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604: The Evil Cave of the Awkward Temple

The temple opened very smoothly. Zhou Xun pushed it casually. After a squeaking sound, the two heavy metal doors were pushed open. The sunlight suddenly shone into the dark temple. Zhang Cong saw the temple at a glance.

There was a black statue of a god enshrined inside. It looked so weird that Zhang Cong didn't recognize it at all.

"May I ask, senior, what kind of deity is this statue?"

When Qin Yu asked, Zhou Xun suddenly showed an embarrassed look on his face: "Back to Qin Headmaster, I don't know what kind of god this is, because Wutian Palace has never worshiped this god at all since I came here.

The statue of the god is located in my Wutian Palace. It is just a place to obtain crystal stones. Other than that, it has no other meaning.

As for the secret of the Immortal Sealing Formation that may be hidden in that secret room, this is still a guess I have made after many years of observation, and it has not been confirmed."

At this time, Xiaodie suddenly said something in Zhang Cong's body: "It's normal that you don't know this god. This is the evil god Shida Tuo who governs space and reincarnation in the Nine Netherworld. He rarely appears in the sea of ​​​​stars, so he is rarely known.

Unexpectedly, a dojo was built here? I wonder what the people who built the temple meant?"

Neither Zhang Cong nor the others have heard of the evil god Shida Tuo that Xiaodie mentioned. Even Zhang Cong and the other four have never been to the Nine Netherlands, so they all looked at the weird statue in silence.

"You don't have to worry about this statue. The land of Jiuyou is at the edge of the universe and seals the most evil things. Therefore, things under Jiuyou basically cannot come out. The reason why I call it something is because Jiuyou

It is difficult to define the attributes of the creatures under the underworld, and they cannot be classified using current vocabulary.

The person who built the temple was able to create the statue of Buddha, and it is very likely that he had been in and out of the Nine Netherlands, and his strength should be far superior to yours. It seems that you should be more careful during this trip."

Zhang Cong and others looked at each other after listening to Xiaodie's words, and their faces became solemn. Xiaodie rarely spoke since arriving at Wuya Star. Every time he spoke, he spoke only when he encountered a crisis that was extremely difficult to handle. This

Just as they arrived at the entrance of the temple, Xiaodie had already made a sound. It seemed that the danger inside should be no less than that of Wuwu Formation Eye.

Zhou Xun could naturally hear Xiaodie's words, and the look on his face became more cautious: "Dragon Emperor, if there are really many dangers here, it is better to give up here. Now the empire has just been established, and everything is waiting to be done. If the Dragon Emperor appears,

If there is an accident, Zhou will be the sinner of the world."

Zhang Cong smiled and waved his hand: "Senior Zhou, don't be nervous. No matter how dangerous this place is, how dangerous is the Wuwang Formation? There are still three formations that have not been found. If there is really information about the Immortal Sealing Formation down here,

No matter how dangerous it is, I have to go down."

After speaking, Zhang Cong took the lead and walked away from this strange temple.

There was nothing in the temple except the statue. The ground was crowded with dust. It looked like no one had come in for a long time. I walked around behind the statue and pressed on a raised stone above the altar. There was a rattling sound.

With the sound, the entire statue moved to the side, and a dark hole appeared in front of everyone.

With the faint light, you can see a spiral staircase leading directly to the dark bottom of the cave. You can't see how deep the cave is with the naked eye.

Qin Fu's eyebrows flashed, and a small pink elf suddenly escaped from Qin Fu's body. With a wave of the staff in her hand, countless pink light groups immediately fell directly into the black hole, illuminating the entire black hole.

, Zhou Xun looked at the elf floating in the air in surprise. He did not expect that a flower demon responsible for lighting had a cultivation level of the Supreme Realm.

The pink flower demon flew down the cave first, flapping its wings in front. The cave purified by the flower demon was filled with a refreshing fragrance. Zhou Xun quickly climbed down the stairs, leading Zhang Cong and others down. Unexpectedly,

This spiral staircase alone took me down several hundred meters before I heard a spacious hall.

There were actually four passages in the hall, leading to different directions. Zhou Xun pointed at these four passages and said: "I only know what is in the passage I want to go to. The remaining three passages have also been explored by our monks from Wutian Palace.

, I can’t get through it at all.”

Qin Yu asked doubtfully: "What do you mean you can't pass? Is it blocked?"

Zhou Xun shook his head: "Of course it's not blocked. There is a huge deep trench in the middle. You can't fly there, and you can't see what is on the other side. It just feels unfathomable. There is also a passage that seems to be blocked.

There is an invisible wall that cannot be crossed no matter how you cast the spell.

In the remaining passage, there is a weird formation. No matter who enters, they will disappear inexplicably and never come back.

Only the passage where you can get the spar goes all the way to the end, and the secret room I'm talking about is at the bottom of that passage."

Zhang Cong looked at these passages and asked Zhou Xun to lead the way. He wanted to see the weird well and the secrets of the legendary secret room first.

Zhou Xun walked into the passage behind the stairs. The flower demon kept flying in front, illuminating the spacious passage very brightly. Zhang Cong looked around as he walked and saw many strange murals on the stone walls.

The content seems to be related to the evil god Shakti, because Zhang Cong saw the black evil god appearing in the mural many times.

The passage extended diagonally downward, and the five people walked for half an hour. Although there was a flower demon purifying the air, the coldness could not be purified. Zhang Cong felt as if he had entered the underworld.

Soon the front became spacious, and a large space became the end of the passage. A circular square was just below, and the pink flower demon stopped in the middle of the square.

This square is very strange. It is made of stones. The stones are formed into a circle and slope downward in circles from the outside to the inside. Finally, a funnel-like black hole is formed in the middle. The flower demon stops there.

On the edge of the black hole, people kept screaming softly, pointing into the black hole with the staff in their hands.

Zhang Cong and others carefully walked to the entrance of the black hole. The entrance was really like the mouth of a well, and the mouth of the well was not big, only more than one meter wide, but they didn't know how deep it was, even if the flower demon kept letting the well be released.

The light ball, but this well is very strange. The light ball will disappear immediately as soon as it is put in, as if it was eaten by something.

A lonely stone house was built on the edge of the original funnel. With its brackets and overhangs, it looked like a small temple. But the strange thing was that the entire four sides of the funnel were neatly built with stones. There were no any

The doors and windows are so empty that I can’t see what the purpose of this house is.

However, Zhang Cong's expression was extremely serious at this time, because not only Xiaodie was reminding him, but even Xiao Ran in white in Qinglian suddenly spoke up, telling him not to move anything, it was extremely dangerous here.

This chapter has been completed!
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