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622: See also blocking helmet

Zhang Cong directly told Huineng that just waiting for the news from his side, Snow Country can make an offensive posture, but don't actually attack yet, and Zhang Cong's preparations have been completed, and the first wave of three million drones

, and one million ghosts, have already set off, aiming directly at the Snowy Mountains.

It is still a test. Zhang Cong has no idea of ​​scorning the Xingxiu Formation Eyes. Xingxiu Tribulation, which can use the Chaos Original Stone, according to Xu'er, only has a trace of violent remnant soul left, and it is very powerful. The overall strength of the Snow Bear Clan is

How could Mogao Snow Mountain be taken down so easily when it suffered almost no damage, and also had the technological weapons of the black-armored orcs?

Zhang Cong doesn't know how many people there are in the Snow Bear tribe, but this kind of orc tribe is generally extremely large in number. The Snow Bear warriors and mages encountered in the first and second lines of defense are only of average level, and their physical attack and resistance are almost the same.

Catching up with the mythical beast is already terrifying. If the opponent really has tens of millions of tribesmen, it would be difficult for Zhang Cong and the others to cope with them even if they have technological weapons, not to mention the opponent also has crystal cannons to balance the spacecraft.

Saturation bombing cannot solve everything. Zhang Cong simply does not believe that the opponent does not have a spaceship. Moreover, as long as the Snow Bear tribe has a magic that can suppress the fire, the power of the holy religion's bombs will be greatly reduced. In the end, there will probably still be a divine battle.

In the past few days, except for Zhang Cong, all the monks from the Spirit Clan have been learning fire spells under the leadership of Qin Yu Xiaohua. Except for the Mu Clan who have some difficulties, the Xin Clan and Yan Clan have made rapid progress.

There was really no other way, so Qin Yu taught the Mu clan soul spells and formations, as well as the simple killing and trapping formations in Hua Ye's art, and asked the Mu clan to assist the Yan clan and Xin clan in attacking, and the effect was ideal.

Before the drone reached the Snowy Mountains, a blizzard began to blow on the mountain. For a time, the violent blood mist reached up to 10,000 meters, which immediately made the drone's bombs useless, and they were all swept away by the blizzard. When they arrived, they disappeared.

It was the Nether Tribe who successfully reached the snow-capped mountains. Not only did they start killing the orcs on the mountain, they also took a rough look at the deployment on the mountain.

The Mogao Snow Mountain is 10,000 meters long and stretches for thousands of miles. There are six or seven peaks. Facing the Holy Cult army is only Mocao Peak, the second highest peak of the Mogao Snow Mountain. Not only are there millions of snow bears on the mountain, but also

There are nearly ten million black-armored orc warriors, and it is reasonable to deploy them at the level of giant artillery positions.

Zhang Cong also discovered a fatal problem. Many Snow Bears had put on a kind of black helmet on their heads. It seemed to be to resist the soul-eating attack of the netherworld. It seemed to have some effect. This reminded Zhang Cong immediately.

The helmet used by Da Mo Tian when he fought against the Nether Clan is exactly the same. Could it be that Da Mo Tian’s demons are in the Evil Temple?

After he defeated the Nether Clan in the Great Demon Heaven, the soul-sealing helmet was not left to the Demon Clan. However, he could not guarantee that he would not lose any of them. However, Barty's technique was difficult to imitate, so the current helmet was

It's specious, it has some effects but it definitely doesn't achieve the effect of completely sealing the soul.

Those black-armored orcs do not have this kind of treatment, so the Nether Clan harvests a large number of the souls of the black-armored orcs, while the souls of the Snow Bear Berserker are harvested much more slowly.

There are many high-level snow bear mages on Mocao Peak. After wearing their helmets, even the supreme level Netherworld will not do much damage to them. At most, they can harass them to cast spells. This kind of blizzard that can cover the entire snow mountain is a snow bear.

The Master's work.

The bombs that were thrown were blown away by the blizzard, and the height of the blizzard had reached 10,000 meters. If there was no line of sight, the chance of hitting the target was very low if the dive was carried out, so Zhang Cong directly let the spacecraft return, leaving only Netherworld.

The clan is wreaking havoc on Mocao Peak, and at least until now, Zhang Cong has not found any way for the Snow Bear clan to harm the Netherworld clan.

Zhang Cong looked at the Moxi Peak on the crystal screen and remained silent. In this case, he could only send out monks to join the battle. Even if all the Nether Tribes and Ice Spirits were released, the most they could do was kill the black-armored warriors.

Paralyzing the opponent's spar cannon position, but the Nether Clan is difficult to kill the Snow Bear Clan wearing blocking helmets, but I don't know what the effect will be after the Ice Spirit comes on stage. After all, the opponent's Snow Bear is also a creature from the alpine region.

Zhang Cong divided the tens of millions of undead underworld troops into more than a dozen parts. Not only did the four of Zhang Cong's divine palaces contain two million, but the remaining few million were left to the leaders of the Spirit Clan and some of the first Arhats.

The number of berserkers on the other side is too large. The sudden appearance of these undead armies equipped with high-energy crystal guns will be a nightmare for the berserkers.

Assigned to the Eldar and Arhats, there are also flying evil beasts with spar guns. After testing, the iron monkey and flying evil beasts can fully adapt to the high cold here. The iron monkey is too small and is not suitable for using the spar gun.

Di gave the lightsaber equipment to Iron Monkey, and the flying evil beast can directly operate the crystal gun. There are too many of these two creatures. Zhang Cong divided tens of millions between the Spirit Tribe and Arhat.

It is the main combat force in overcoming difficulties.

Whether they are spirits or arhats, they can lead their teams to hide in the divine palace. There is another discovery on the snow mountain that makes Mu Qinghe excited. There are actually low coniferous plants on it. Once the fountain of life can be used, the entire

The combat power of the Holy Cult will be greatly improved. Even the Iron Monkey and the Evil Beast are living beings, and are likely to be suitable for the Fountain of Life.

Except for Mu Qinghe, even Mu Wantong couldn't learn the skill of the fountain of life. However, Qin Fu asked Mu Qinghe for a long time and finally nodded with a smile. She didn't know if she understood. Mu Qinghe

The conclusion is that Qin Fu has more effective methods than hers, but they can't be used on this law-destroying planet.

The blizzard on Mocao Peak has disappeared. On Mocao Peak, as seen through the monitor, countless black-armored warriors have been half-buried in the snow, and there are still many snow bears struggling and roaring.

Obviously, if the cultivation level is not higher than that of the Heavenly Supreme, even if they wear a blocking helmet, the Nether Clan will still cause huge damage to the opponent's soul, and can even torture to death. The many Snow Bear Clan berserkers on the ground are an example. After all, they are better than the Heavenly Sovereign.

The supreme cultivation level is already in the minority among monks of any race.

However, Zhang Cong discovered a problem. Almost none of the Snow Bear mage died, which proves that the cultivation level of the mage almost exceeds that of Tian Zhizun. However, there is almost no shadow of the mage on the entire snow mountain. He does not know where he is hiding.


Zhang Cong has installed five million drones directly into his divine palace this time. He will personally lead the attack on Moshao Peak this time. With the Wind-fixing Pearl in hand, the opponent's Blizzard skills of the mage are completely useless. He can completely

There was no wind on the entire snow-capped mountain.

When the drones are suddenly sent out, Moshao Peak should be captured quickly, unless the opponent suddenly sends out a large number of high-fighting snow bears.

This chapter has been completed!
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