior monks of the Black Sect did not go down the mountain. They wanted to lure them up the mountain. Zhang Cong felt that there was something wrong with the mountain.

Lu Zhuo and others and several divine beasts did not rush up the mountain. They only resisted the black monks rushing down from the bottom of the mountain. In the blink of an eye, fifteen people and several divine beasts were surrounded by densely packed black monks, using various spells.

Attacks were directed at them. It didn't matter that the beasts had rough skin and thick flesh. Although Lu Zhuo and the others were able to refine their bodies, their clothes were riddled with holes and they looked very embarrassed.

Soon Lu Zhuo and others also sacrificed the divine beasts and magic weapons, but this only expanded the space around them. Counting the divine beasts, there were only a few dozen people, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Black Sect monks, and they were no different than a drop in the ocean.


However, Lu Zhuo's attack, coupled with the assistance of Ice Spirit and Netherworld, killed hundreds of thousands of Black Cult monks in a short time. Although Saturn was in pain, he still looked at the scene below coldly.

There is no intention of sending senior elders to fight.

At this moment, Zhang Cong released Li Yu and others from the divine palace. As soon as more than a thousand supreme monks from the human race came out, they immediately formed several sword formations and ran directly into the group of monks from the Black Sect.

, the scene immediately changed.

The power of the sword array is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Every time a group attack breaks out from the seven-star sword array, it can kill hundreds of black sect monks. Soon, the crowd surrounding Lu Zhuo and others will be overwhelmed by the sword array.

After the collision, the Black Sect monk camp, which was originally huddled together, gradually began to retreat toward the mountain. This was not what Zhang Cong wanted to see.

Zhang Cong immediately issued an order for all the Holy Cult camps to retreat and stay away from the Mietian Mountains. Sure enough, as soon as Lu Zhuo and the others retreated, the Black Cult monks immediately pounced on them.

At this time, there were probably more than 400,000 black sect monks who were besieging Lu Zhuo and the others. However, nine of Lu Zhuo's divine beasts had died, and the rest were all in trouble and were collected by their masters.

On the surface, it seems that the Holy Religion can no longer hold on.

Lu Zhuo and others followed Zhang Cong's instructions and retreated again and again, seemingly unable to resist. At this time, the Black Sect monks on the opposite side became more and more courageous as they fought. They were already four or five miles away from the Mietian Mountains. At this time, Qin

Yu and Xiaohua suddenly moved.

The two flew directly over the heads of the Black Sect monks and landed at the bottom of the Mietian Mountains. They took the Black Sect monks' escape route. Then a huge black tower was thrown directly into the dark group of monks, and there was a sudden wave.

Dazzling golden light erupted directly among the Black Sect monks.

The holy light baptism emitted from the pagoda covered a huge area, and tens of thousands of Black Sect monks screamed in agony after being covered by the holy light.

The Holy Light is one of the most effective means to fight against the evil grievances of the Black Sect. The Black Sect monks shrouded in the Holy Light feel like there are knives in their bodies that are constantly scraping away at the bones and cramping. Even the supreme monks cannot bear the pain.


Then the Seven Treasure Tree in Xiao Hua's hand lit up, and the Black Cult monks, who were suddenly covered in white holy light, were sucked directly into the Nirvana space by the Seven Treasure Tree like weeds. What awaited them would be the fate of Nirvana.

Qin Yu also sacrificed the smoke urn and the fire-eating bees. The dark cloud-like fire-eating bees buzzed towards the black sect monks. Immediately, there were screams, and more black sect monks fell.


At this time, Saturn, who was standing on the mountain, realized that something was wrong. The Holy Cult obviously wanted to kill all the Black Cult monks at the foot of the mountain, so he led them down the mountain, away from the senior monks on the mountain. Could it be the Holy Cult?

Have you noticed the secret of the Mietian Mountain Range?

After Qin Yu sacrificed the Yanluo Wen and Fire Eater Bee, he held the Demonic Fan in his hand and stared at the Black Sect boss on the mountain with a sinister look. He did not go up the mountain and did not attack the Black Sect monks behind him. He seemed to be waiting for the monks on the mountain.

When I got down, the overwhelming murderous aura made even the little flowers around me feel uncomfortable.

The Black Sect monks who were attacked from both sides finally woke up and started to run away, but it was already too late.

This chapter has been completed!
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