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759: Boiled frog in warm water

The effect of the high-explosive bomb was beyond Zhang Cong's expectation. It was so powerful. Now what Zhang Cong, Batty and others need to do is to increase the range of the missile and see if they can make improvements.

Even the Eternal Monk could not resist the sonic attack caused by Qin Yu's Xiaoluoyu Poison Monk. If he could produce a sonic weapon to wipe out the battle against the Great Demon Heaven, he would be more confident.

Barty specially studied the body structures of demons and humans, and actually created a sound wave for the demons. Although it would not kill the demons, it would make them extremely irritable, dizzy, or even shocked. This was used in aerial combat. , the effect would be extremely significant, Zhang Cong immediately installed this equipment on all starships and drones.

In seven days, Badi produced 20 million enhanced drones, and Zhang Cong sent human monks to send the six demon clansmen back to Longyao Sky, and asked Qin Wudi to place them in three unused drones. on the green star.

This time, the clan elders and generals of the six clans could really follow Zhang Cong in the war with confidence.

In the Wing Demon Palace of the Wing Demon Star, Zhang Cong looked at the dozens of eternal old demons sitting below and the thousands of demon generals and said: "I will not let you fight with the fellow demons. In that case, Even if you can take action, you will feel uncomfortable after all.

I estimate that after the war in the Great Demon Heaven reaches a stalemate, the Demon Palace and other forces from the Ten Thousand Stars Alliance will send troops to the Great Demon Heaven. At that time, you can fight against monsters or enemies from other races.

The demons are brave and good at fighting, and they are a race that is extremely suitable for fighting. The reason why you are where you are today is not because you are not strong, but because you have chosen the wrong path.

The purpose of the Star Alliance is not to benefit you demons, but to bring chaos to the sea of ​​​​stars and eliminate all races that disagree with them. You demons or monsters are just pawns in their hands.

The Demon Clan will most likely suffer annihilation as a result. You six races may be the only bloodline that the Demon Clan can have left in the future, so go ahead and cherish it.

Now that you six tribes have a home in the Three Realms for the time being, when the war comes to an end, I will treat the Corpse Clan and the Nether Clan the same way, and help you six tribes find a suitable star field to thrive."

The elders of the six major demon clans nodded frequently, and then Qin Lan suddenly said: "Ms. sir, the fleets that the demon clan came to help have now withdrawn. Should we repair the protective shield of this winged demon star? First, take this Use the Demon Star as a base to plot against the Great Demon Sky?"

Zhang Cong nodded, released hundreds of goblins and ghost vehicles, and followed Qin Lan to repair the protective shield.

Zhang Cong estimated that hundreds of eternal cultivators died in the demon clan, and Qian Mo Mountain must have noticed that although Blackbeard was not dead, he had been captured by him. It seems that Qian Mo Mountain should replace the executive chairman with Da Mo Tian, ​​so those demons The fleet of the clan hurriedly rushed back to their own planet. The greater the loss at this time, the fewer trump cards that can be used, and the lighter the weight when competing for the rotating chairmanship.

Feilun sighed: "It has come to this, and all the tribes in the Demon Realm actually abandoned their powerful enemies and went back to compete for the rotating chairman for such useless rights. It is no wonder that the Demon Realm is declining day by day."

Qin Yu looked at the depressed Feilun and asked: "Is it possible that the Great Demon Heaven will elect a pacifist like Feila this time? In that case, you, the Great Demon Heaven, may still escape disaster. "

Feilun shook his head: "There are a total of twenty-one races in the Great Demonic Heaven. The only ones who truly advocate peaceful coexistence with outsiders are our six dove faction races. Among the remaining fifteen races, several are just wallflowers. Which side?

Whichever side you have more power, you will lean towards it, and the rest are all die-hard minions of the Demon Palace, complete lunatics.

However, this is only limited to the upper echelons of the Demon Clan. For ordinary Demon Clan people, no one wants to fight. The Demon Clan garrison that withdrew from the Three Realms of Chaos last time has plundered the resources of the Demon Clan for hundreds of years for the Great Demon Heaven.

They made a huge contribution to the Great Demon Heaven, but the result of their return was seen by the Dragon Emperor himself.

They used Qian Mo Shan as cannon fodder and wasted it on the battlefield with the Nether Clan at will. They didn't even send out support. They just wanted to use the Nether Clan's help to eliminate a large number of excess population. That is to say, in the eyes of Qian Mo Shan

Useless garbage.

But these are all members of the Demon Clan, including members of my Blood Demon Clan. The common people are all seeing this, and their resistance to the higher-ups of the Great Demon Clan will naturally arise.

Now that our six great clans have collectively rebelled against the Great Demon Heaven, it should have had a huge repercussions in the Demon Realm. This time, Black Beard and other hundreds of Eternal Monks have broken their halberd-winged Demon Stars. It is very likely that there will be many incidents at the Demon Clan Conference in Thousand Demon Mountains.

The same sound.

As far as I know, there are also differences on Thousand Demon Mountain. Our six tribes all have ancestors serving on Thousand Demon Mountain. Although we can’t decide anything, it should be okay to speak out. At least it won’t make the entire Great Demon Heaven want to fight to the death.


Zhang Cong has been meditating. The Demon Clan Conference is coming soon. All the tribes in the Great Demon Sky are now striving for their rotation, and all external defenses have been abandoned. At this time, it is the best time to attack the Great Demon Sky.

However, it is also possible that taking action at this time will make the demons share the same hatred and unite them more, so Zhang Cong has been thinking about the actions of the human alliance.

Qin Yu looked at Zhang Cong: "Are you wondering whether to attack now?"

Zhang Cong nodded, and Qin Yu said with a smile: "The Great Demon Heaven is not the Wutian Star Territory, and the resistance of the demons will be extremely tenacious, so it is impossible to end the battle in a short time.

So there is no difference between fighting early and fighting late. This time the Great Demon Sky re-elects the rotating chairman, there should be some changes. There may be some gaps between the various races. Especially this time the six major demons have rebelled against the Great Demon Sky. There should be some changes for the remaining demons.

The racial irritation under the situation is not small, so we might as well wait and see what happens."

Qin Yu's words could be heard by the surrounding demon clan elders, and they couldn't help but secretly praise Zhang Cong for Qin Yu's thoughtfulness. If it were the demon clan's army, they would definitely attack with all their strength while the dragons in the Great Demon Sky were leaderless, and these two young human leaders

, can indeed resist the temptation and analyze the situation calmly. This calmness cannot be compared to the commander of the demon clan.

Xiao Ran looked at the star map of the Great Demon Sky and said: "I will go out and bring a mirage ship and a large number of world-destroying bombs. I will go to arrange some space formations between the planets of the Great Demon Sky.

Now all the starships and armies should have returned to their own planets. I took this opportunity to block the space channel. When we attack, the mutual coordination between the demon stars will be restricted by the trick formation. As long as there are a few

If the fleet of a planet is destroyed, they may not dare to run around anymore."

This chapter has been completed!
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