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764: Regret

Following the Red Fox, Tiger Demon Black Stone and other star domain fleets also ran into the thunder array. The huge fleet from the Ranma Star Domain joined forces with the Hound Tooth Fleet and was the first to advance in again, approaching the Great Demon Sky.

inner circle.

The huge fleets of Ranma and Fang, the two major star domain warriors, have 40 million starships. It is estimated that the total number of troops carried on the starships, not to mention the crew, has reached several billion. Zhang Cong does not know that these two

How powerful is this star field? It actually dispatched so many starships and troops, which really scared Zhang Cong.

According to their route estimation, it seems that a fleet from the Great Star Region is going to dock at the Troll Star. And just around the Troll Star, Xiao Ran has laid out several large mine formations, waiting for his opponents to get into them.

The Great Demon Sky has blossomed in all directions. A total of nine star regions have come to help. The total number of starships has exceeded 100 million. The number of starships rushing to the aid of the smallest star region has reached millions. However, after breaking into the inner circle, the nine star regions

The number of starships they brought was almost half lost, and three star regions immediately withdrew their troops because almost all the starships they brought were blown up.

Zhang Cong did not send his troops to attack. He just arranged the Dongyi fleet and paid attention to the dynamics of the Blackstone Star Fleet. His own human fleet was divided into two parts. The Qin sisters led ten million mirage ships and waited for an opportunity to attack the Red Fox fleet.

, the legion he led was preparing to attack the Tiger Demon Fleet, while the remaining Blue Star Fleet served as a reserve team to pay attention to the movements of the Great Demon Sky Demon Clan.

In fact, the fastest advance was made by the coalition forces of Dogtooth and Ranma. However, Zhang Cong did not arrange for the fleet to intercept and attack, but allowed them to approach the Giant Demon Star without even opening the trick formation, allowing them to station directly.

After capturing the Demon Star, he then activated all the thunder formations outside the Troll Demon Star. The coalition forces of the two star regions unknowingly became turtles in the jar.

The first to be dispatched were the fleets of Zhang Cong and the Qin sisters. Zhang Cong rushed towards the hesitant Tiger Demon Fleet. Seeing the tragic situation of the other fleets after they encountered the thunder formation, the Tiger Demon Fleet was already in a desperate situation to escape.

The reason why the Tiger Demon Fleet has not encountered the Thunder Formation is not because his route is clean, but because Zhang Cong did not let the Thunder Formation activate. Among all the fleets, the Tiger Demon Fleet came the slowest and hesitated during the advance.

, always lagging behind other fleets. Zhang Cong analyzed that the commander leading the fleet must be a cautious and cautious guy, and he would probably turn around and run away after suffering a slight loss.

Sure enough, after seeing other fleets hit the thunder, the Tiger Demon's advance slowed down, and even sent out outposts to explore the way. That's why Zhang Cong did not activate the thunder array, and waited until the Tiger Demon penetrated deep into the Great Demon Sky and interrupted, then he led his team to attack.

, pounced directly on the tiger demon army.

The Tiger Demon fleet has fifteen million starships, and among all the alien armies, the Tiger Demon's starships are the largest and strongest. Zhang Cong directly dispatched nearly 20 million drones, and started using them when they were far away.

A long-range high-explosive missile attack, in one attack, the Tiger Demon was shot down nearly a million spacecraft, and the formation was suddenly disrupted.

In Star Wars, there are almost no high-explosive bombs that can hurt both people and themselves. However, Zhang Cong's long-range missiles solve this problem. Long-distance attacks will basically not hurt your own drones, so the Tiger Demon Company

He didn't even see the enemy's shadow, and he was immediately stunned.

In the blink of an eye, the second round of missiles arrived. At this time, the tiger demon had opened the protective shield, and the attack effect of the high-explosive bomb was immediately weakened a lot. Zhang Cong could order the drone to approach and start strafing the tiger demon with light cannons.

's giant ship.

Zhang Cong's purpose is very clear. You can lose a lot of drones, and you will never let the tiger demon fleet escape from the Great Demon Sky. Let some drones approach. The purpose is to directly use the world-destroying force when the opponent is unprepared.

Bomb the opponent's fleet.

The first wave of drones that rushed up had millions of sorties. With their high speed and flexibility, the drones destroyed the protective shields of many Tiger Demon ships, but soon the millions of drones were also

Destroyed by the opponent.

Seeing that the attacks were all small-tonnage spaceships, the burden on the Tiger Demon Fleet immediately increased, and they began to rush in quickly to pursue the escaping drones, and gradually penetrated into a huge thunder formation. At this time, Zhang Congmashan

After activating the thunder formation, the terrifying sky fire directly covered thousands of miles of space and enveloped the entire tiger demon fleet.

And just when the aftermath of countless high-explosive bomb explosions was not over, a dozen drones plunged directly into the sea of ​​​​fire, and a dozen world-destroying bombs also detonated, and the huge shock wave spread thousands of miles away.

The other mirage fleets all experienced a huge shock.

It took more than ten minutes before the space returned to calm. The originally mighty Tiger Demon fleet was gone. Even the Tiger Demon monks who escaped from the high-explosive minefield were reduced to ashes by more than a dozen world-destroying bombs.


Zhang Cong immediately commanded the drone and quickly pounced on the Deer King Starfield Fleet not far away.

The Deer King Fleet, which had just escaped from a large minefield, was still in shock when they noticed a huge explosion in the distance, which was far more violent than the high-explosive minefield. The Deer Man Ancestor of the Deer King Star Territory quickly commanded the fleet to withdraw. On the detection screen, there was already

I could see the dots of light flying over the sky.

There are only a few million starships left in the Deer King Starfield fleet in the mine field, and most of them have been damaged. Seeing countless light spots coming, it is too late to run, so they can only use close-range anti-light cannons to defend immediately.

Immediately, a large ball of fire engulfed the Deer King's fleet again.

Zhang Cong only used five annihilation bombs against the Deer King's fleet, which were hidden among the long-range missiles that flew past. The huge explosion caused directly tore the Deer King's fleet into pieces.

Qin Yu's fleet also destroyed two groups of foreigners who came to help. So far, there are only four fleets in the nine star regions. The Blackstone fleet attacked by the Dongyi fleet has very few left, and the battle is almost over.

At this time, Zhang Cong had already pounced on the remaining Ten Thousand Demon Fleet, which was an enemy second only to the Tiger Demon Fleet. After passing through the thunder array, there were still thousands of giant ships left. At this time, Ten Thousand Demon Fleets were

The demon fleet has already fled to the Earthly Evil Star, preparing to join the demons.

What Zhang Cong didn't expect was that just ten thousand miles in front of the evil star, countless blue star fleets suddenly appeared, with a total of 50 million ships, directly blocking the path of the Ten Thousand Demon Fleet. Before the Ten Thousand Demons could wait,

The fleet changed its route, and a dense round of long-range missiles swamped the fleet of demons.

Qin Yu's fleet has already engaged the Giant Ape Fleet. There are only more than three million starships left in the Giant Ape Fleet, which is no match for the drone swarm, so Zhang Cong turned around and rushed towards the Giant Demon Star.

Only now did the demon fleet begin to attack. The Dongyi fleet was the first to bear the brunt and collided with the demon fleet of the Ghost King. There were 30 million ships, which exceeded the total number of Dongyi fleets.

This chapter has been completed!
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